Why the fuck can't you post cp on Jow Forums but you can post a video of a kid getting fucking merked...

Why the fuck can't you post cp on Jow Forums but you can post a video of a kid getting fucking merked. Like surely murder is more exploitative than underage tiddie? Not defending cp but I find it a dumb double standard

Attached: 1464565482922.jpg (558x616, 69K)

Same reason it's socially acceptable to slit a cow's throat but not fuck it. Sex bad, killing good. (Cp is way more fucked up than bestiality though.)

that's actually a really good point, are there any eurofags to confirm if this is an Anglo thing or what

>surely murder is more exploitative than underage tiddie
nope because the kid has to live with it when they die the pain dies with them

because postwall roasties don't want men to realize how sexy and horny little girls are

CP is the ultimate proof that even little kids love sex too, which is a dangerous realization

Not a eurofag (American with South American parents) but it's kinda an American thing, kinda not. Everyone sees bestiality as way more acceptable than pedophilia and would probably allow someone to post a video of a kid being murdered and not a kid being fucked, but America is unique in how they/we are ok with violence but hate sex.

>CP is the ultimate proof that even little kids love sex too, which is a dangerous realization
We all know children enjoy sex, we all remember being kids, but they should be experimenting with other children, not adults. I don't know if you've ever seen real CP but it's nowhere near as hot and erotic as normal porn. The kids are sitting there with blank faces, waiting for it to be over. It's gross.

it's not an anglo thing, it's the semitic influence. anglos were open to sexual diversity before semitic religion was introduced

>The kids are sitting there with blank faces, waiting for it to be over.
unfortunately for everyone's sanity, not always... fucking /v/ sometimes i swear.
however, sexual trauma is context dependant, and that varies cross-culturally.

>a kid getting fucking merked. Like surely murder is more exploitative than underage tiddie?
honestly legislation banning snuff films should be put through the courts as a test of the law