1. Quit pornography
2. Stop eating sugar
3. Reduce carbs intake (eat more meat, eggs and veggies instead)
4. Exercize
That's it, it works for 99% of people... so just do it lmao
Guide: How to stop being depressed
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carbs are fine as long as they're not refined.
that wouldn't work for anybody
>2. Stop eating sugar
but i like fruits
The sugar in fruit is natural and good for you user, he's talking about sugar in soda and shit.
Worked for me
Fruits are probably fine, but I believe going cold turkey on sugar is the best to rid yourself of the effects on the brain
he said as he sucked the cheeto dust from his finger
What the fuck is this "stop eating carbs" meme I keep seeing everywhere?Whay do I have to stop eating a product I have been eating for millions of ears?
I'm not talking about refined sugar, I'm talking about carbs, what's wrong with them?
these are temp fixes. if you are unemployed or stuck at a dead end job you will simply relapse
ok but why does it work?
Check out this video
if you find it interesting same channels has a lot of different videos talking about carbs and why reducing them or maybe even removing from your diet could be beneficial
Doing those things will give you motivation and happiness to help you solve your other problems, and it's honestly not things that are not hard to do long term, only the beggining is difficult
No thanks I ain't wasting my time with bullshit single mom diets.
list is on point.
add good hygiene to the list and going outside regularly.
Summarized version
1. Porn, it fucks with your brain's reward system, reducing your
2. Sugar, is addictive and creates bad eating habits, makes you unhealthy (note it's probably the hardest thing to do on this list, a bunch of foods have suggar hidden in them)
3. Having a diet beased on carbs can easily make you fat and low energy
4. Just good for you in general, no need to explain
It's a real doctor talking about diets he did and what worked best and why, he is not on keto
>1. Porn, it fucks with your brain's reward system, reducing your
I barely watch porn, doesn't even feel appealing anymore, I mostly fap to cartoons.
>2. Sugar, is addictive and creates bad eating habits, makes you unhealthy (note it's probably the hardest thing to do on this list, a bunch of foods have suggar hidden in them)
I barely eat any sugar or sugary products.
>3. Having a diet beased on carbs can easily make you fat and low energy
I'm actually skinny trying to get some fat on
You're a fucking idiot.
Don't tell other people what to do when you can't figure it out yourself.
I thought sugar in soda is sometimes the exact same type of sugar in fruits? fruit sugar=fructose? fructose =! HFCS?
>Sugar creates bad eating habits, makes you unhealthy
>3. Having a diet beased on carbs can easily make you fat and low energy
except carbohydrates are an important macronutrient and vital to be burned FOR energy
fucking ketards
sugar in fruit is released into the blood more slowly because it i encapsulated into the fiber of the fruit.
Fags don't believe me? Fine, don't do it
But I guarantee you'll see big improvements by doing that for just 1 month, if it doesn't work just stop
I did the whole "self improvement" thingy for 1 month not too long ago, did improve my condition but clinical depression isn't that easy to fix, and when it come back, full strength, it fuck you up big time.
Well just sharing what worked for me and people I know irl, but I guess some people just need pills
>1. Quit pornography
There is a bunch of different types of sugars. Your body breaks them down into either fructose or glucose and that's where it becomes usable. Specifically your gut bacteria and enzymes.
Fructose doesn't have to be broken down, it's immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and goes to the liver to be converted to glucose then sent back into the bloodstream accompanied by insulin to be used for energy.
Ordinary white sugar is mostly fructose. Fruits are 50/50 fructose and glucose, along with being bound to the fiber in fruit and comes with other useful vitamins and minerals. Your gut bacteria has to break down the fiber before you can absorb the fructose from fruits.
This is why fruit juice is bad but fruit smoothies are OK.
Lactose is a sugar. You need the lactase enzyme to break it down to more simple forms like glucose for your body to absorb it. If you lack that enzyme then you are lactose intolerant and you can't do anything with it and won't absorb any sugar from it.
I'm depressed because I'm a virgin wizard.
I don't watch porn, I eat clean, and exercise regularly. Guess I'm not 99% of people.
Why is hentai worse?
You have been muted for 2 seconds.
Oh thank you a lot for the detailed explanation. Just to be sure, is it normal that when sometimes after drinking sweet beverages either chocolate milk of coke I feel a quick burst of energy followed by tiredness for a few minutes? This effect is what initially led me to try cutting down on sugar, without knowing how it exactly works. Since I started doing that I substituted sweet snacks for peanuts, pecans and sunflower seeds. I still eat sugary stuff but only when the craving is very intense and haven't eaten anything for more than 12hrs. By the way, doing this fucks with insuline levels or something and is very bad no? Thanks for your help user.
you retard op said to stop watching porn meaning to stop wanking, so watching hentai doesn't change the fact your a horny little faggot. stop wanking user your gonna turn into a cumbrain
i can't exercise because exercise caused my problems so i've given up on everything health related
A fuckload of normies jerk it to porn and they're doing fine. The rest sounds like solid albeit basic advice.
Can i fap to my imagination?
this. And also quit masturbation so you have motivation to go out and find a woman.
>How to stop being depressed
Buy Hormones.
>Worked for me
Just because it worked for you doesn't mean it works for everyone else desu.