What would you consider the millenial-zoomer cutoff year? I'm from 96 and when people insult zoomers I never know if I should feel attacked or agree with them. Most people say zoomers start at 2000 but some researchers say mid 90s
What would you consider the millenial-zoomer cutoff year...
1997. The defining difference is that Zoomers don't remember a pre-internet world.
1995 is the cutoff for millennials and start of zoomer
See the thread has two replies and they already differ, one makes me a millenial while the other makes me a zoomer I'll never know wtf I am
if you can remember 9/11 you are millennial if you can't you are zoomer.
I was born after 9/11
I am legally allowed to browse this site.
It depends on your personality, and what entertainment/info you were exposed to growing up. The emergence of post-AOL internet is probably the cut-off event. My guess is the cut-off year is close to December 1996-January 1997.
you are an absolute zoomer get the fuck out of here.
t. 91 millenial
Its 1995, but in practice and memes, 2000.
When I say "cut-off year," I'm referring to a person's birth year.
Justin Bieber was born in 1994, and he's a zoomer.
Miley Cyrus was born in 1992, and she's a zoomer.
Stop pretending zoomers only exist now just because they happen to be your age. Zoomers are eternal.
Who gives a shit? Strauss Howe is pseudoscience anyway.
Millennial here. I actually prefer zoomers to my own generation. Zoomers get a lot of hate but it's not their fault. They just grew up during a sucky time and missed out on most of the 00's, which was a based decade desu
It's a handy way to separate the wheat from the chaff. Strauss and Howe are idiots who think that this stuff is limited to a time period. They're not 100% wrong, since the 2006-present reality is sterile and soulless overall, but boomers and zoomers are really a simple dichotomy.
Boomers=Star Wars, The Beatles, Velvet Underground, Pink Floyd, AC/DC, Nirvana, Nintendo 64, 50s sci-fi movies, RoboCop, Die Hard, Pulp Fiction, Jaws, Game Boy, GameCube
Zoomers=Avengers: Infinity War, Miley Cyrus, Billie Eilish, Call of Duty, Hunger Games, Justin Bieber
There's a pretty big distinction between these two classes, and it's definitely one that exists. Strauss and Howe had a valid idea, but they executed it terribly.
>prefer zoomers
you probably are a zoomer you traitorous dog
good dichotomy my man
Nuh-uh, I remember 9/11 and I unironically had a Sega gamegear.
You can remember 9/11 and still be a zoomer.
I don't remember it but I'm not from USA and I guess it had less impact here (Argentina)
I've read you're a zoomer if you can't remember a world without internet, I can't but I remember a world where internet was shit and you had to wait 3 minutes for a page to load
I'm used to millenials calling me zoomer but zoomers say I'm old. Not only I'm alone in life but I can't evel feel like I belong into a generation, 96 is literally the worst year to be born in, I think only 95 might be worse.
>too old
you're fucking 23!!!
Not him, but "too old" means you've spent so many years obtaining a childhood you never had.
I had AOL up until grade 5. My parents would always bitch whenever they needed to use the phone (95' btw)
They're also extremely affluent and are a part of mainstream culture. They've embraced the culture and mindset of their fans
I remember most of his fans being his age around 2010
I knew my life was over at 23
But internet has been around since the 80s
>the older generation dislikes the new one
Name me literally one generation that didn't incessantly complain about the following one and vice versa. You can't, because it doesnt exist, and having actual opinions like boomers/zoomers being better or worse is as npc as you can get. It's just so fucking inane and I can't escape it
Technically it's existed since the 60s as ARPANET.
I would say that generational boundaries have always been a little blurry but in the past three decades it has gotten worse. It's started to accelerate towards a singularity of mushbrain consumer retards of a different flavor varying a lot even between just a few years.
Definitely not. 93 minimum.
>if you can remember 9/11 you are millennial if you can't you are zoomer.
If you just turned 25, you're a Zoomer. You had to have been 7 or older when 9/11 happened to remember.
Millennial: remember the early 2000s
That's a terrible definition. First of all, memories aren't consistent. Someone born in 97 might remember 9/11, and then someone else born in the same year might not.
Second of all, lots of people remember 9/11 and are definitely zoomers. Taylor Swift probably remembers 9/11 and she's like the zoomer "kween" as they say.
>If you just turned 25, you're a Zoomer
No, 25 is late millennial but still millennial, aged 7 on 9/11 is millennial.
Right. And Kesha, Lady Gaga, and Taylor Swift are millenials. What's your point?
>Taylor Swift probably remembers 9/11 and she's like the zoomer "kween" as they say.
she's 30 or something, definitely millennial
Justin Bieber was 7 on 9/11. He's a zoomer.
Justin Bieber isn't a zoomer, he stated being popular in 2009 for fuck's sake
She's exactly 30. I know this because we were born the same year. She named an album after her birth year: 1989
>*sips* Yep, Baby by Justin Bieber. Now THAT was a song.
Fucking idiot lol
Justin Bieber is still a millennial
92 is cut off
And all of the millenials were making fun of him when this came out:
No he isn't! Bieber is practically King Zoomer!
Face it, he's a zoomer. Hate to tell you, but zoomers were born your year too.
it's arbitrary, at least the threshold of remembering 9/11 has some relevance
Science has spoken
Millennial: 81 to 96
>*sips* Yep, born in 1994. I'm a boomer all right. Man, Baby was such an old-school song! All people born in 1994 are boomers, including BASED boomers Justin Bieber and Harry Styles!
This level of zoomer cope. Bottom of the fucking barrel.
If you're Justin Beiber's age or younger at least you're a zoomer
Yeah that's pretty much the consensus, 1996
i think beibs is on our team. he's a young millenial. pic related sold it for me.
Your insistence on black-and-white "boomer born then, zoomer born now" thinking has lead you to literally opening your arms to Justin fucking Bieber.
Getting a bunch of meaningless tattoos is a zoomer thing
Getting profound foreign language tattoos in discrete places? Classy and millenial
he's not even in the last generation considered millennial he's 94 and the last millennial birth year is 96
Don't forget the Greatest Generation, where the generation naming started. You know, those who fought in WWII? Before the Silent Generation.
This is what you zoomers sound like:
>Getting a bunch of meaningless tattoos is a zoomer thing
I'm 31 and getting "a bunch of meaningless tattoos" is definitely something that people did when I was in college
>Millennial: 81 to 96
seems right to me
meme should be pushed back to 96
95' user here again. Finally, somebody's starting to understand this bullshit.
ITT: curmudgeons
>Im 31 and getting a bunch of meaningless tattoos is definitely something that people did when I was in college
>that 31 year old zoomer
Hey... I was born in '89 and I'm still in Uni. Did some mental illness crap and working in my early to mid 20's.
Millenials remember this guy who is probably Gen X:
ITT: Lots of pic related
i firmly say 1993+ is zoomer
Nirvana was Gen X
Shut the fuck up.
Swift is a millennial, you fucking retard.
This, I agree with. That user is yet another retard.
>born in 96
>zoomers say you're too old
Try being born in '89 and in university still b/c schizophrenia
Bunch of zoomer faggots on campus
What's worse is one of my professors (full prof, not TA) is a year younger than I am.
I feel like I'll graduate under the Brak Rule from Cartoon Planet:
"Whensoever a student reaches an age older than the average age of his professors he shall henceforth be deemed graduated."
If Taylor Swift is a millennial, then millennials and zoomers might as well be the same thing.
Of course, the more logical explanation is the Jow Forums Boomer vs. Zoomer one, by which Taylor Swift falls firmly under zoomer.
earliest memories form around 7
source: psychcentral.com
Yeah, that's bullshit.
My earliest memory is from 2. My memories from 4-7 are already pretty developed.
congratulations, you're an outlier
I agree. Millenials are the kind of people that go around telling actual boomers "you know there's no god, right? *sip*"while zoomers have bad cringey jokes and listen to the worst music imaginable. I side with the zoom zoom.
I believe you. Deviance has always been a curse for me too.
they are the same thing, youre all just autistic
I could have sworn there was more to my post,, but I hit post to quickly and now I forget what I was gonna say... or it was edited by the Jow Forums censor.
>born 96
>in preschool during 9/11
>still remember it, even what toy i was playing with before my mom picked me up early before 10am
pre 1995 is boomer
1995 to 1999 is doomer
2000s is zoomer
You are LITERALLY the caricature I'm mocking here. It's not about birth year, it's about personality.
Lol i forgot about until you brought it up. So irrelevant
Probably. All I got from it was that you were born in '89, and still trying to catch up to your peers.
I feel the same way. That feeling of being left behind, and people ignoring you because you don't fit the norm of what a guy your age should be.
It hurts.
Born in 98 and didn't have high speed internet until 2008, so I definitely remember pre-internet days. Hell, my first console was my dad's old Sega Genesis and we didn't get a PS2 until 2007 because we were broke.
96 is the cutoff i guess. if you weren't at least riding a bike without training wheels by the time 9/11 happened then you're a zoomer
>If you don't remember 9/11 you're a Zoomer
>If you only remember Bush's second term you're a Zoomer
>If you cannot remember a time without Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc you're a Zoomer
>If you cannot remember when Libraries use to rent out VHS's you're a Zoomer
>If you don't remember how poorly the Powerpuff Girls movie did in theaters and promotions you're a Zoomer
there's no fucking way that you remember 3d space cadet pinball you little zoomer shithead
This image is stupid, at least half those things are from before a '98 kid's time and would not define their childhood or generation. For fuck's sake Hybrid Theory came out in 2000, by the time a '98 kid was old enough to even start having taste in music even the memes about that album were stale and the entire genre had gone out of style.
Gamecube and PS2 were already old before you even started grade school. You had what, maybe 2 years of playing on those before the 360 and PS3 dropped? How generation defining.
>tfw people say I can't be a Zoomer just because I was born in 1987
I'm a borderline case. Old enough I can go either way. Why can't I be considered an honorary Zoomer?
I dunno about that. He could have started grade school in 2003, when the 6th gen consoles were still active. The Gamecube and PS2 didn't really die until 2006 and 2007, when 7th gen consoles were released.
It would be analagous to what the 4th gen was for me. We got a Sega Genesis the Christmas of 1993, when I was six, and the Genesis was still active until around '96. I came around early enough to be a Genesis gamer while it still had some life to it.
There's no way a kid that young has any memories of the prime years of GC and PS2, no fucking way.
Were the PS2 and Gamecube still prime in 2004? I have clear memories of the Christmas of 93 and being mindblown by Sonic 2.
Dude, at 6 years old a hunk of differently colored dog shit would blow your mind. Fucking legos blow your mind. There's no way you have any appreciable memories of that shit. I was born in '89, I don't start having fond memories of games until like '97 or '98, and I was playing games from a very young age. I have only hazy recollections of playing 3D pinball, sitting in parents laps while they played Myst or other point and click games, mashing buttons on my cousin's Genesis and SNES. Do I consider those "defining" games of my childhood? No. I barely remember them, I didn't appreciate them at all.
My childhood was N64, Starcraft, Warcraft II, Age of Empires, Duke Nukem 3D, and the Gameboy and Gameboy Color. Stuff that, by the time I was in school was just coming out and really popular with other kids. The rich kids who got the latest games would show them off and we'd beg our parents for them. I still remember when I saw Super Smash Bros for the first time on N64, the first time I saw Warcraft 2 being played by somebody, I was actually old enough to have a response other than just "Whoooaah shiny" which is all a dumb fucking 6 year old is capable of.