>tfw you're too lazy to clear your cookies and janny can easily link all your posts to each other
Tfw you're too lazy to clear your cookies and janny can easily link all your posts to each other
What exactly is the issue with that? Like I give a shit what a janny thinks. They're literally subhuman, you know.
Henlo janni hope u have a gr8 nite
Place your bets everyone! I say this avatarfag lasts 2 weeks tops
ignore them
the parasite just needs to feel superior
I don't need to FEEL superior. I AM superior, simply for the fact that my time has a monitary market value attached to it.
Already lasted almost a year, frog.
I said Asite is a parasite, not you. Good job admitting you are inferior, dumbass.
Old and busted I said.
Wtf is Asite? I don't listen to Hip-hop.
lmao just eat them you porky fatass
>no new posts in catalog
>BTFO'd be her orbiters
kek. Hope that depression goes away AHAHAHAHHAHA
why are you gayass nerds so fucking annoying? nobody knows what you're talking about, if they do they're retarded and they will end up ruining lives like they always do because your dumb shit. kill yourself
*by his
christ. how can you be this much of a newfag? you baffle me nearly as much as the people who take the probation nigger seriously.
Assuming you are the real Aiste, what are you up to these days? I haven't been on Jow Forums in months.
>>BTFO'd be her orbiters
As much as I dislike the parasite I beg to differ on this statement, dear frogposter. For it was him who btfo the orbiters, but it was also the orbiters alone who kept him alive. Without em he ain't shit. Not a wise folk for sure.
Who cares. My life isn't interesting. I'm just here to spam.
Orbiters should be skinned alive.
>My life isn't interesting.
That's precisely the case for me too, which is probably why I care about an Jow Forums attention whore's life.
Sophia bump
Aiste deserves to be gangraped by a pack of niggers
Jannies know i post in cuck threads and defend israel
We're robots, fool. Nobody gives a fuck what we say. We're just screaming into the void.
If only that were true user. These avatarfags always manage to rack up a couple orbiter "robots"
Just install an add-on that does that for you dummy