It's a shame you can't post face here
I want to see what you fellow bots look like
It's a shame you can't post face here
I want to see what you fellow bots look like
If you have the confidence to post your face here, you're not a bot.
go to soc you fag
^^^^ first post is best post, son
Admit it soc sucks
it does, but its also the place for faggotry like this
my face is embedded in this image you just need to forensically analyze it in order to view it
Faggotry? Its literally a thread about faces why is that faggotry to you
I know. It sucks that we're trying to find friends or gfs, and there's no universal way to do it (I'm too much of a pussy to give throwaway emails, unless I can talk to a qt)
Pic related. The closest comparison to what I look like
It's gay but before the rule was put into place this place was full of normalfags constantly posting selfies baiting for attention
I'm a trap bot
Literally, it's for the best. You think bots are people until you seen them. Then you know why they are bots.
At least you aren't this faggot.
I'm in the middle of a nasty acne breakout because I was a disgusting lazy fuck and put off cleaning my sheets too long so one half of my face is covered in oozing pussy sores. I also have a date tomorrow evening.
post date results tomorrow
Cute netbook desu.
If I got a haircut I think I'd look okay. I could use some more muscles tho. My glasses don't do much for me either. Lil bit of acne. What ways do you think you guys could improve your looks guys?
Young Ernest isn't bad looking, nothing wrong with him. Nice hair too
I know, right? I could never really pull off the look, though. I end up looking too boyish because I lack a sense of style or asthetics. Also, I'm not artistic either.
ITT newfags don't remember when we were allowed to post face on this board.
A lot of dudes used to get told they actually didn't look bad and some even straight up got mired here. It basically BTFO lookism and we all realized our problem is that we're just autismos.
Go ahead and try to ban me
I've been told by a shitload of people I look like this fag or a young Johnny Depp.
Shame about my social retardation and small dick though.
I've seen chads pull off a decent look with glasses. A lot of it is probably the style of glasses and clothing, in relation to your facial features and body profile.
Also, acne can be for a variety of things. I personally try and avoid dairy stuff because that's what causes it for me. But you might have to read up on that a bit more.
But that pic is not original. Its on twitter and archived threads of Jow Forums.
Milk might have something to do with it. I drink goatmilk and eat cheese sometimes and it gives me the braps if I go overboard. Goddamn injun DNA.
>Lil bit of acne
If you have a really oily/greasy face, use hemp seed oil.
>wet your face with warm water
>scrub face gently with damp wash cloth
>put hemp seed oil in hand
>massage it all over your face (focus on areas with most acne)
>let it sit for 5-10 minutes
Don't let it sit for longer than that because it can really dry out your skin and cause you to break out more
>wash off
t. oily face boy
I've been using it for 8 years and it's kept my face clear. I usually go through my routine right before getting into the shower and wash it off once I've cleaned the rest of my body.