I want to be a paypig to a fembot
I want to be a paypig to a fembot
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What kind of fembot are you looking for sir?
A fembot (female)
I used to be a fembot but then I became a tranny.
Lmao fuck off Cody
i want a man to give me his money but i'd have to talk to him and i don't like talking to people
i want to be a paypig for my savings account.
This isn't facebook retard. Fuck off with your Discord autism
kill yourself holy shit
I want to be a rich paypig spending all the money on myself.
Absolutely pathetic, you are whats wrong with men
what is that?
Eh you're just as bad as him. Tomoko posters are giga autists from my experience. Neck yourself
What is wrong with bl*nde men?
Sorry youve had a shit experience user, your choice to generalize.
>Tomoko posters are giga autists
That too
Gotdamn this makes me double down as a tomo-poster now.
I'm gonna give you a wedgie, nerd.
wut did she do
i don't want your money but i want to call you pathetic and step on your cock
Go be a paypiggy to BetaFurryLoser on Tumblr.
Your money is better spent there.
Do it, you wont you lil bitch
What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you lil' cunt?
Why not work on le self improvement and become a paypig to your student loan debt? Its very satisfying.
user stoppp it hurts
what a strange thing
I think you heard me