I want to be a paypig to a fembot

I want to be a paypig to a fembot

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What kind of fembot are you looking for sir?

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A fembot (female)

I used to be a fembot but then I became a tranny.

Lmao fuck off Cody

i want a man to give me his money but i'd have to talk to him and i don't like talking to people

i want to be a paypig for my savings account.

This isn't facebook retard. Fuck off with your Discord autism


kill yourself holy shit

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I want to be a rich paypig spending all the money on myself.

Absolutely pathetic, you are whats wrong with men

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what is that?

Eh you're just as bad as him. Tomoko posters are giga autists from my experience. Neck yourself

What is wrong with bl*nde men?

Sorry youve had a shit experience user, your choice to generalize.

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>Tomoko posters are giga autists

That too

Gotdamn this makes me double down as a tomo-poster now.

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I'm gonna give you a wedgie, nerd.

wut did she do

i don't want your money but i want to call you pathetic and step on your cock

Go be a paypiggy to BetaFurryLoser on Tumblr.

Your money is better spent there.

Do it, you wont you lil bitch

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What the fuck did you just fucking say to me you lil' cunt?

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Why not work on le self improvement and become a paypig to your student loan debt? Its very satisfying.

user stoppp it hurts

what a strange thing

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I think you heard me

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