You guys make me genuinely depressed. Do something or continue wallowing in your self-pity.
You guys make me genuinely depressed. Do something or continue wallowing in your self-pity
If you cant handle the posts then leave the board you fucking normie. You need to have a hardened psyche to not let this place get to you.
I've lurked r9k for 7 years so far don't think I need any more of a tolerance. You guys are genuine losers.
I think I'll continue wallowing in self pity. Theres your answer. Now you can leave and go back into the normie realm knowing nothing else can be done from here.
>Do something or continue wallowing in your self-pity.
You know what everyone is gonna do already.
>hurr durr stop doing what you're doing
What made you think that would work?
nice cope and nice excuses.
I will choose the latter good sir
Then get the fuck out if, even after 7 years here, you suddenly cant handle it here. Not very hard faggot. Youre clearly weaker than I thought.
>i've subjected myself to this thing i hate for seven (7) years
you too are a loser robot
get off your high horse and stop deluding yourself
What cartoon is this slut from anyways? I see her posted semi frequently
Isn't she from the smile sweet sister sadistic surprise service meme?
>anime picture
Suck my fucking nuts you weeb!
more coping
numero dos for me tyvm
im not depressed you fucking losers.
>i hate this place but sat here for 7 years
ok retard
dude even if I cure my depression what do you think awaits me? That's right, 40 years of 80 hours per week work because I'm expected by everyone to be successful as fuck
your logic is flawed and you should take my advice before you inevitably lead to suicide
brother you don't need to worry about how others view you. you don't have to work. there's nothing saying you can't live a happy hermit life in the woods (or streets)
You're not my boss! You're not God!
If I didn't have to work I wouldn't have depression anyways. That's literally the entire reason.
>just give up on your childhood dreams bro
have passionate sex with me.
that will give me the discipline and motivation to do something and improve
If you want to find genuine losers in real life go to a smash tournament.
so fuck off back to the normie realm of facebook the land of sweet fairy's happiness and lies. No worries I am sure tomorrow is going to be another bright and beautiful day.
Don't mind the occasion honking and giggling you hear from us from time to time. We are just watching your bright little happy world burn to the ground. Don't mind us.
Gotcha, fellow user. I'll lay off the negative rhetoric for tonight.
>you guys make me genuinely depressed.
you have no idea what depression is, you fucking normie faggot
The only reason I haven't killed myself is so my mother doesn't have to hear that another one of her sons killed themself.
>having a mother that you care about
like I said faggot, you have no idea what depression is. Try growing up without a father and living with a meth addicted whore mother whose boyfriends abuse you then get back to me about your fucking normie depression.
fucking redditor faggot
>mother addicted to pills and alcohol
>father addicted to pills, cheats on mother then leaves
>experience years of constant verbal and physical abuse between the two
>get abused by drunk family members
>listen to family members talk about wanting to kill themselves
>walk in on your mother holding a shotgun to her forehead
>hold the gun your brother used to shoot himself
>hear your brother shoot himself in the head a few rooms away from you
who knew this was the depression olympics.
>having a stable mother and father at any point in your life
literally go fuck yourself you animeposting normie
No no no
I won't let the world off that easy
it spawned me and it's stuck with me now
>My pain is sharp and constant and I don't wish for a better world for anyone