When did life go wrong for you?

When did life go wrong for you?

When and what made your life shitty? What fucked your shit up so badly that it's beyond repair? It can be anything; being sabotaged, self sabotage, close friend or relative passing away, illness, poverty, trauma, anything. This thread is for those who had a chance at making it but fucked it all up somehow, and for those who never even had a chance. This thread is to vent about your current situation and how it's fucking fucked. For those who are completely hopeless.

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Why even mention anything? Your not God from the clouds, about to make amends to my life, right?

>When did life go wrong for you?
when i was fucking born you retard, and i was spawncamped

>forced into university and loans because dad thought my 2-year degree was shit
>was too much of a pussy to ask out a crush and she went for chad
>tried going out with someone else and got cheated on, them gloating about it was the worst part
>got fired from a job for being pro-gun
>another boss turned on me because I wasn't social like everyone else
>another person sabotaged my attempt to go for another girl (bait and switch)
>seeing corruption first-hand (it's not fun)
>endless victim-blaming from people in the past that still haunts me today
>seeing millennial couples, and being grimly reminded of the childhood I lost

That's about it. I'm somewhat damaged, but not to the point of clinical depression. Probably acute stress and nervousness/ self-consciousness around certain things at this point.

I think my mid twenties but the starting point I've traced to my early twenties. Things were more or less fine then. You know that saying "when it rains it pours"? I definitely got the biblical flood. I'm alive right now but to say I "survived" it is probably not accurate. Total fuckin train wreck.

being born to shitty parents is a death sentence

My family is either dead or living far away. My only friend, my dog, was put to sleep today. My Grandma (who is basically my mother) died this year. My house was broken into earlier this year. I asked a co-worker out on a date and was rejected, making it awkward and I expect to be 'relegated' somewhere else. Due to estate trouble I'm on the verge of being homeless.
I would have been okay with it all if I had someone like her, but she said no. Now I don't know what to do.

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i started when we left our dad in berlin. i had to abandon my friends, it was hard to live with him. then, my aunt passed away. my only friend, beside from mom and grandparents. then it was the dog we had. our cat died soon after. 4 years passed and i went to 7th grade. thats where i met my first friend. a real friend, our relationship is still doing ok, but at the end of 7th grade he left to the other city and we barely met each other. summer between 7 and 8th grade wad great. 3 months later i went to 8th grade, and i didnt know yet that i met 2 great people. and i had to leave them after a year. high school sucked. why do americans comply on their schools? i live in eastern europe and dude every jail here is a little bit better than school. and yes the rest of the story is basically trash. i wouldve killed myself if not the fact that my class from 8th grade is alive, my mother is such a great person and im happy when i help her. goodbye my final message

Wasted my youth.

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No slav, do not die. You have to at least try to do something crazy before you go.

I entered university and somehow made it two years in despite skipping classes and generally doing nothing except smoking weed. Then I flunked out.
It's funny cause I was doing my dealer's Calculus homework for a whole semester at one point for free weed. So I was motivated at one point, just not for the right thing or reasons.

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September 2012, I was 19 or smth

My life was pretty much alright till that point, the problems I had were manageable and absolutely normal for average guy of my age
Out of fucking nowhere I started getting intrusive thoughts of my inadequacy, I was pretty much paranoid at some point. I was getting more and more severely depressed, and, well, I started doing drugs in 2015, and in a course of 2 years I've tried all the fucking shit that's out there except for opioids, and pretty much became addicted to stimulants
I'm a fucking wreck

I fucked a negress and got herpes.

I was never lazy since I was 22 (26 now), I went to college and studied 4 hours a day.
Yet I dropped out twice and failed my entire first year in my first try.

I did all the normie advice shit and unlike normies, I ACTUALLY tried to improve myself. All the "study all the time and do lifting and cardio" only ended up in one thing:
Being a depressed 26 year old khv college drop out who will, at best, have his bachelor at 29 if ever, but hey, I can do 2/3/4/5 pl8s which is worth shit since doing the workout meme helped me fuck all with neither my mental state nor improved it anything.

In my third try*
I am still in college and an entire year behind and made no friends.

I blackout pissed everywhere in my current apt. Fuck me, right?

I lost my car to bad transmission last year.

Fuck it all.

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I'm a man who was afraid of social rejection all his life because a bunch of first graders didn't like him once.

Stole $50 gift card meant for a competition at call center job because I was smoking too much weed/paying two peoples living expenses due to relationship with terrifying BPD girl. Unemployed for a year and half since, no light at end of tunnel. Don't even know how to get another job as was there for 3 years, only job I've had in this state so wtf do with resume/references?

Loser parents that weren't married and didn't want to have a kid but did anyway.
I don't really have to go into more detail than that. You can probably imagine exactly what it was like.

Oh and asperger's syndrome that went undiagnosed for 25 years because nobody gave enough of a fuck to have me tested as a child.

And after a lifetime of no one giving half a fuck about me, now I don't give a fuck about myself.
I find it almost impossibly difficult to self improve or even care how my life is going.
My entire childhood was spent out of the way not bothering anyone (because nobody wanted to deal with me).
Now my adulthood is spent doing the same thing.

Right at the start

After high school, I had to make my own choices and path. I was no Ionger really being told what to do anymore. Throughout early school years I had been thrown into a scholars program and the like and just did what I was told. Could get into most colleges I really wanted due to having high grades/SATs at the time. I inevitably settled on a state school (to save money) and picked a college major I hated (aerospace engi) because it was tangentially related to what I ultimately wanted to do (astronomy/planetary sci). It would likely get me a job provided I got a foot in the door somewhere. Started with most freshman/sophmore classes covered by AP credits, other than certain prereqs.

I never applied to jobs throughout college due to a fear of rejection and ending up on a blacklist. Kinda need an internship/clearance to get any work in aerospace I found out. Similarly, never asked any women out for a relationship for similar reasons. I nearly failed out and ruined my transcript due to lack of interest and failing to attend class junior year. Didn't see the point anymore, as I wasn't getting any opportunities through the program or assistance. Felt like a face in an endless sea of other faces. Advisors within the program didn't have time to deal with you, especially if inaction deems disinterest. Didn't really have any friends at the school to fall back on either. Grad school is likely out of the question now.

I eventually graduated with a worthless stem major. I learned opportunity doesn't really come for you, and I was always too afraid to take a chance out of some fear of failure. I'm dealing with the consequences of inaction now, and I don't really know how to proceed. Kinda stuck career wise and can't afford a second bachelors or attempt grad school on my own. Social life deteriorated out of self-imposed isolation from feelings of shame. Tendency was always to withdraw and isolate, and it's caused a lot of damage now that I don't have a set path.

>Bullied in school
>Tell the teacher whenever it gets really bad
>Nothing happens
>Insult the bullies back
>Get scolded by teacher
>Punch one faggot in the face since he kept pushing me
>Suddenly it's my fault
This was the start if my downward spiral

Similar boat to mine.

Limp dick, about 4 years since it started, even for masturbating. Been obssesing over it everyday since

This girl was my FWB and she broke up with me. Then she talked awful shit about me to my friends and put them against me. She manipulated me into feeling like shit and I had a suicide attempt. I dropped out of uni and didn't leave my house for 4 months.
Mind that besides
I am not the most social guy exactly. 4 years of uni, zero friends. The friends I had were the same since middle school. I also have no hobbies or goals in life. So all of this hit hard.

However, I found out she did the exact same thing to one of my ex friends 3 months after we fought. I'm rebuilding my friendship with him and we are finding out just how shit she was. It makes me feel better. I'm happy about that.
I know this isn't the point of the thread so call me a nigger if you wish

I'm in a similar situation. FWB/pseudo-gf of 4 years, things keeps getting shittier, eventually we'll finally breakup and move on with our lives

The paperwork says since my birth. Autism.

I'm poor, my parents were physically abusive, my mom is in jail, my sister does sex work, I raised myself and my siblings, my dad is a gambler, and I ran away as a minor.
I'm not at all fucked, though. I'm going to do well and have kids and give them an actual childhood.

Genes + Upbringing. Everything else is a result of that. My two sisters came out okay. Full of issues but they can manage well. I became weak and dumb. Mother was overprotective with issues, father was neglectful with issues. I was dumb and I thought this is normal. When I realized a lot of things (around 30) it was too late. I never had any talent or interest in anything. I never won in anything in life. Not even a small thing. I ha nobody to guide me. Self improvement is out of the question for me.

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>Had a start up with a buddy
>Just finished high school, good grades, everything was going great, about to enrol into uni with him
- happy things end here -
>Realize I'm balding, become chronically depressed
>Uni starts, it's fucking shit (everyone is a shut in as well)
>Friend decides not to enroll after all, thus working more on our projects
>Forces me to do the same, but I can't juggle two things at once so I chicken out and quit
Fast forward 2 years (jfc just typing this out makes me suicidal, how does time.go by so fast)
>I have literally achieved nothing aside from uni stuff, still one year to go, still live with my parents, still a virgin
>"Our startup" became successful enough that he can actually live off of it
>He moves out, becomes Chad, fucks a new girl every week
>We still meet up sometimes so he can tell me about how well he's doing
>Meanwhile I'm spiralling down, suicidal thoughts each day and it's getting harder to even do basic stuff
Please someone put me out of my misery

second year or third year of school when everyone started playing football exclusively on recess. I didn't like it so I started becoming an outcast.
In hindsight i should've just tried to fit in and play ball.

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Why do you still talk to the retard if he didn't even offer you to come back to the company or whatever? Fuck him.

He does
I'm just too conceited and prideful to accept
It's kinda difficult to explain but it's admitting I sabotaged myself and now I'm only going back because the company became successful

He actually also invited me to be his roommate bc he's moving again
I said "I'll think about it" but I already know I'm too much of a pussy to go through with it. All of this is highly ironic because I really need to move out since my parents are pretty controlling and strict

Basically I created almost all of the problems myself, even get solutions handed on a fucking platter, but am too retarded and fucked in the head to even accept them

i don't know what's wrong with me. that's the worst part

To make you feel better: it is borderline impossible to know if a company gets successful. Thousand people each year work hard to be successful, just to see their way into bankruptcy after 2 years and become suicidal cause their 90 hour week doesn't payed off.

Meanwhile there are a shitload of scammers working 10 hours a week and making 100k+ per month, but tell everyone to work harder.

Girl I met online my freshman year of high school killed her self, I was the last person she spoke with. Always blamed myself for not being able to talk her out of it.
Then in my senior year, a beautiful girl I happened to know also committed suicide.
Gave me major trust issues, especially with women. First one also made it extremely difficult to form meaningful online relationships, something I still struggle with. That's probably why I like Jow Forums so much.
I think that if I didn't go through that trauma, I could have been a normal person. Now I have to much emotional baggage to do anything these days except work and occasionally do some writing to feel productive.

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Took the normie route on a 4 year old relationship with my perceived soul mate at that point.

Watched her turn into a soulless monster who hated my guts after having a child. Divorced, got the full single dad rape treatment, high alimony, custody restraints.

Lost faith in it all. Relationships give me crippling anxiety these days

Women live on tutorial mode with all cheatcodes enabled.
Why did they kill themselves, did Chad not respond to their text? :(

The first one I think had a lot of family issues. The second one I think was dealing with male and female "friends" pressuring her into doing things she didn't want to.
At least that's how I came to understand it, it bothers me that I'll never know for sure.

No real skill jobs want. And no I would not be happy starting my own company.

I was thinking of doing a coding boot camp but even then, is that a life career where I wont be stuck making 50k for the rest of my life?