so this girl at my work likes me, anther coworker came up to me and told me she asked her about me and said she finds me cute, her mom works there to and said the same thing. but she's kinda chubby, but really sweet and into anime, vidya, and games. should i ask her out or turn her down? and how do i?
A girl likes me at work what do
>really sweet and into anime, vidya, and games
Nigga, you on Jow Forums.
If you have a chance, fucking use it.
Do it.
Ask her out for coffee or some shit, you can do it user.
if she has a good personality go for it, you can always get her to lose weight
Good point, but I think I'm 22 and she's like 18. Would yhat be awkward?
No the whole 4 years is alot meme was started by people who thought a freshmen in highschool dating a senior or JR was weird. As long as your both above 18 go for it conversation should be easyish if you share same hobbies
true, i feel bad saying this but i've done some modeling and feel like i could get a better looking girl. then again, the better looking ones have always been bitches and turned really sour relationships really quick. this girl feels wholesome.
Don't be a bitch, seize the opportunity and get laid. Don't make the mistake of ever other loser on this board.
what if she's still in highschool and i've graduated college? i don't know her real age she just looks really young
Why not date her if she's not like disgustingly far
Find out her age. If shes still in high school but is 18 your good. Even if shes not your still good to go if you want. There are plenty of girls who talk about how they dated guys in thier 20s in high school. Its all just about not coming across as a spaz
how do i not sperg out? also i have an irrational fear of catching an std, how do i overcome this when it's time to be sexual?
thank you for the advice btw
Get the fuck out of here, you goddamn normalfag.
I'm in the same boat OP.
I suggest leaning back and smiling. I've been doing that a lot.
Try and stay calm and dont overthink things. First find out her age. Next generally keep doing what you have been doing but try to increase the time you spend with her. What i mean by this is talk to her more. After a week ask her if she wants to hang at your place and watch anime or play vidya. Preferably something you talked to her about earlier in the week. When its time to be sexual use a condom. There are charts and guides online on what size you should get. Look for when that has a printable ruler to measure circumference and length. You may have to order condoms online if your dick is difficult. They sell trial packs of many different condom brands all together so look for that (i forget the specific website atm).
sweet, thanks mate. wish me luck, she said she was too nervous to talk to me but said high to me today. im gonna compliment something like her shoes or whatever tomorrow.
Also first time over she may not want to be sexual or be expecting it. Try and read the atmosphere and if it seems like it go for it but you're better airing on the side of caution and waiting until at least the 3rd time over or until you think both of you are comfortable with it. If she ask about relationships answer what you think honestly and from there you should be able to gauge when you can fuck.
Just use a condom and don't think to hard about it. Straight people who use condoms don't generally catch STDs the only exception being like maybe hsv-1. Smart adults get tested when starting a new relationship anyway.
Also gtfo normie, Jow Forums is getting fagged up by dipshits like you, also if you don't get her puss you're a confirmed gay
i'll keep that in mind, my fear is getting something via kissing like oral hsv2 herpes or something you can't test for like genital herpes. condoms have always sucked for me cause they cut off my circulation, even magnum xl, i'll look some up online cause condoms are a must if i want to be safe.
sex isn't what im really interested in when dating her tho, just focusing on that subject due to my fear. what are some things i can do to progress to asking her out during that week long span? also i have a couple girls that come and find me to tell me some "crazy" or "funny story" everyday. they also wave and smile and stop by if they see me. do they like me too?
>opening at work with cool girl I know yesterday morning
>we're talking in break room, just us two before shift starts
>she takes off her shirt to get changed, I tell her I'll step out real quick
>"no it's okay if it's just you"
>has a black bra on, really nice body
>act as casual as i can and keep talking, but she knows I was mirin
Why would she do this? Don't care if anyone believes me.
tough one user, hard to say. think about it hard and long and do some calculus and you may find the answer
It's legal. Your call.
Either she's super into you and tired yoh haven't pulled a move or she thinks you're gay and you're deep in the friend zone
There's literally no difference between 18 and 22
t. 27 yo loser