It really isn't that hard to be attractive, incels.
It really isn't that hard to be attractive, incels
Other urls found in this thread:
>being shorter than her
Half of those are related to physical appearance.
Okay so how am I supposed to magicallly grow height then? For like 80 percent of women right off the bat my existence is one of their biggest turn offs. Before I have said a word they are turned off. How is that fair?
Redpill me on body language
>desirability makes you desirable
>if they want him, then I want him too
This here is what really makes women the NPCs of gender
Some people are deaf, so several countries have created a communication system based on hand gestures.
Almost all of the things in the turn-offs is shit women are known for being.
Who needs ambition when you're already perfect?
meanwhile just don't be fat for women and your good to go. :^)
>women like desirability
wtf I thought women liked undesirable men
>Almost all of the things in the turn-offs is shit women are known for being.
Men and women are different who knew. Also another proof that incels are very feminine
Yes, women are different in the sense that they get the free pass to be extremely picky and autistic in their taste of men, only allowing either attractive people or rich ugly people to fuck them, meanwhile men struggle to even get a DROP of coochie.
Yeah, I'll just suddenly become a confident pussy slaying chad, when I've literally never in my entire life seen myself as anything but sexually submissive
That'll happen
>but women aren't as shallow as men, teehee
Obviously that only applies to short girls. Tall girls don't care.
There are different ways of confidence. You can be quiet and confident, or even confident in your inexperience. Just accept yourself and expect other people to do the same. If they don't, you should react surprised and slightly indignant. Like "what is wrong with you?" and then move on, shaking your head. Because this confidence is what you deserve, like any other human does as well. (as long as you are not harming others, of course)
That is the mindset that is attractive.
Trips confirm
Just lift fags, or kys and put yourself out of our misery
Women like things more when other women like them too. It's like how you need job experience to get an entry level job.
This has to be bait lmao.
I refuse to believe someone would sincerely post this.
Look at many female stars. They are also only valued so highly by men because men also fall for this "if others want it, i want it as well".
Very un-based you you people to not recognize this as an universal human weakness.
>It really isn't that hard to be attractive, incels.
Yeah just grow taller, just be desirable, just be a leader etc etc
Female stars only get into their positions because they were desirable in the first place.
lets dissect this
>body language
I'm kinda autistic, not super good at this but not super bad I guess.
>humor and fun
not a funny guy. I have a sense of humor but some random normie probably won't get it
>sexual confidence
virgin so big no
actually would say decent at this in a pinch, but I'm not an actual leader (aka entrepreneur, manager, CEO) so irrelevant to women
no idea what this means, seems subjective
>bad breath and body odor
nah bruh, I smell good
>needy and desperate
big no, main reason I've never tried to get gf is because seems like to much work, if I did have one really only interested in pussi, would want to keep spending my time playing video games and stuff.
>bragging and showing off
I have nothing to show off lmoa
>shorter than her
5'8" so apply as necessary
>lacking ambition
heh, big yes. I desire basically nothing in life except NEETdom, and a good computer / internet. That's my only goal in life.
>no idea what this means
Women are a herd animal and only want what other women want. It's basically "popular with other women sexually"
Are you dumb?
It's just because a hot guy is obvious going to attract more than one women, not that when one women looks at a guy it sets off the "compete for penis.exe" all women have
women like tall men. deal with it manlet.
>body language
being extrovert
>humour and fun
having basic tastes, so she doesnt feel dumb or excluded, offended
>sexual confidence
being so attractive that she doesnd mind your sexual advances
Not being good leader but being charismatic one
have good genes
>Bad breath and body odour
being good looking so she doesnt judge you by just looking at you
>Being desperate or needy
Being wanted by many other women, but choosing her
Having low standards so she can be ugly and snatch higher quality male anyways
>Bragging or showing off
Spending money on himself instead of on her
>Being shorter than her
Its short men fault for being short, they should just kill themselves
>Lacking ambition
I want a rich man
No, thats not it. Popularity and celebrity makes a man hotter. Women wanting him makes him hotter. Why do you think roasties follow fashion and fads? Their brains are wired for this shit.
>he thinks its only women that follow fashion trends and fads
not hard for women not to be slags. but they fail
It's primarily women and dumb men, yes.
>and dumb men
so just men?
what that pic doesn't tell you is that if you exhibit even 1 of those turn offs, it will cancel out all 5 turn ons if you bring them.
women are fucked up, there's no denying it, that's why this dialogue keeps happening over and over again.
You've both misunderstood desirability
It's not attractiveness, it's how much other women find them attractive
That's why pickup artists sometimes wear wedding rings
Here's an article
Nah, just the ones that put up with your shit.
I think some are highly overrated, look-wise. Like the the Hermione Granger girl or Miley Cyrus. They are just so popular for being popular as kids.
Also, idiot, what is considered "desirable" changes over the time. Not everything, but a lot. And this dumb fashion you cannot explain with biology. It is just men following the herd regarding beauty standards.
Crippled feet in china. Black teeth in japan. Stretch marks in africa. Lip plates in africa and south america. Clown makeup and freaky body surgery in the western world.