>TFW no dumb gf
I hate "smart" women, smarmy bitches who failed high school chemistry yet think they're smarter than Bill fucking Gates.
TFW no dumb gf
I'm with ya, except that I love genuinely intelligent women. Like so intelligent that they basically act like a man. They're rare and valuable.
imagine being so insecure about your own intelligence you can only date dumb women to inflate your own ego kek
the funny thing is that i know more guys that fit this description than women
>tfw no SERN gf
I dunno user I failed a lot in school because I was disabled. Yet other people always called me smart. Now that I'm working as an adult people still call me smart and I'm not really failing anymore it just turns out that I hate school.
I've never been accused of acting smarter than I am in my life either. It's pretty easy to be known as a "smart" person. Just fucking exist and people will call you smart. Anyways I couldn't date a dumb woman because I couldn't stand being with somebody I couldn't hold a real fucking conversation with.
I wouldn't mind smart women but they have very high standards
you either have to be much smarter than them or a gigachad trophy husband
If I wanted riveting dialogue, I'd read a book. A woman should be something cute and pleasant that you can hold hands with and kiss on the forehead.
heh heh. smart women run the world.
one of the perks of being asexual is that I can even devote more time to work. and becoming smarter. and more successful.
yall can suck on my wallets when I get rich someday.
t. 98th percentile iq girl
>Women that embrace their ignorance
>Openly admit they can't read, numbers are hard
>Say that they don't really need to know because they love you and you take care of them.
You have to be in some sort of science field or I don't consider anyone smart, no matter how many years of college.
there's knowledge and then there's the application of it. i'll let you guess which one most people fail at executing.
like my college educated coworker. he brings up his intellect all the time, but he's also the laziest motherfucker in the room and won't do anything or help you.
Just apply your mind
It's not all about how high your IQ is or how much you know
Mostly it's about if you can have originality and are willing to think like an autist
How will you get rich?
t. 99th percentile
>tfw no "doot da doo!" gf
yuru yuri hajimaruyo!
i want a bf who will make all the decisions like this and pat me on my head condescendingly when i offer my input
Your pimp must be in a good mood.
If I had to go on a business trip would you survive?
Wrong person ffs baka.
i think i'd be okay since i'm good at keeping house... but i might miss you
If I'm a brainlet should I get a smart gf or dumb gf?
I just wanted to make sure you're playing dumb and not actually dumb. I might miss you too.
stop being so coy user... playing hard to get isn't playing fair
What do you think is fair?
getting your contact maybe
I don't want to leave you hanging. My throwaway is dead, but you'll find what you're looking for. Goodnight
Obviously you hire a babysitter/nanny for those times.
As a guy, i agree. But men usually are better at persuading pseudo-intellectualism.
> t-brainlet
>t. 98th percentile iq girl
More like 98 IQ lmao
>tfw smart bitch
I hate dumb women. I hate them even more than dumb men. I cannot think of nothing else that I would feel more superior to than a dumb woman. Enjoy your sluts OP. They are exactly the type that if they are not bad by their nature they will be taken advantage off before your introverted hand could get near them.
Ohoho! Goteeem!