Where the fuck are all these Reddit faggots coming from all of a sudden???
Ive seen like 4 different threads today.
>Are we being raided?
Reddit invasion
They come to get karma for Jow Forumsgreentext and Jow Forums4chan and eventually start posting
They could be you! They could be me! They could be anyone
I just want them to leave. I hate seeing them post here, they make threads like they are little kids at a zoo and we are penned in animals, just prodding us and throwing shit at us.
"Do something so I can take a picture for Reddit, MOMMY WHY WONT THE ANIMALS DANCE FOR ME"
They aren't me, and we can see you like a sore thumb. You stand out, you make no attempt to learn board culture, you make no attempt to learn Jow Forums culture. You learn the bare minimum by reading greentexts on rebbit then come here to try and make your own for that sweet karma. Leave.
They accused me of something I didn't do and said I was an incel because of it. I hate them.
Checked, but kill yourself anyway faggot
Those motherfuckers have bastardized greentexts. I could go make a greentext thread to write shit and let others tell their stories to laugh or let go sorrow, but noooo, fucking redditors will be karma whores.
HAHAHA WOW THAT IS SOOOO WHAT REDDIT DOES HAHAHAHA, I'm gonna post your reaction on Jow Forums4chan for hella karma, thanks /b/ro!
Exactly, I've stopped posting more since it can easily get back to that nut licking echo chamber
Same I can't stand them
I feel were starting to get to the point where slot of our "users" are redditors posing as anons so they (and others) can take screenshots of their ZANY AND WILD reactions and say that it was an user.
I think this explains why so many threads besides porn threads, bait threads, and general XD SO FUNNY threads just die with 3 responses.
You worthless niggers deserve to get exploited by redditors. Fuck you, you worthless faggots that do nothing but annoy me and drag down society. Go dig a hole, dowse yourself in gasoline and jump in with a match.
Kill yourself faggot, enjoy your meaningless internet points.
>that spy isn't one of us!
this is now a TF2 thread
Hahaha wow good meme dude, classic Jow Forums thread detail XD
Rot in hell, shitstain. Your worthless life means nothing to me. I hope and pray that you die soon and painfully by your own weak hands, you pathetic excuse of an oxygen waste.
>Seeeeeething rebbiter
Nah, just someone sick of you little faggots and cheering you on to kill yourselves. End your wasteful use of oxygen you pathetic fat unskilled cretin. I hope you get your skin flayed by a nigger. I hope he shoves a mechanical drill up your little asshole and slowly mutilates all your worthless incel organs you stupid ugly piece of shit.
>"I heard I can say some pretty wacky stuff on Jow Forums"
>types "faggot"
>"holy shit they cant check my post history"
>"Nah, just someone sick of you little faggots and cheering you on to kill yourselves"
Go away
Rebbit fag pls leave
I know, right? That's why im moving to a new chan
i fucking hate youtubers so much jesus christ
C-can I have the link user?
I hope infinity comes back one day
bump this zhit
I'm OP I can't bump, and it's only on page 2. If you want to bump something bump my blue board r9k thread
Pretty sure they are still going
Bump for the Bump God, (you) for the (you) throne
reddit niggers deserve to have everything taken from them
>auf wiedersehen, schweinhunds!
>herp herp i just said NIGGER and FAGGOT, im so funny and offensive xd
A bunch of boomers from R/The_Donald discovered Jow Forums today. They had some pretty choice quotes, too:
>Jow Forums is a fun place. Definitely recommend Jow Forums, You'll see things that probably sicken you. You'll see speech that you are uncomfortable with. You'll see ideas that you will reject at first, but as you delve more into it, you'll find that those sickening or uncomfortable truths cannot be easily scoffed anymore. Just remember to lurk and soak in what they are saying.
>It's the hurt box. Lots of painful truths in there. But you build up scar tissue and begin to expand your understanding of the true state of the world around you versus what we try to make it out to be.
>That can be changed. Get people to start valuing IQ. That's why the Jews are so smart. They value learning and intelligence. Easy to emulate.
And no, I don't browse the site, so I won't be going back no matter how badly you want me to. I just had information that I thought was worth sharing. It's worth a chuckle, if nothing else.
>Jow Forums taught me that jews run the world
>Not to worry since white race is best
>Christianity is best
>American conservatism is best
>Europe is run by jews
>China is run by jews
>Blacks are born from Satan
>Women are sub-IQ but cute (if they are white)
>Homosexuals are unnatural
I don't know it feels like pol was run by white people. It's my conspiracy theory. Who could be behind this.