believe it or not ive never been approached by a guy, not even once in my life, because im that ugly. women like me don't live life on easy mode. we are very alone, and think negatively about ourselves. often times depressed and defeated at life.
Believe it or not ive never been approached by a guy, not even once in my life, because im that ugly...
lmao get fucked
Zero sympathy
cheer up femanon!
tell that normal people and not that pathetic fucks around here.
yeah because undesirable fembots are to be blamed for the actions of the giga Stacies that rejected you.
Don't worry, the pretty women hate themselves just as much.
>believe it or not ive never been approached by a guy
Do you wanna be my gf then?
There are a lot of ugly guys out there. It might sound harsh but you have to learn how to present yourself better so you can get guys interested. Sure you won't have many men coming at you but you'll get some. I've seen very ugly women having a partner before.
>the pretty women hate themselves just as much.
no they dont
T-tits o-or g-gtf-fo p-pls
welcome to the club of the average man, now get out
>another validation beggar
tell me, when will you just fuck off and die?
Well I will be your boyfriend
if you're fat just lose weight and get your body right. butterfaces with bangin bodies should have no problem pulling dudes
I would offer help but youre not going to respond so meh.
Foids literally have no excuse.
Just get fucking tinder or pick one of the losers here if you're even too lazy for that
As if she wouldnt have done the same if she was pretty lol
ugly woman means 1 of 3 or combo:
1: morbidly obese or disfigured, like has a giant leg or some shit
2: skin damaged to the point of alarm, bleeding acne pustules, hair damage or hair style that is completely compensating
3: scary af face, like not just ugly, but something frightening and abnormal that would have to be fixed with surgery
if you don't have one of those, you aren't actually ugly, you're just being a lazy little bitch.
you know you just admitted being a shallow hypocrite?
>wah wah women are shallow because I only chase after the ones that are the pretty and have tons of other men chasing after her for the same exact reason
Of course fem user did not take my offer
I don't mind any of those except disfigured.
this is so sad can we hit 20 oof
post pic here, mate, and we'll evaluate if you really are, ugly
Oh , i get it. No gigachad approached you. I feel so sad for you boohoo . dumb foid go and ask the weirdest guy you know ,he'll probably be stupid enough to fall for it.
Do you not enjoy affirmative action?
Do you not enjoy scholarship quotas?
Do you not enjoy subsidized birth control?
Do you not enjoy 32% lower sentences for identical crimes?
Do you not enjoy lesser incarceration rates over identical offenses?
Do you not enjoy ladies night free beverages?
Do you not enjoy the access to subsidized womens' shelters?
Do you not enjoy pro bono lawyers, exclusive to women?
Do you not enjoy not having to go through genital mutilation like many males do?
You live life on easy mode from the moment you are born.
Holy Christ your a loser
Women do suffer gential mutilation. Worse than circumcision. More like cutting your penis tip off. Yes, not all women. But not all women ever will profit from "lighter sentences". Which is btw the reason for this lighter punishment: Women don't commit crimes as often.
Same for shelters (though there should be a few male shelters imho), primarily women need them because men still hold economic power via job and are in most cases physically stronger. And commit most of the domestic violence.
Also, subsidized birthcontrol benefits men AND women by definition, idiot.
You can start complaining when my tampons and pads are subsidized. But since in most countries they get the same tax as luxury articles, we are very far from this.
mmm toastie roastie my favorite
The only girl I tried asking out was a 3 at best. She freaked out instead of just saying no and my self esteem was ruined forever.
So go fuck yourself with that talk about stacies.
im sorry fembot I hope you have a good day
we're all gonna make it
Oh, and hey, fellow lady op, most likely you are not as ugly as you think. Get a profile on a dating website like bumble or okcupid and put yourself out there. Don't date way over your looks though, that will just ruin your self-esteem in the end since they will just be interested in casual sex. Or are really mental.
Most likely the guys who play in your league were too shy to approach you but will readily do so online. Or YOU approach THEM. Why not?
Go for it.
You don't even need to be attractive or show your face to be orbited by horny dogs. That's irrelevant.
Here, I'll read the thread, I'm sure there's already faggot fawning over you.
OH, so you've tasted a life of a regular, non ugly guy and you don't like it?
BOOO HOOO, what are we gonna do now? Society, you, cruel bitch!
Get toast. You deserve this for the sins of womanhood.
>And commit most of the domestic violence.
Not true.
someone post a pic of what you would consider an undatable girl that is not morbidly obese or disfigured
The average guy is never approached by a woman. That's just normal for men.
IS True. Unless you adapt the definition of violence also being verbal and mental abuse and cruelty. If you do that, sure, then men only cvommit half. But if you unironically try to push this narrative you would not be on Jow Forums. And it would be major hypocrisy.
ok so youre living the life of the average man, whats your point?
Yeah look at all those nasty words.
Yup. I do. And i see the victims of the type of domestic violence that justifies a place in a shelter (the top most bar) are mostly women. So what is your point?
She would match perfectly with a lot of guys here if they weren't too focused on women who are way out of their league
Alright, so I can kick you, bite you, hit you with my fists, and hit you with a crowbar, and you'll be ok as long as I don't touch your butt while I'm at it?
BOI do all those kids who was abused by their moms have a news for you.
Hitting with a crowbar or serious physical harm would fall into the topmost category. So you still got no point. But thanks for playing.
Uhm, no. Because I am one of those kids. What you gonna say now?
No it wouldn't, learn to read dumb cunt.
Jokes on you, I'm a kid too!
>welcome to the club of the average man
guys have biology on your side, people actually give you chances to develop your brain
>you've tasted a life of a regular, non ugly guy and you don't like it
there was no way she had the opportunities boys had since they were born.
I'm talking about mentors and how grandpa's don't try to teach girls anything, that's a boy's job.. there's not a lot of female mentors
I want to approach OP!
i legitimately dont think thats a thing outside of tv shows user. you arent taught anything
lol what, the only thing boys are taught is to be nice to girls and open the doors for them and shit
art imitates life
that's what life is like in a white family, the second they realize you're a girl they do what they can to make you useless
no, boys are given way more opportunities to learn and harness skills so they don't have to be a fucking child until they die
>no, boys are given way more opportunities to learn and harness skills
literally where the fuck did you get that fantasy from?
>literally where the fuck did you get that fantasy from?
personal experience, biology(their bodies are more equipped due to evolution)
>cuz I said so
Okay, we got it.
so some lesbofeminist zine?
>Which is btw the reason for this lighter punishment: Women don't commit crimes as often.
That's not how sentencing works. We don't go "oh gays commit fewer crimes so Jeffrey Dahmer should only get 6 months"
we just take our frustrations out on femanons. we actually love you, but you bitches are kinda crazy because you keep coming back for more abuse. thats kinda hot tho
Wow the cliche of Jow Forums being filled with femcels and roasties were true after all.
Nob9dy gives a flying fuck to be quite honest, if youre gonna say "UUH HAEV SMEX INCEL" when you yourself are a failure when it comes to breeding goes to show your pathetic souble standart.
hardly anyone has sex to breed anymore. and half of the HAV SECKS people just do casual flings and have no meaningful relationship with the other sex... and somehow they think that is healthy.
aren't you using the same argument?
th exact opposite
lmao toastcel btfo
you're not fooling anyone you incel
>t. toast
k inceI
Try combing your hair every once in a while. And lose some weight while you're at it
>a 3 rejected me, therefore I'm gonna go into the fetal position and cry myself out of the gene pool
Nothing of value was lost. Btw, I literally cringed at how fucking stupid you are
""""fembots""""" would do the same if given the same chances as stacy.
>women start shit, men finish it
based chart
Incel, go back to shitposting on /v/, your services are not needed here anymore
neh i think i will stay
Ive been approached and hit on by guys. haha im a guy.
Op roastie is sailing on easy mode, just needs to hit up social media and them thirsty beta's will come running.
>Not a lot of female mentors
Why do women not care enough to teach the next generation? Always expecting a man to do something for them?
there's not a lot of them and they don't care as much as the men, they assume the girl has her own mother to learn from but her mother suffers severely from psychosis(probably exasperated by her husband who is emotionally abusive and often acts like an idiot that lacks any common sense)
I still don't get wtf you fantasize about here, who's getting taught what by whom and why.
Consider the following:
All you need is a makeover and to ask someone out, yourself.
Still on easy mode. GTFO my board.
I saw my male cousins get taught how to paint a chair while I was chastised and rejected the first mistake I made.
my family isn't the only ones like this. most religious families are like this. they don't allow the boys to stay retards, but it's okay for girls to. then they get mad when you fall for marketing tricks and become a thot.
Why the fuck would you ever paint a chair? Did you fall for the retarded shabby chic renovation TV shows? If you did, well, they teach you in the show... if you're so retarded that you can't pick it up on your own.
I've never been approached either but I think it's because I'm too attractive. I don't mean to sound conceited but I think guys are just too intimidated to come up to me.
>Why the fuck would you ever paint a chair?
it's some ancient freemasonry test to prove your worthiness as a human person I guess. I don't know, my family are cultists I'm sure they'll believe anything so long as the person saying it is a brown man with an exotic accent.
Welcome to a man's life. Hope you enjoy working.
SHe cute
I fit into category 3 with my scarred up face. But I rarely go outside anyway, and I am probably too boring.
Scarred up how?
My mom cut my face with one of dads hunting knives when I was a kid. punctured my cheek.
That sounds pretty hot, pics?
Are you serious? That's one of the oldest copes in the book. There's no woman so beautiful that men won't approach her because they're 'intimidated'. The only way a beautiful woman wouldn't be approached, is if she never left her house and didn't use social media.
She still has it easier than a man though. Thanks to social media and dating apps, even ugly women can easily get tons of attention. There's no male equivalent to that.
>There's no woman so beautiful that men won't approach her because they're 'intimidated'.
Actually, I have to disagree with you on this. Hyper attractive women don't get approached _as often_ as average to a little above average women. Only reason I know this is because I actually approach them and they tell me as much.
>inb4 anecdotal evidence
I know. I'm aware it doesn't mean shit. Just food for thought. On the other hand, to whomever you're replying to, they're probably just ugly and their ego is causing them to over inflate their perception of their appearance.
Well I haven't left the house regularly since leaving high school and my social media use is very small.
Those women are probably lying to you in order to seem humble. No, I have no way to prove this, but come on, use a little common sense man.
Then leave the house more often or make an Instagram account, problem solved.
think about the positive side, being ugly showed you what the world really is.
dont judge a book from its cover right :^)
too bad everybody does it.
why my pp hard lool
I love how you give no actual evidence for anything you're trying to disprove.
fuck off cunt. you have makeup and photoshop.
>use a little common sense man.
It's counter intuitive for a reason. You would suspect they're bombarded in person, but they're not. Online? Absofuckinglutely. In person? Hell no. Not as much as you'd think. If this were the case, guys would be throwing themselves at their feet when they walked around outside. You never see that. Why? They often casually sit there with a group of their friends.
>It's counter intuitive for a reason. You would suspect they're bombarded in person, but they're not. Online? Absofuckinglutely.
You know that they have a smartphone right moron?
Life is not like a cartoon. Obviously a beautiful woman won't have men literally throwing themselves at her feet the moment she leaves the house, but if she goes to a bar or to the grocery story or any other place where men feel justified in approaching women, there's no way she'll be left alone. Quantum physics is counter-intuitive, human relationships on the other hand are extremely simple and easy to understand (provided one actually wants to understand them). The more attractive a person is, the more attention he/she gets.
OP is either lying or never goes outside, either way is full of shit
>it's not easy being an ugly woman
shut up, you still have it 10 times better than an ugly man
Where did I imply they didn't? I'm talking about literally physically approaching them.
>but if she goes to a bar or to the grocery story or any other place where men feel justified in approaching women, there's no way she'll be left alone
It rarely happens. They might get cat-called, but that's about the extent of it. You don't get out much, do you?
>human relationships on the other hand are extremely simple and easy to understand
They are extremely simple and easy to understand, but the counter-intuitive fact is that most men will not approach extremely attractive women in person. You're deliberately choosing to neglect that most men are insecure by solely focusing on the idealization of what it means to be attractive. They get attention, but that doesn't imply that men will outright approach them off the cuff more than they will someone they believe is in their league.