Why is being jobless so bad? Is it really a bad thing to not slave 1/3rd of your day to some greedy boss who wants to exploit you as much as he can? Is it just jealousy for people who don't have to be slaves to survive?
Why is being jobless so bad...
if you're jobless that means you're actively hurting the economy and are the reason we functioning members of the economy need to work so hard in the first place. If you NEETs earned your keep everyone would have to work less, but you're selfish so everyone else suffers.
That's why NOBODY likes you. At all.
>muh economy
only rich assholes care about this shit
I see no issue with it as long as the person isn't actively hurting others to survive. I work because I want to buy certain things. I stopped working for a year and a half because I had other things I wanted to do. Life is about living it how you want to and not letting other's expectations dictate it.
Building up a sense of superiority for either working or not working is silly. Defining your life by comparisons to others is silly. Live life for yourself, because at the end of the day you're the only person you can't walk away from.
the government would absolutely not pass on the savings if neets suddenly supported themselves
>Live life for yourself, because at the end of the day you're the only person you can't walk away from.
I wish I could.
You'll find out when your parents die or kick you out.
psssssssst. hey buddy.
neetbux don't actually affect you.
>if you're jobless that means you're actively hurting the economy
kek look at this wagie not realizing we pay TAX when we buy things. If it wasn't for us spending money on toys the economy would come to a halt. Too many wagies are jews hoarding money for their "retirement".
wagie here
i miss being a neet and this muh economy argument is horseshit
>be neet
>govt money hits bank account
>spend it all at local businesses on food etc
>it all goes back into the economy
even if you spent all your neetbux on heroin, the dealer or whoever he pays is eventually going to have to buy food and shit, which is taxed by the government.
tldr - wagies are jealous, i want to go back but at the same time in Australia centrelink never gets off your back even in areas like mine with low opportunities.
the only people who hate NEETs are actual NPC who give a shit about le contributing to le society.
I'm currently a wagie because circumstances force me to be so, but keep on NEETing NEETbro.
they want you to feel guilty. Dont let them win.
You can't be jobless forever. Believe me, at some point your depression will cease and you will try to turn your life around but the weight of waster years will drag you down. The longer the gap the harder it will be. And this is the point where you will start thinking about suicide for real, with a sane mind this time.
Find a way to make money.
good if you live rent free
bad if solo = always broke in the scam system
you're a burden and a leech to society for the people that do work their asses off
that being said i've been a neet for 2 years and get neetbux i need to do volunatary work a few days a week ( 2 days) parents demand this
the absolute hatred and distain i get for working just one day in hospital kitchen really says allot, they don't like that i get to go home and don't have to work there everyday
If i could i'd never get a job, i get paid neetbux but i need to do yearly checkups so sooner or later i'll have to actually get a job
>I don't want to work because I don't want my boss leeching off my labor!
>but me leeching off other people's labor through neetbux is just fine
You realize you're being a hypocrite, right?
Reminder to the wageslaves here that getting rid of all the neets will not make your job easier, on the contrary the megacorporations you work for will absorb the saved wealth and consider it "profit."
This is only a pipedream based purely on emotions of jealousy of neet life. To this you will say "psshhh why would I be jealous of neet life it's depressing." But after a long day in the slave grinder you long for being able to abandon it all. So you take out your rage at the system against those who abandoned it.
You assume you'll get paid more the more people work, when in reality you'll just be competing even harder for Chinese slave wages because they know your job is easily replaceable. And don't give the "uhhh I'm a skilled laborer tho I went to college" college is a scam and they will easily hire a Mexican with fake online degree over you if it means they get to pay them less.
On the contrary to your thinking, those who abstain from labor do more to strengthen the value of your labor. Just as the rich need poors to contrast themselves and make them seem richer.
>Reminder to the wageslaves here that getting rid of all the neets will not make your job easier
And I'd like to remind the neets that you need us more than we need you.
I just want to work at Google but i'm too dumb for it so I work for a shitty tech company right now, fml. I feel stuck but I also don't want to just give up and be a neet.
You could probably work a non-tech related job at Google. Like a janitor. You'd actually have more power than you would working at a desk. Janitors have access to the entire building and they learn all kinds of juicy gossip because nobody really pays attention to them.
more jobs need to be part-time so they can be shared with more people
normies aren't moving up the career ladder like they should be doing, instead settling for the basic jobs robots should be doing.
greedy normies are partially to blame for the neet crisis
Another NEET thread. Another chance to celebrate hitting the BUX lottery.
Don't care about gossip only salary lol. I also prefer a development role. I'll just wage slave for 5 more years and see if I can at least slip into a slightly better tech company than i'm at now... Like IBM or something.
Wrong. NEETs increase your wages by reducing the pool of labor
The vast majority don't get any welfare
You make 0 sense
There's literally *ZERO* proof that NEETs hurt the economy, and I'm employed
>Why is being jobless so bad?
Well personally if I didn't have a job I'd have no money and would end up homeless so that's why being jobless is bad
I want to kill a NEET to take my frustrations out.
>If you NEETs earned your keep everyone would have to work less
Wrong, you would have to work more for the same pay because of an increased pool of labor
>your depression will cease
You can absolutely work if depressed. I am depressed and work, it only goes away when i am NEET
But it's not actually hypocritical desu senpai
Youd be doing the world a service user
>you're a burden and a leech to society for the people that do work their asses off
Wrong though
>only rich assholes care about this shit
Or you know,normal functioning members of society.
If you're not rich and you work, you should encourage others to be NEET so you make more money. It's simple economics
psss hey faggot it really does. neetbux comes from disability money which comes from tax payers like me. You are an abomination
imagine not having money.wew.
I hate being jobless.
I'd give anything for my mental health issues to stop/go away so I was well enough to work.
I've gone for jobs and got them, but then my anxiety hits just as I'm going in for my first shift, and never end up going in.
Done this like 4 times since my last proper job.
Most NEETs don't get any welfare
Those that do are enabled by a system you are personally funding, and those welfare recipients are doing more to end it than you are
How is that wrong care to eleborate
A NEET who lives off his parents, who created him without his consent, is no burden on you
The vast majority of NEETs don't get welfare
They are not a "leech" any more than you are. That doesnt even make sense.
If all NEETs got jobs it would lower the value of labor, so you would make less
The NEET may not take your job, but he may take someone else's, who takes someone else's who takes yours
>The vast majority of NEETs don't get welfare
the vast majority of neets would be neets that live with their parents so to speak, naturally they don't keep living with said parents that can't be a majority
and even if you aren't a burden on society when living with your parents you are to said parents because they work to substain your lifestyle.
you can argue that they "muh dragged you into this life" but that doesn't mean they have to keep providing for you, in fact the whole structure of parent child relationship and in a broader sense society is that they first provide for you being a helppless child so that you later provide for them when they're old.
i'm exclusively talking about neets that are on welfare and live of said welfare tho
Because it's something to be envious of and people don't want to admit it to themselves, so they hate the unemployed.
Just like cheaters. I cheated on my ldr gfs and people tried to lynch me over it, called me a scumbag and a piece of shit for cheating on them. In reality all those guy were jealous. I hadn't even met those girls it was just ldr but people were sheathing with rage, just like how wagies steam from their head in anger at the thought of a neet.
>naturally they don't keep living with said parents that can't be a majority
Normally they do since the parents often own a house and they can stay for free
>and even if you aren't a burden on society when living with your parents you are to said parents because they work to substain your lifestyle.
Yes and the parents will become a burden when older. The parents CREATED them. They parents made that choice
Additionally, they would probably just be a burden on society as a wagie. Doing shitty work, taking a job from someone else, etc
And their "lifestyle" is literally life. Probably they just eat food and use internet which their parents already paid for anyway, costing no additional money
>you can argue that they "muh dragged you into this life" but that doesn't mean they have to keep providing for you
Agreed, they don't "have to" do anything. And i'm employed, not a NEET
The argument is not that they have to, but that it's shitty if they refuse to do so, forcing them to be homeless when they can let them stay for free
I think it's immoral to reproduce if you could not afford a neet child. Stopping them from working is also evil. if they want to work, great!
>the whole structure of parent child relationship and in a broader sense society is that they first provide for you being a helppless child so that you later provide for them when they're old.
Yeah i am sure that the parents thought that when choosing to reproduce. But if he doesn't want to do that, it's just a punishment for existing
There are also lots of ways to help out without selling one's labor. Cleaning, feeding pets, etc
Is a stay at home mom a "leech" too?
>i'm exclusively talking about neets that are on welfare and live of said welfare tho
Well that's a minority and you're paying the welfare (as am i) so you are more responsible for it than they are
I don't think it's jealousy at all it's not like others haven't had sexual opportunities when in a relationship, it's just that they are faithful to their loved one and not cheating piece of shit, you just lack empathy
Because you're a slave to whoever is willing to support you unwillingness to work. If you're receiving some form of disability benefits, then you're the reason people with legitimate disabilities struggle to get on benefits and have to face years of government gang stalking to try and disprove the disability and are falsely leaching off the system.
There's also many jobs that require minimal training, time, and money to get into (Trades) and after a few years and some planning you can easily be your own boss if you don't have any physical issues.
People are also well aware that layabouts have terrible lives and believe that working will help to sort them out. It's a symbol and symptom of having no responsibilities and many consider having no responsibilities to be the realm of small children as teenagers at least have the responsibility of school of learning from their families, peers, and teachers. An adult male who does literally nothing all day cannot be considered a man by any society.
No I don't. I empathize too much. I would not cheat irl. A long distance gf could be suckling dick while texting you it just wasn't real. Jealousy does play a part its like 99 percent the reason why Any man would ever care about you dating multiple girls that they don't personally know. It's pure jealousy, what else could it be? What would motivate a man to insult someone and try and get that person to commit suicide over the fact he cheated on his gf other than envy/jealousy? There's no other explanation.
It took me about a year to get a job despite a degree and 5 years experience couldn't even get a min wage job
I dont own property and despite full time employment cant afford it.
I am a "slave" to my employer and landlord if they are "slaves" to their parents
It's a horrible life and if i could i would get out. The fact that i could possibly go NEET again is the only reason i havent killed myself.
It's 100% my fault but there is basically nothing i can do to make it nore bearable..
People talk about "go in debt and get more qualifications" but nothing guarantees a job. I am exceptional at what i do but i really hate it, even though it's the least horrible career choice.
I can't blame someone for doing whatever they can to have a life worth living. It feels more like being a slave if you have to give up your happiness and health just to not be homeless or starve
It's evil to reproduce if you can't afford a NEET child
>An adult male who does literally nothing all day
It's not about "doing literally nothing" it's about not selling your labor. Huge difference
i want money so i can have things.
You can't buy back the time you spent slaving away
What about mental illness serious mental illness that impairs someone to work, let's say shizophrenia
That would be different if NEETs ever actually did anything except watch anime, masturbate, and avoid their parents all day.
That's different. That's a legitimate disability.
Depends on the degree and other skills you've learned. I have a friend who got a job paying $16 when he was 80% of the way through completing his tech school learning to become a fully certified mechanic. He just graduated last Spring and they bumped him up to full time employment at $21 per hour since he had the full certification.
Another friend went into HVAC while another became an electrician. Both of them did their time and thing. The electrician became a contractor. The HVAC guy is now a company of 1 who does emergency home repair and while he often works from 8-6 damn near every day, he has a lot of money and answers to absolutely no one but he and himself.
Same boat user. In mentally and physically fucked and working, though I've done it all before, is not an option.
The only reason to work is to get money so no it's not bad if you already have the money.
this is just my personal experience. Not having a dignified career makes every second that your outside in the world intolerable. you feel out of place like you dont belong anywhere. i don't understand how homeless people do it. you're sitting out in the sun on some sidewalk while all these people with places to go, things to do, lives to live are walking past you constantly while youre doing nothing, stagnating, and decaying. i get it, work sucks ass, but if you make six figures and up you can retire early.
>That would be different if NEETs ever actually did anything except watch anime, masturbate, and avoid their parents all day
A stereotype. I didnt do that as a NEET
>Depends on the degree and other skills you've learned. I have a friend who got a job paying $16 when he was 80% of the way through completing his tech school learning to become a fully certified mechanic. He just graduated last Spring and they bumped him up to full time employment at $21 per hour since he had the full certification.
Of course it does but it's not simply the degree and cert. Nothing guarantees a job. I applied to hundreds of jobs i was perfectly qualified for and didn't get any interviews. The 3 that i got interviewed for were things i had less experience in. Funny how that works
>Another friend went into HVAC while another became an electrician. Both of them did their time and thing. The electrician became a contractor. The HVAC guy is now a company of 1 who does emergency home repair and while he often works from 8-6 damn near every day, he has a lot of money and answers to absolutely no one but he and himself.
Cool! doesn't really prove anything i said wrong though
You're telling people to go in debt with the false promise they will be hired after, and that's just not true
Some people get jobs, other people have a lot of trouble with it. Even jobs they are perfectly qualified for and have done for years
>Not having a dignified career makes every second that your outside in the world intolerable. you feel out of place like you dont belong anywhere.
I see very few careers as "dignified" and they dont make very much
I was happy as a NEET now feel like shit as a wagie
Can't imagine how you could feel that way but i guess it benefits you somehow
>you're sitting out in the sun on some sidewalk while all these people with places to go, things to do, lives to live are walking past you constantly while youre doing nothing, stagnating, and decaying.
That's how i feel as a wagie. When i was NEET i followed my dreams and passions. I was also improving my health
Selling my labor prevents me from doing those things
Right so i earn my welfare i'm shizophrenic yet i won't receive benefits my whole life, i will have to work eventually and stay on medication
i know that i am literally incapable of doing anything even go outside when i'm off my meds, the only reason i get benefits is because i was admitted
it's a flawed system welfare espscially when it comes to mental illness, you just show up, they ask you a few questions and decide on the spot wether you get benefits or not
my whole welfare is determined on one lady who judges you by your word and mere appearence, i can dress normally and act fairly normally so how in the fuck do you just judge who get's welfare or not
you have people that exploid the system that way, unless you have a physcical handicap there's no real way other than mental health records to judge you.
You don't have to go into debt. You can qualify for a grant to take an HVAC course or a medical course.
Unless you're just lazy?
No asshat. You should encourage everyone to work so lazy people like you don't get a free ride.
I cant end it you fag. My tax dollars go to pay lazy pieces of shit like you do sit at home and do nothing. I cant do anything about it right now
Ya know what feels great? Being a Twitch streamer! I'm every bit as lazy as real NEETs, but I face none of the stigma! God, my life is so perfect!
>You don't have to go into debt. You can qualify for a grant to take an HVAC course or a medical course.
How can i "qualify for a grant"?
Who is going to give me free money to get certifications?
>Unless you're just lazy?
I think the fact that i work a job i hate, and have done for 5 years, suggests i am not so lazy as you would think. It takes more dedication to do something you don't want to do than something you do
And it's not like they take a blood sample and test your laziness hormone levels.
How do i get a "grant" so i can quit my job and get paid to acquire qualifications for free?
>You should encourage everyone to work
That wouldn't ever happen.
Also more NEETs = higher wages for me
>so lazy people like you don't get a free ride.
No proof i am lazy. I work full time and dont get anything free. Never got government welfare in my life. wish i did though
>I cant end it you fag.
You could but you're too lazy
>My tax dollars go to pay lazy pieces of shit like you do sit at home and do nothing.
Wrong, i never got any taxes. I actually pay taxes from my income. I get paid ti basically sit and do nothing. I wish i was NEET so i could do productive things instead
>I cant do anything about it right now
False, you're just too lazy
Go to the nearest unemployment office or work centre by your location. Start there
>other people doing thing to me is bad
>me doing same thing to other people is not bad
How is that not hypocritical?
>Go to the nearest unemployment office or work centre by your location. Start there
But i have a job
And what do i tell them?
>hey do you know anyone that will pay for me to get qualifications?
Seems like there's a catch. seems just too good to be true. Why do people even pay for them if it's so easy to get them free?
If their moral pretense is "whatever is good for me, follow only that line of reasoning" it is not hypocritical at all
If they assume and expect other people to abide by that same code, there's literally no hypocrisy whatsoever
You're caught up in a concept called "fairness" which is different
I'd rather not be a subservient bitch and have to beg for money from my parents, or have to follow their rules or explain myself to them.
I work, and the money I make is mine to spend. I don't have to justify my habits to anyone. If you're okay with crawling to your mother and asking for money, then good on you.
Why is it only okay when YOU do the thing? What gives you the right to do it to others, and why don't other people have that same right to do it to you?
First off i'm not a NEET
>Why is it only okay when YOU do the thing?
It's not so much as it's "ok"
I am not speaking in terms of morals. I am speaking from the perspective of NEET isn't wrong or bad. I have nothing against NEETs they increase my pay
>What gives you the right to do it to others
Apparently, the government did
>and why don't other people have that same right to do it to you?
Not what you were saying
You were saying someone who claims
>I don't want to work because my boss... whatever
There is not necessarily a claim that it's immoral at all. They are voluntarily selling their labor, and may believe the pay is shit, in which case they can quit.
So it's not "i don't sell my labor because what he is doing is immoral"
It's "i don't sell my labor because the cons outweigh the pros"
And yet, apparently, the hypothetical NEET you are paraphrasing is able to "leech" from others. So, why not do it? They're allowing it
Just pointing out that i am not NEET but that isn't hypocritical
Point is OP is a leech calling other people leeches. He has less self-awareness than an actual leech.
The government gives out grants. Apply for one of those.
McDonald's really isn't a good job
No, he called the boss greedy and exploitative
And he may not be leeching at all. If living off your parents is "leeching" anyone that lives in a society is a leech of some sort
>The government gives out grants. Apply for one of those.
Like what? Show me them. They just let people get free stuff when others pay, for what reason? How do they choose?
Seems too good to be true. Also I never heard of that before
>McDonald's really isn't a good job
Correct. I'm a programmer, McDonald's didn't even hire me LOL