If you're black you should look out for white people who cross the street to avoid you, try crossing the street with them and taking a video while doing it.
If you're black you should look out for white people who cross the street to avoid you...
Other urls found in this thread:
itch bung
I do this. The look on their face is priceless.
>Further establishing niggers as pests and animals.
t. scared white boi
How do you know they're crossing to avoid you?
When it's an abrupt and awkward crossing from one sidewalk to another, usually paired with speed walking to the other side, usually from the moment a black guy comes into view.
This has the potential for much humor
>be girl
>creepy white guy crosses to my side
>speed walk to black guy ahead
>start chatting, look back
>creepy white guy fades away
>whew, that was close
>white guy fades away
so was it a ghost or a real white guy stalking you? i'm confused
don't be silly. real white guy, creepy white guy, that stopped pursuing me once he saw me with someone. If the black guy hadn't been ahead of me I would be a sex crime statistic now
Tfw almost raped
nice crypto-tranny thread. back to discord
Yes. Being wrongfully convicted in the justified homicide of an ignorant thug is scary to me.
get off of this board you stupid nigger incel losers
>grrr I'll shoot you
>going out of your way to grab a black tranny pic
Yeah okay
this is a black man's board, white boy.
>implying I didn't have it on hand
Can't tell if you're a normie or just a fag. Canadia maybe?
Fuck up you silly monkey.
shiiiiieeeet, divine retribution
The fact that my very existence makes you seethe is just enough, keep posting white boy it doesn't change the fact that you run the moment you spot me. I can find videos and stories of white people (rightfully) being killed by Black BVLLS.
Its crazy but he fucking lives through that. Sort of
Lmao nigs can't even spell good
Why would I run the moment I spot you. You are an incel nigger that jerks off to anime. White girls run the moment they spot niggers though.
I don't really see white people that often in real life but even if I did, I wouldn't do this just because I couldn't give any less of a fuck about them. I also don't want them to call the police and I end up getting my ass beat or my head blown off because I thought it'd be funny to make a white person nervous.
If this is what you tell yourself that's okay, but we all know white people are scared of blacks, no amount of you "u an incel lmao owned" is going to change that white boy and you know it's true too, that's the reason why you're giving me (you)s, you're scared of me and whatever webms and pics you can post won't change that.
That's unlikely, I don't know where you live but in most area in the US if a whitey calls the cops on you for no reason (which it would be in this case) that's ripe lawsuit territory, if the cops get involved on any level above just talking that's even better. The cops especially know to handle it with kid gloves unless they want their face plastered across the U.S.
We aren't scared of shit. Niggers are scared of Europeans. And now Chinks.
You think I give a shit about Africa? And yes you're scared of us, we see every time you look you're going to shit yourselves in fear the moment you see us.
Keep dreaming jerome
That's a mexican you retard.
It's what happens when white people get pissed off.
fuck off back to wignats
blackbots are bros
Black people can go live in their own country and state.
more please originally
Nope fuck that, I don't want to live a third world shithole, the only way you'll get me to agree to that is if you somehow genetically engineered blacks not to be stupid and violent. Ethnonationalism is fucking stupid if your black, the only goal in an African's mind should be how to get to a better continent.
At least you admit it. African Americans are smarter than main land Africans. You would need to first purge out all the retard weed niggers first (untermensch) of your race. And then colonize a part of Africa. Someone did it in Liberia but he died and it stayed a shit hole.
>teehee *makes race-bait* my black friend is going to think I'm so woke. The black guy I'll meet tonight is going to think I'm so cool and progressive. omg *race-bait* I'm so cool *attaches tranny pic* haha now this'll show them xD teehee
pot stirrers will not make it into the utopia
I do have AGP but I am actually black, I am too big and ugly to transition.
>be a white guy
>walk down the street
>see a black guy wearing a Tunnel Snakes jacket
>wait till he passes me
>he turns around and gives me the thumbs up
I also had a really nice sandwich that day :)
if Bey can do it so can you
This webm makes me a pretty happy fella. Good way to start the day.
The only interesting thing I learned from this thread is that Beavis and Butthead would make hideous women.
Bruh you do realize that the only reason why whites avoid you is because they have jobs to keep? They'd have no problem killing you otherwise. This is what they've done for a long time. Nigger killing used to be a job.
Is this what people on Jow Forums tell themselves when they have to cope with the fact that whites are scared of blacks and will try to avoid us if they see one of us approaching them?
"Never relax around blacks" is an idiom for a reason. I'm not scared of blacks, but I don't want to be within 5 feet of one where he can ask for money or try to mug me with his shitty hi-point. I do the same to homeless, for the same reasons. I don't want to look at you, I don't want to be bothered by you, and I don't want to acknowledge you exist. Slink back to whatever section 8 hole you spawned out of and leave actual citizens alone.
>White boy e-rage: the post
This is why I love crossing on white people, this exact post.
>I am not scared of blacks but I am scared they will attack me so I don't want to be near them
lmao what kind of nigga uses a hi point, that's fucking Jow Forums based off 90s memes.
Why would Asians be scared of you? You should be scared of the fact that America is becoming brown.
Keep pushing the buttons of people who want to be left alone and you're going to get euthanized, pavement ape.
>Keep pushing the buttons of people who want to be left alone and you're going to get euthanized, pavement ape.
Yeah sure okay white boy, just make sure to scream when you're running from me.
You aren't going to do shit, you delusional man-child.
Yeah, fuck off gorilla-lipped fuck. Why don't you go shuck and jive out in front of a speedway asking for free menthols, you ebt-bitch.
lmao why don't any of you ever say this shit in real life?
>inb4 society
youza hoe.
They never will, they are cowards
absolutely pathetic, I expect more from Jow Forums.
Man I had a really great black friend in highschool back in the 90s, too bad our friendship bled out when we moved out of state for college.
Marcus I really hope you're doing well buddy, take care of your mom shes an angel
Thankfully, I don't have to live around brown people anymore, so I don't have to say talk shit anynore in order peacock. I was one white dude on a block full of you jigaboos and none of you fucks can throw a punch. You run away from a standup fight every time. You're bitches who meander around in groups who are either stick thin lanklets or weak manlets. The fat ones never went outside.
Why are white people so violent? Every thing you've said sounds like someone coping with insecurity. Go get laid. Black people don't care about you.
Got a black girl pregnant but she had an abortion. Said her parents would kill her if she had a mixed baby.
>white people are violent
And don't you forget it, nigger.
>t. someone definitely not coping with insecurity
lol sure. time for school little buddy.
Says the shovel-lipped shitheel who wants to antagonize random people on the street because it gives him a sense of power in his otherwise pathetic fucking life, primarily constituted of getting high, stealing shit, dodging the law, and getting petty fights as a displays of dominance. Blacks are the most insecure group of people you will ever meet. They're always trying to show off at church, in the schoolyard, in "rap battles" (cringiest shit I've ever had the displeasure of listening to), with their clothing, with their cars, etc.
Living around you shitheads is what made me racist as fuck, and your people deserve every bit of hatred they get. Whitey isn't holding you back, it's fucking Tyrone. God damn do I hate you people.
lol seethe more.
Umad got old like 6 years ago. On top of that, you're acting like the typical black asshole who says some offensive shit and then gets btfo and tries to play it by saying "sheeeeeit, I'm just playin, why you so mad?" Cretinous fucking worm.
>walking across the street while black is antagonizing someone
The absolute state of white people.
I don't hate black people, I'm just afraid of being attacked by one. I've seen the statistics, I've watched the knock out game webms. I carry a hatchet with me in case anyone tries to jump me but I don't ever want to use it on a human being. Please black people, why do you hate us so much? Why do you want to hurt me when all I'm trying to do is mind my own business? Don't make me use a fucking hatchet on you it will look bad on all of us.
Yeah that's funny. Its also funny that blacks would rather antagonize whites for not wanting to be antagonized then realize they have a violence issue.
please refer to this post, whiteboy.
>Is he lost?
>No, he must hate niggers!
You guys are autistic
7.5% and 52%
Dont be a violent animal and people wont try to avoid you.
They're proud of that statistic though.
This sounds like a fat SJW story
>yes im so attractive that i almost get raped daily
Sure obeast.
I just can't look away from this image. It is so disturbing.
>blacks would rather antagonize whites for not wanting to be antagonized then realize they have a violence issue
I literally just said what you posted. You want to fight over me calling you too violent lmfao.
lmao this thread. funny in a sobering way
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
>Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
Only a fool user
I don't care about that and you know it, the fact of the matter is that you're calling somoene walking down the street "antagonistic" behavior because you're a frightened white boi who can't handle the presence of a BLACK BVLL.
That doesn't mean anything, if you're black you're always considered dangerous, I just stopped caring years ago (like many black anons here should) and just rolled with and even found fun out of it recently.
Bruh do you live in SF?? I think I've seen you around tbqh
What would you do if a white guy asked for a cigarette?
I guess quickly run across the street, rather than just saying "I don't have any"
How can it be called anything but antagonistic when someone makes it exceptionally obvious that they do not wish to be around you and they give you the right of way to the point of moving to the opposite side of the street, yet you insist on fucking with them and imposing your presence where it's not wanted?
If you were out in a park and wanted to be alone, and I set up my camp 2 feet away from you and you moved a half mile away, only to find that I did the same thing and set up camp next to yours, would you not find that antagonistic and invasive? It's implied that you don't want to be bu bothered and you're imposing yourself on others to fuck with them. That's uncalled for behavior.
Anyone who needs a disposable gun.
I bum cigarettes off black people all the time because white people refuse to share any smokes or flat out lie and say they're out. Life is bizarre sometimes. One time when I was in the hood my car broke down and some black guys kept making fun of me saying "lol whyte boi why don't you get your rich parents to pick you up" and I told them my mom was dead and I never knew my dad and they legit fixed my engine for me. I dunno I just know how to deal with blacks better than whites do I guess.
You are autistic, this is not normal behaviour
>How can it be called anything but antagonistic when someone makes it exceptionally obvious that they do not wish to be around you
How is walking across the street obvious? Again other people Would say that it's up in the air on whether or not they were avoiding me, I could just simply be crossing to other side because either I felt like it or that I needed go in another direction.
Anyway that analogy is awful as walking down the street and changing direction is a common occurrence and a camp a stationary position and your movement would be an obvious and deliberate attempt to be invasive, the only reason why walking down the street could possibly be intimidating is if you're staring in the person's face and attempting to block their path.
Yeah, nobody's crossing the street to avoid you. You're not that intimidating. Most people are just trying to find their way around using the maps on their phone, or taking routes they know to be quick. This whole "wyte boi cross da street cuz dey scared" is a massive cope
Antagonist means "to oppose" or "face in opposition", you fucking chimp. You're literally placing yourself intentionally in opposition and intentionally trying to get close to them in order to fuck with others. Whether or not someone is scared of you is immaterial, as you're deliberately trying to make them uncomfortable. Fucking brainlet moron.
You are an idiot if you go anywhere near them.
This is something only a coping Jow Forumslack would say, the idea that a whitey (and I'll admit another non-blacks) would happen to just be lost and not ask the nearest person but speed walk into the middle of street just after you come into view is ridiculous.
>Walking pass them is antagonizing them
The only reason why that is because I'm black, you know you wouldn't have this discussion with any other member of any other race. I'm just crossing the street, I'm not getting in their faces, I'm not blocking their path I'm just crossing the street. If it was a middle age white women with two kids would that be "antagonizing" to you? Would you come up with a dumb fucking analogy to explain how stationary position (a camp) is the same thing as walking down the street in a public area?
Just say you're intimidated by blacks and the reason why you cross the street is specifically avoid us and not simply because it's antagonization to cross the goddamn street.
At least this user admits that he doesn't want to be near blacks, he doesn't have to make up stupid bullshit.
Nobody's paying attention to you, you realize this? Most are self obsessed, and don't think twice about the people they pass by.
Checked, and I'll be alright user. Don't worry about me
in a good way though, famalam
>you wouldn't treat any other race/demographic this way
That is where you are wrong. I don't like associating with Mexicans, Homosexuals, Blacks, Philipinos, Indians, Chinks, or Jews, as I find you violent and/or filthy, and I have no desire whatsoever to be near any of you. For starters, I wouldn't be in a shithole that has your kind in it to begin with if I had a choice, and I most certainly wouldn't be walking the streets. If, for whatever reason, I'm forced to be in close proximity, I always take the path of least shitskin.
>If you're black you should look out for white people who cross the street to avoid you, try crossing the street with them and taking a video while doing it.
Enjoy getting shot nigger
So you're not denying that you avoid blacks on the street because you're a frightened white boy who can't handle a black man.
Yeah blacks sure do care about getting shot that's the reason why we're the least violent group in the world!
What a retarded reply, I'll shoot them first considering I'm always carrying and I'm already well trained in reaching into my pants very quickly.
>That crowd
America is gone
>I'll shoot them first
Stay assblasted niggy
I'm not the one whose so frightened of blacks that they'll shoot one for walking in the wrong direction and claim it's intimidation or "thug culture" to move around in a public space.
>I don't want to live a third world shithole, the only way you'll get me to agree to that is if you somehow genetically engineered blacks not to be stupid and violent. Ethnonationalism is fucking stupid if your black, the only goal in an African's mind should be how to get to a better continent.
God why would you rather live in a first world nation where everyone hates you instead of a third world nation where at least your people run and can work to improve it?
Why are my people so cucked?
>God why would you rather live in a first world nation where everyone hates you
Where did I ever say or imply that? Even if it was true I still wouldn't want to live in fucking Africa, I'd much rather live in an alternate 1963 America where George Wallace wins the election than live in fucking Africa.
All niggers deserve to be shot for existing
That's stupid though. Even if Africa is hell on earth it's still better than living anywhere else a black person. The races naturally oppose each other and will never see eye to eye. The black race can't depend on anyone else but itself.