Someone make the translucent spiders go away!!
I can't take this
Then take your meds user. The spiders aren't real.
What happens if you touch one?
they are
severe unbearable pain all over the arm
Sounds like you're undergoing severe psychosis or some form of drug withdrawal. They are not real. Also, I think you should know the bugs in the picture you posted are daddy longlegs/ harvestmen. They technically aren't spiders and aren't venomous.
They are called harvestmen, because they harvest. souls. ;)
why are you lying?
thanks femanon
I can assure you I'm not lying. What you're going through must be terrifying, and everything's hard to believe since it feels so real to you, but I can assure you that there are no hordes of translucent spiders in your vicinity.
are you behind the spiders? are you sending them here? controlling them with some mechanism?
You the biggest gay if you're larping.
No user. I don't even know who you are. Please just check yourself into a ward before you end up hurting yourself. Mental illness runs in my family and it's an awful thing to deal with.
t. Spider queen disguised as psychiatrist
>No user. I don't even know who you are.
then how do u know the spiders "aren't real"
Spiders don't have queens tho
i feel insects crawling on me all the time, and jump frequently due to it. it's making me more paranoid
have u tried capturing one in a jar to check if it's real? taking pics or showing to other
if so, does the bug disappear in thin air after a while?
I had holographic mosquitoes in my bedroom this summer, but turns out they were real (probably robotic) because i put one in a halved plastic bottle and it is still there (and out of battery so it looks dead)
i saw one of these translucent fuckers appear and vanish once it hit the shadow and saw a few disappearing bugs after that, so I started taking pictures of every bug i saw to make sure it was real
then I had a panic attack and most of those delusions went away i think
Because there's no such thing as hordes of translucent spiders that cause immense pain at a mere touch. Spiders only ever group up when they're young, and harmless. The way you word it also makes it sound like they're unavoidable. Real spiders would be gone after a sprtiz of raid or any other harsh chemical solution.
>Because there's no such thing as hordes of translucent spiders that cause immense pain at a mere touch.
how do you know that? that's a fallacy ad ignorantiam
Show pics or didn't happen.
I haven't been able to actually see them, I think it's just my mind tricking me because of obsessive tendencies.
this is when it still had power
Until you show me documented proof of such, there is no such thing. That also doesn't address the latter half of my statement.
>Until you show me documented proof of such, there is no such thing. That also doesn't address the latter half of my statement.
it's clear user is not dealing with "normal" spiders, so you're also low IQ
user. That's a normal mosquito...
i know they aren't normal mosquitoes because for 4 contnuos months everytime I killed one (there was always just one at the time) another one would appear out of nowhere (my window has a bug net so they cannot get in)
As i said i thought they were holographic at first but they seem to be corporeal, possibly nanorobots of soem kind
They're gone now anyways so i cannot research further
There are medications that could probably help you out.
tip harder faggot
or offer a "rational" explanation to user's described phenomenon
Houses have many entry points for insects. Vents, minor cracks, slightly ajar doors.
What was stopping you from finding a publicly available lab at a university or such to view it under a microscope? You said it left a body.
>Houses have many entry points for insects. Vents, minor cracks, slightly ajar doors.
I am aware, hence why I checked all possible entry points, which there are none except the brief seconds when i opened the bedroom door for entry/exit
As I said this went on for 4 months
>What was stopping you from finding a publicly available lab at a university or such to view it under a microscope? You said it left a body.
Ideally I should have collected more samples, one may very well be a organic mosquito that managed to sneak in (from the door?)
But surely all the 100s I killed cannot be explained away in such a manner.
Alas, the corpse is gone now and the infestation ceased, so we may never know the truth.
What you described is completely normal during the summer. It doesn't matter how well you check. The fuckers will find a way to get in. They're fast, small, and numerous. What doesn't make sense is why anyone would fabricate what would be extremely expensive identical nanobot mosqitos to buzz around some nobody's house. Nobody cares about you. You're not a part of some grand conspiracy.
>What you described is completely normal during the summer. It doesn't matter how well you check. The fuckers will find a way to get in.
wow real rational right there
>What doesn't make sense is why anyone would fabricate what would be extremely expensive identical nanobot mosqitos to buzz around some nobody's house. Nobody cares about you. You're not a part of some grand conspiracy.
Another fallacy. Nobody said this is a "conspiracy" or that "someone" "fabricated" "extremely expensive" "identical nanobot mosqitos" and specifically to my house/room
It was just a possible explanation for the phenomenon of exactly one (1) mosquito constantly in a room with no access, replaced by exactly one (1) mosquito in the event the first one was killed in under 5 minutes.
Worthy of note, said mosquitoes displayed an exceptional speed and maneuverability too, and were very hard to kill.
Why the fuck would you jump to the conclusion of nanobots though? That's fucking moronic
You said they were robotic. Robots don't exist in nature, let alone complex nano computers. We don't even have the technology to make tech that small yet.
The picture you showed me was that of a normal mosquito, so it would have to be completely identical.
Normal mosquito's are extremely maneuverable and hard to kill. They're only going to get harder to kill as time goes on and evolution weeds the weak ones out.
So again, why would there be robot mosquito's in your home, and why is that more rational than you missing an entrance where insects can enter?
i said at first i thought they might be holographic, then i considered other possibilities like nanobots
it's less nonsensical than organic mosquitoes being manipulated via supernatural means
>than you missing an entrance where insects can enter?
there is no entrance, the room is a square concrete with one window and door, no vents, no ducts, window is completely coverd by bug net which i checked for holes and cracks, door has rubber seals at the sides
It sounds like you were hallucinating.
out obviously missed an entrance. It's the most rational thing possible. You could also just be delusional and most of the mosquitoes were the result of a hallucination while the rest got in through your door.
>it's less nonsensical than organic mosquitoes being manipulated via supernatural means
The fact that this is your alternative theory says a lot about your mental health
i made sure i wasn't by catching one and taking a pic
but yes i considered that too
>out obviously missed an entrance
why don't u come inspect the room smartypants
>You could also just be delusional and most of the mosquitoes were the result of a hallucination while the rest got in through your door.
that's possible even though i never hallucinated anything else, nor suffer from any mental conditions
don't u get tired of being such a myopic goody 2 shoes brainlet? calling everything your reddit mind finds "impossible" mental illness?
what a bore and waste of bits
Well if it's truly impossible that they're just regular old mosquitoes coming into your room because you've got the place locked down so securely, and the most likely alternative is that they're highly intricate nanobots that are targeting you for... some reason. I think the most likely scenario is that you captured one and hallucinated the rest.
I wonder if OP is alright
Op u stillw ith us
>Someone make the translucent spiders go away!!
those are called floaters, there's a surgery you can get for that
Instantly made me think of this. Maybe this will make the spiders go away OP.
Mate mosquitoes are not stopped by screens. They're merely slowed down by them.
Was walking in a forest full of harmless web spiders yesterday. Felt bad having to break their nests, they were so afraid of me and innocent.
stop taking the benadryl retard
Bro I've been having nightmares about being covered in white translucent spiders. Little ones all over my black shirt and pants, about half dead half alive. I'm never afraid of em in the dream but I wake freaked out
>there's a surgery you can get for that
Didn't know "blinking" was considered a surgery.
that's not what I was talking about dumbass. eye floaters, those translucent spiders you see, that's glaucoma developing