You aren't "pro-black" if you're fucking, or worse, married to a white guy.
Sick of these woke, "pro-black" bitches fucking white guys
Why not white dick tastes better nigger
Looks like someone ain't woke yet
depression and suicide rates in mixed kids is really high.
So did you come in from reddit to spam this board with race baity threads? Is that how you decided to spend your morning?
I'd let her do whatever she wants to the source of evil in the world - my white balls.
Someone isn't voting for Kamala Harris.
Im not depressed or suicidal
you're every mutt, too aren't you?
>Im not depressed or suicidal
is what a depressed and suicidal person would say.
Not him, but I'm also mixed and not depressed or suicidal.
Black men do it too
Can you sauce me on said woke black women?
They're not pro-black, they're pro-self. They just want black women to be desired by the top men.
Im perfectly fine and well adjusted
This isnt true my black mum isnt anti black just because of my dad being white
No such thing as top men
>Im perfectly fine and well adjusted
that doesn't mean there's not mixed kids struggling with identity issues
That's because they grow up in abusive, broken and/or irresponsible households and are subject to unhealthy amounts of bullying in their school not because being race mixed automatically makes you suicidal
My dad was white so didnt run off thats probably why Im ok lmao
High men? You know what I mean. Not trash. The 20%.
How are white men the top 20%?
if she says she's anti white that means she's pro white dick
"too black for whites too white for blacks"
depression and suicide rates in mixed kids raised by single white mothers is really high***
if dad wanted to be in your life he would have found a way
My household was fine
were both of your parents in the picture?
Yes my dad was a Romanian immigrant to the Uk and my mum a african nurse
As a white guy seriously dating a black woman - why? If being "pro-black" means advocating for the rights of black people as human beings, why is it immoral for one human being to have a relationship with another human being? Why is a black person's sense of self preservation or advocacy for their children (who will inevitably be perceived as black) somehow diminished because they're involved with a white person? Do you think that only lesbians can be "pro-woman"?
A black person dating a white person is only bad if they fetishize whiteness and degrade other black people. While this undoubtably happens (see: Fanon's entire works) it doesn't mean it must be the case for every mixed relationship. You need to start treating people like adults who can make their own decisions.
Not sure who your pic is but she is cute.
Dont act like that black girl doesnt do race play with her husband during sex.
Good morning, Tendies.
lol. Isn't that the "UHHH. RACIST AND SEXIST, MUCH?!" lady? Guess she got some new makeup and masking techniques to obscure that weird face of hers.
Go take a walk outside and get back at me with your results
Being mad at racemixing is for mad whites because they know for all their bluster their genes are weak. Us Blacks are better than that.
I wish all the shitty people weren't so loud. Everything that is stupid is loud and barks at every noise that farts or squeaks so it becomes large. Huge crowds of barking stupid dogs. It's sad how tribal, animalistic, shallow and short sighted humans are. It's as if they lack perception and reflection completely. It's just a circus to them. They're clowns. Different races of humans are different in positive and negative ways, they're not equal and our differences deserve respect. Each individual as well is not equal or the same. Equality only overcomplicates things, look at it now. Nobody wants equality, they just say that while taking more and more for themselves like the false hypocrites they are. These clowns need something to hate and blame for some reason. The war never ends. If one side eases up, the other side will become mad dogs and vultures without remorse, spreading their vacuous filth everywhere they go. To try and honestly shape the world for the better now by having honest genuine discussions seems not worth the time or effort, who cares about these shitty vermin? Everyone has turned into glass veined fag nigger cracker gunk and their lives are devoid of substance. Their souls are dry and bitter, their shitholes emitting a foul stench of twenty different disease flavored devil cocks and their behavior maddening beyond end. I don't care anymore, It's funny. It has to be, otherwise you'd go mad.
They do it because it's taboo that's why, they are in this environment that is constantly saying it's all the white mans fault we suffer because of the white man if the white man didn't exist we would be so much better off and they believe it and it gets them off fucking a white guy because they know how wrong it is but things that are taboo get people off
The most vocal black nationalist and/or pro-black people are also the most likely to exclusively date white people. The black nationalism is often a front or a self-loathing vent.
More than once I've heard it expressed "woke niggas is annoying."
I mean, shit. The Wayans even joked about it in Don't Be a Menace.
It's all talk, like everything else.
shut up racemixer
What kind of nigger name is fucking Nayvie?