any other femanons with worthless abilities? I know the names of all pokemon and heights/weights
Any other femanons with worthless abilities? I know the names of all pokemon and heights/weights
I can name all of the United States in alphabetical order
I can read compatibility astrological charts
Who's the tallest and shortest Pokemon of them all?
I know the names of all my neighbors and heights/weights and sexual preferences. Where do I live? Hint: majority are gay and waiters/bartenders.
I've used to knwo about poemon some ten year ago
Even I know that and I'm not a femanon or obsessed with pokemon.
i think flebebe is the shortest and ofc wailord is the tallest
A friend of mine was obsessed with Pokemon and has been together with someone for like 5 years now if not more. There's hope femanon
I have no abilities
You could be obsessed with the weirdest shit, but as long as you're female you'll be desired.
Any femanons into military tactics? That'd be the dream
I feel little to no emotion and look sad and depressed all the time :(
Just find a new guy to ruin. It's not hard femanon
My autistic niece can identify Pokemon by the sounds of their in-game cry
But I already got one and he is un-ruinable. I kinda already gave up.
Marry me and be my pegging Lopunny gf
You have the ability to become my gf
I can draw but I dont like doing it for money or a career
i have the ability to repel people or be completely invisible
Show us some of your art
>You have the ability to become my gf
I actually don't because I would kill myself. I'm going to die alone because I hate niggers so much and there's no way to prove if you're a nigger or not.
Sorry, no thanks. I only want Tyrones cock. Chad is second choice.
You could have had him thinking you were a femanon and lead him on for a while, way to fuck it up dude.
a femanon needs to learn eventually they're all niggers and they will hurt you more than ever before if you dare try
I'm learning my lesson about you niggers.
You'll have to reiterate, your grammar is all fucked up.
You have the worst fucking one. please never tell a guy this.
I know ASL and BSL. Maybe not worthless but close to it.
Your most worthless ability is you being yourself
That or not being mentally ill. Fucking incel...
eventually a femanon needs to learn everybody that talks to you is the devil
That sounds like schizophrenia to me
tallest is h POKe
that's what I tried thinking at first, but I know hes still here making my body release painful poison throughout my body if I don't do what he wants.
Weirdly, I can accurately gauge your weight and height based on this fact too.
I can make my vagina queef on command
what the fuck are those though
Seek mental help, quite the origami
I'm a pretty competent fencer despite my size. I don't think fencing will ever really come into fashion again though.
I tried that, his minions are all over this world.
American sign language and British sign language.
Is fencing viable as an actual combat method? I think it's elegant and all but I'm just curious
come fix my fence bitch
Yeah because it's a fucking expensive hobby filled with rich foreigners and jews
t. sister fenced
Ok now you have my attention.
How are Jews involved in fencing?
Its viable in a duel between two consenting parties. In actual combat where armor is worn, unless you get a good stab in you're fucked.
There's just a high price floor to make into fencing and jews are on average wealthier so there are more of them fencing. My sister played pro though so idk maybe it's different if you're dicking around and you suck. There were also a ton of east europeans too
>Muh jews
Found your way off Jow Forums huh?
I know alot of math :)
Do you also know other combat methods?
I was in HEMA for a year. Think about it, how many people in medieval times were running around with actual swords instead of foils or rapiers? Even the Japanese had Bushido.
There weren't foils or rapiers at first lol. But they wouldn't be with swords, instead with axes and spears anyway. Damn I wish I learnt HEMA but I only learnt karate for a month and kind of learnt Wing Chun through videos on youtube. I'd love to try a sword though, they are the most elegant weapon.
No I speak to you as a Jew Yorker who deals with these people first hand
Were you one of those autists who screamed every time they lunged?
Are you really trying to conflate lunging with fencing? Your argument falls flat.
do you have VR? there's a big deaf community in VR and there are quite a few girls there too.
>these people
go back to stormfront fucking antisemite
Lmao what there isnt an argument... Im wondering if you're one of those autists that screams every time they lunge
>Announcing your attack
As much as I appreciate you thinking I'm some autist that thinks video games are real life, I'll have to ask you tone down the ridiculous assumptions.
>Know a lot about math.
But you're a woman.
I've seen this in actual ranked tournaments, it isnt rare. Supposedly they think it intimidates people. It's really ugly when the girls do it as well they sound like they're shrieking in pain. You havent seen it all when you were fencing?
I wasn't in fencing, I was in HEMA.
And yes, it was filled with retards yelling but it wasn't restricted to lunges. One of the first things my instructor told me was not to scream before or during an attack because this isn't a movie.