Is there a bigger black pill?
There Were People Who Unironically Liked Sword Art Online
>Girl sits next to me
>says she likes anime
>what anime?
>sword art online
I told her I watched fanservice moe just to make sure she'd never sit next to me again
Sometimes a man has to make sacrifices for what he knows is right in life. You've nothing but my respect, user
>There Were People Who Unironically Liked Any Animu
Is there a bigger black pill?
I started watching it. Its just a harem/romance, except the girl cheats, right?
I never made it into the harem bits. I got as far as "this is a show about video games written by a guy who doesn't play video games"
If Sword Art Online is the black pill, Jojo is the red pill.
JoJo was the first anime larger than 20 episodes that i sat down to watch, since my first year after graduation. Can confirm, it is quality as hell, worth your free time
How does anyone even take Jojo seriously though? It's entertaining for a few episodes, sure. Then the gags get old and there isn't really any story.
You're not supposed to take it seriously. You don't sit down with a superman classic and expect to be wowed by the complex narrative structure of strongman lifts car. I'm not in school anymore. I don't crave complex escapism. I've a job and a relationship to maintain. I like my games challenging, and my anime entertaining. You gotta sit back and enjoy it. There are a lot of reoccurring themes in the show, yes. But they're not meant to become old, you're meant to become comfortable within them.
first 3 episodes are like a zombie show, next 6 are random harem filler, last few of first arc are straight romance and conclusion. then the second arc is garbage with no stakes the main heroine is nearly raped and the mc's little sister joins the harem.
>not being able to enjoy over-the-top shows
I feel sorry for people like this.
His sister? And this was popular among normies?
Isn't incest a popular trope in anime?
I think we might be watching very different anime from one another
I really wanted to fuck the cute blacksmith chick with the pink hair.
Even people who liked the first arc hate arc 2. there is nobody who likes SAO alfheim.
theres also the point that the "harem" in SAO is just a bunch of cuckqueens watching the monogamous romance of kirito and asuna.
I'm not speaking for myself user, am not into that sort of thing. I just recall hearing that it was a popular trope in anime.
I can smell the onions over the LAN cables
I remember seeing somewhere that they gender bent the MC and gave everyone guns. Is that true? And also are they still stuck in the game by that point because that would be ridiculous
Sounds like it was just a platform for the creators fetishes. Between this and Attack On Titan, I'm noticing a trend with maintstrean anime.
I suppose with harem anime it might be. I feel like the majority of anime worth watching have little to no traces of incest
I liked it for what they are, dumb fantasy escapism. The idea of an MMO, everyone being friendly and nice, an adventure, plus it's a colorful pretty anime. It's not well written but it doesn't have to be. It's the junk food of anime. And I liked the first season.
they escape the game after the first arc but the game's engine is used to make other games and they are all connected generally. they go into the second game to rescue asuna and about 200 other people who didn't wake up and were being subjected to virtual rape and various human experimentation but nobody can permadie anymore. the 3rd game kirito is the bestest at video games ever so he gets a government job to go into a 3rd game where your character is randomized and everybody uses guns because some guy is killing people through the game again.
did anybody else cry during the mother's rosario arc?
because the writer wrote in a character with super aids who was born to die just so that we would feel sad?
>If Sword Art Online is the black pill, Ping Pong is the red pill.
Yes I agree wholeheartedly, based anonymous