Why are men so useless? like i want someone to just play with my hair and genuinely care about me

why are men so useless? like i want someone to just play with my hair and genuinely care about me.

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>just play with my hair

Head or bush

Why do you think men are useless? I'd like to think I can do those things. I think what you're demanding isn't really outrageous either.

Why are you posting this on Jow Forums? You're either trying to attract orbiters or you just like comments bleating "tits or gtfo"

Because nobody likes trannies when society normalize you will be executed for your own good

>I want somebody to cherish me
>also men are useless XD
you're your own worst enemy :^)

Finding a loving partner is a journey. You build comfort with people that are strangers until you trust them enough to reveal your desires and hope they accommodate, while you return the favor. It's not that hard when the basics are boiled down.

>girls think you're a creep if you want to brush their hair
>but it's ok to choke and slap them

most women are conditioned into thinking shit like maledom is normal. i've never liked the whole 'daddy uwu choke me' shit, it just reinforces the idea that men can be aggressive and abusive towards women and get away with it. this is why gfd is based

kek, 99% of women just want their own personal sugar daddy to rape then whenever they are home

sounds like you want a nice guy, op xd

99% of men into gfd just want a mother they can fuck

idk, if by mother you mean someone who will be nurturing and actually care for them then i don't see a problem with that... ive always preferred being the big spoon anyway

lay off on the pornography bud, yer fuckin warped

>I want an affectionate and gentle guy who cares about me and shares his emotions!
>ewww why are you touching my hair and hugging me?
>what a loser, you're telling me about your feelings
>eheheh I hope you're up for ravaging my anus, slapping my face and spitting on me tonight

why dont you just date girls, op? thats pretty girly xd

larp bait
don't reply

women hate when people play with their hair

>ewww why are you touching my hair and hugging me?
>what a loser, you're telling me about your feelings

does anybody actually have experience with women acting like this? idk about others, but all these things would just make me feel more strongly about a guy... it makes me really upset that they don't feel like they can open up or be emotional, i want to be there for my future bf when he's feeling sad.

Yeah I have. Many girls say that's what they want but then backpedal and distance themselves when you display your caring side.

Every woman I've been in a relationship with had dumped me or distanced themselves from me when I opened up. Not falling for this bullshit again. Too old for the games you faggot ass women play.

no. not quite.

they back off when you expect the act returned. no time for that sht, chads waiting with his bros.

Nah it happens even if you're in a relationship already. Ultimately most women just want to be pampered while putting the bare minimum of effort into it themselves.

i'm sorry you've experienced that, but i just wanna say that not all women are like this. they were probably just looking for a short term thing i guess, so it's good that you got out of that? it sucks that some expect the guy to do everything in a relationship and not do anything in return. that's just a shitty relationship dynamic

>does anybody actually have experience with women acting like this?

Absolutely. When youre expected to be strong and dominant in the bedroom, choking and slapping your GFs ass until she is red and sore, the act of opening up and showing emotional vulnerability is paradoxical to the female subconscious

If you want an empathetic and caring BF, dont ask him to fuck you so hard you can barely walk afterwards

How have your own experiences been?

>When youre expected to be strong and dominant in the bedroom, choking and slapping your GFs ass until she is red and sore, the act of opening up and showing emotional vulnerability is paradoxical to the female subconscious.

i fucking hate that maledom is the assumed sexual setup of relationships. ive never found it attractive, and it fucks me up knowing that most guys will expect me to be into it, and i think a lot of women convince themselves that they like it in order to please guys? genuine love and compassion is so much more important in a relationship than crazy sex. i hope i can get a bf that will feel like he can open up to me about anything, all i want to do is make them feel better and care for them.

I'm not big into it myself but it seems like even the most gentle and moderate girl ultimately expects you to pin her down and fuck like a beast.

>want to be pampered with no effort returned
what i said

Why men can't fuck for hours.
Why they are always tired when they get home.
How can I get my bf to fuck me?
It doesn't work if I just tell him pls, fuck me. Since according to christian morals that's whorish and thus turns him off. fghsdhds Jesus is cucking me.

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fuck him -before- he goes to work

>Why they are always tired when they get home.
Becase wageslaving for survival is the norm.

Dude, have you like ever been in a relationship with a non autist girl?

Theres not enough room in this board for two tomo posters

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Having someone play with your hair is overrated, try playing with a real guy's hair. Oh, the ecstasy.

Suspenders can be pretty helpful in this case

Or any decent lingerie really

i've been lucky with a couple of guys that have opened up to me emotionally but it's so rare. that's why i usually go for shy men, and they really appreciate it when i make the first move because they're too nervous/don't want to appear predatory which is fine, because i like taking initiative. even though a girl being the one to ask a guy out instead of vice versa might be seen as masculine, i dont give a shit really

Maybe your BF is gay?

This is completely contextual.

You wouldn't get away with either of these unless you're close enough with someone to establish boundaries. It's just a matter of taste and whom you're talking to

>i think a lot of women convince themselves that they like it in order to please guys?
It's absolutely the other way around. And I'm not just pulling that out of my ass, in surveys of bdsm communities, there are consistently significantly more submissive women than dominant men. Now that may not extrapolate to mainstream relationships, but at this point they're nearly indistinguishable.

>why are men so useless
>Lives in a society built and maintained solely by men

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This is just likely an incel pushing black pill agenda. Whilst there's probably a few girls out there like this, what he's just posting is bait

I'm sure you'll find someone :) please try not to take things on here too seriously. It's genuinely highly toxic and will warp your view if you're not careful and highly critical of the content.

Y'all either were just unfortunate in having shitty experience or were pursuing a manic pixie girl archetype that doesn't exist or can only be sustainable for a short amount of time

People are complex and their motives for their actions can be damn near unfathomable, but I'd be willing to bet that there's more to your stories than "she didn't want to comfort me". Unless you can develop some emotional awareness you're probably going to find it really hard to have a healthy relationship

What if the guy isn't shy but instead rather direct yet emotional and intense? Is that intimidating?

well yeah, but you gotta have something you like about them to begin with to get to "wanting to make them feel better", and if you don't have sexual attraction they will only become "nice guy". There's no point in upgrading a man that gives you all of that to boyfriend position if he doesn't propose an attractive sexual paradigm to you.
A lot of guys can't even deal with a woman caring anyway, and can't tell what level is worth bringing up, so they can often just start whinging about anything. It's something I have to stop in myself. Know "being sad" can get my woman's attention actually quickly leads to back things.

Only second hand, but yes. Most men inherently know it's a bad idea to shatter the illusion of themselves that their partnet bases her attraction on.

>gfd is based
>ive always preferred being the big spoon anyway
>all these things would just make me feel more strongly about a guy
Be my frickin' gf already please, I really really need it
at least stop by the /gfd/ thread. It's dead atm

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>some chick mentions she's into gfd
>you automatically thirst for her urine like a dehydrated African child
Desperate fags like you are the reason this board is in the sorry state it is.

>Y'all either were just unfortunate in having shitty experience or were pursuing a manic pixie girl archetype that doesn't exist or can only be sustainable for a short amount of time
Except none of this applies to me. I'd never fall for the MPDG meme because it doesn't exist. The relationships were all normal up until the point of me exposing myself. It happened six times. If it happened once or twice, I would agree with you. But six? That's a clear pattern here.

Did you delete your post just to fix the spelling on one word?

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>A lot of guys can't even deal with a woman caring anyway

i'm sorry, but this seems more like a you problem than anything else.

i used to post on those threads a lot, user. seems like they're dying out though : (

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>I'm sure you'll find someone :) please try not to take things on here too seriously. It's genuinely highly toxic and will warp your view if you're not careful and highly critical of the content.

thank you, kind user. i hope so too! a lot of the things i read here just go directly against some of my own experiences, so it's just annoying to see people perpetuating stupid stereotypes that probably only apply to a minority anyway. it's just upsetting to me to see how many guys really don't think that they could ever open up about their true emotions or feelings w a partner

Then I guess you'll have to go with the "be my gf" option.

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First of all, sorry if this sounds accusationary or harsh. I'm not always very good at phrasing things, but I'm not trying to be condescending or judgemental, purely curious.

1. When you say up until the point of exposing yourself, how long was that exactly? A year? A day??

2. In regards to 'exposing yourself' was this a tearful five minutes? A few weeks of constant suicide threats? Destroying something in a fit of rage?

3. Did you ever try and comfort them? Or just cold shoulder them until you wanted something?

4. Were these genuinely compasionate people? Did you ever see them do anything selfless or caring that was completely unwarranted?

5. Did they have anything going on in their lives that may have made their own feelings unmanagable?

I'm genuinely sorry that this happened to you user, but these are a fraction of the factors that come into play with things like this. Some people believe that we are destined to repeat certain cycles in our lives that reflect the things we went through as children. I'm not saying that the problem is with you specifically, but for this to have happened so many times it sounds like there's more to this than could ever be discussed over an anonymous messaging board.

I don't sit easily with coddling, but I you should be able to find me at my discord (PastaVessel
#7887) if you ever need to talk. I sincerely believe that it's important to support the community on this board, especially as it's easy for so many to slip through the cracks.

>Yall either were just unfortunate in having shitty experience or were pursuing a manic pixie girl archetype that doesnt exist or can only be sustainable for a short amount of time

It was a shitty experience, of course. Manic pixie dream girls dont exist. Ever. But to say that just because I had a shitty experience means that my experience is an outlier is extremely myopic. I know many guys who have had similar experiences IRL and the story keeps cropping up here, time and time again.

What does this mean? I think women are confused about what they want. Just look at the recent flurry of news articles claiming that women cant find any high-income men to marry....of course there arent that many high-income men because women have started to earn more! So women have to decide...do they settle for a lower earning husband or stay single? Also why complain about a wage gap while demanding that your husband make more? Its completely contradictory!

>Did you delete your post just to fix the spelling on one word?
Yes that's exactly what I did.

>I had a shitty experience means that my experience is an outlier is extremely myopic.

I'm sorry, I should have phrased this better.

What I meant is that you were unlucky in finding a uncaring and unattentive partner. They certainly do exist. There's no doubting that, but to say that all women are like that, or to rinse your hands of any blame in what is essentially a highly intimate, intricate and delicate situation (that being a relatioship), suggests that you may be inbound for a similar experience. Intentional or not.

Of course this is naught but pure skepticism and speculate, considering my very limited knowledge of your personal life, buuuuut it's not as if I didn't encounter this on a board full to the brim of people who are essentially emotionally handicaps and vultures.

>Just look at the recent flurry of news articles claiming that women cant find any high-income men to marry

Literally never seen anything of the kind, but I'd certainly be interested in an example

>of course there arent that many high-income men because women have started to earn more!

This sounds like it's more likely to be related to the huge increase in disparity between the 1% and the working class that continues to increase. There essentially needs to be a re-distribution of wealth, which is another matter entirely and, outside of the wage gap, doesn't really relate to gender.

>do they settle for a lower earning husband or stay single?

Depends on their quality of life. If they feel life is improved by the company of their partner, then yeah. If they'd rather commit to their aspirations and feel like their relationship will get in the way, then no. It entirely depends on the individual and their values.

>Also why complain about a wage gap while demanding that your husband make more? Its completely contradictory!

Talking about individuals and their values... Women are not a hivemind, and have a variety of factors that make their lives fulfilling.

this men are the true romantics and women are the degenerates.

We would if you'd wash your greasy ass hair you fatty.

you think that until it actually happens and then you see his vulnerability as weakness and despise him for it

literally happens

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>but all these things would just make me feel more strongly about a guy...

Women all say that.
Problem is you can't really believe anything a woman says and only half of what she does.

I'm not saying they disappear as soon as the guy opens up a bit, but it plants the seed of "he's not Superman." and it all starts going downhill from there.

>I want
>I want
>I want


i would never do that. ever ever ever
i just want to make a guy feel protected, and cared for. every time i see a guy cry IRL it gives me goosebumps because you basically never see men displaying emotion like that.

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>i just want to make a guy feel protected, and cared for. every time i see a guy cry IRL it gives me goosebumps because you basically never see men displaying emotion like that.

And then you get Chad to plow you

I hope for your sake you're not baiting anyone. A lot of men got hurt, not because they couldn't show emotion, but because they did thinking they could.

>i would never do that. ever ever ever

Congratulations Miss 1%

Of course she's baiting, women always lie lie lie lie



Calm the fuck down. Just because women in general are defunct doesn't mean guys need to resort to being monkey just to not be "beta". Your use of caps is more beta than anything in this thread so far. Instead, be stalwart and emotionless, like a tree.


i don't believe that the majority of women are really that mean spirited, that they'd instantly reject or belittle a guy as soon as he shows any sign of emotion.

No, they'd just distance themselves from him and monkey branch to the next guy.

more shitty femanon bait kill yourself bittch

this. I'm tired of dudes who think sex is what makes a relationship. I dont want sex. I want a dude to do my hair, nails and let me bully them.

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This I've never met a woman who was alright with a guy letting his guard down. At best he lost a few points of respect and got away with it. At worst she would slowly reconsider the relationship and then say "I'm sorry, its not you, its me, I don't know what it is but I can't stay, it feels wrong", be it friend or lover. Despite the whole world telling men to open up and be more emotional so it would help them, I've seen the exact opposite happen every time. The happiest men I've personally seen were usually those that were stoic towards their lover, and only emotional towards their closest male friends and family, and very few females. There are exceptions as always, but I'm incredibly skeptical of every woman wanting a guy to show his emotions. There are things in this world we can't control, that's the lizard brain at work.

Reminder that these femanon threads are created by lonely men looking for (You)'s

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>Literally never seen anything of the kind, but Id certainly be interested in an example


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Been trying for years, fuck off and maybe if you werent so fucking picky you'd get one, ugly fucking cow.

That's a bunch of bullshit.
Let's say that you are a fembot (debatable, but still..), if you are feeling that is cause you feel the power over that man.
Don't hide your motivations behind the fact that it migth bring comfort to an innocent dude.