Are we really a threat to anybody?
Are we really a threat to anybody?
We fucking will be if uppity cunts like that keep chirping
No I mean, does this community (b, r9k and pol) have any kind of influence at all?
She's either:
>seeking attention
>drinking media lies
>drumming up a narrative for personal gain
>a combination of the above
It's crazy how many people on twitter can't separate the internet and real life. It's not a platform for smart people. I mean neither is this place but at least we're somewhat self aware.
Twitter checkmarks belong on a list too. They straight up tell their followers to harass people sometimes.
>woman is butthurt about site
>wants to put thousands of people on a list that needs constant monitory
>terrorism increases due to womans emotional outburst
Sounds about right
yes you are. I fwd a woman hate thread yesterday to police and on the look out today
I think the opposite is true and what people like her do is hate speech and inciting violence because it creates mass shootings and causes suicides, therefore she should be arrested for inciting terrorism if she really wants to pull that card logically
Nope, the biggest threat we are is to ourselves. People calling us bad wants that juicy attention.
You know, loud people are far easier to notice even when there are just few of them. We should ignore them.
Yeah, the 35 year old boomers on /ck/ and /po/ really need to be put on a fucking list!
Honestly, this dumb old roastie is so out of touch, she is so clueless it's kind of amazing. Sometimes I really forget how different the normie (as in turbo normie reality TV watcher not just someone who had sex) world is from ours
im a vandal and desu if i was really pissed i would have no problem lighting something on fire in the name of whatever i believe in, i mean i already light shit on fire and break shit without any reason already.
you're gonna get caught eventually, arson is a dangerous game user
this place is hell and should be quarantined
oh no boys she doesnt give a single shit
guess we are doomed
Nah, Jow Forums is for edgy 15 year olds who think they're unique and cool when in reality they are all just bullied irl so come on here for acceptance from other wannabe cool bullied kids
Welcome to Jow Forums, my tourist friend
We're a threat to other people like us, as we give more instability to unstable people. Imagine putting a bunch of suicidal people in a room where the topic is why they want to kill themselves. The room also has a loaded gun in the center. The question isn't whether someone dies, but how long until someone dies. With an unfiltered medium, the nihilistic memes become mainstream. As far as the OP pic, it's the wrong attitude to take, but to go to the other end of the spectrum is disingenuous.
Sometimes I really wish a nigga would try
If you even have to ask that then no you aren't, under the right circumstances plenty of people here are though.
>oh noes le cartoon froggy maymays are scawy!!
Don't know who that (most likely tranny) is, but xe's right on point on this one
Ourselves probably
Leg so hot u fry an egg
Was Charles Manson a threat? What if he had internet
So many people would like the Constitution to have never existed. Fortunately, the Second Amendment allows us to keep them in check.
imagine feeling threatened in modern society
Based Emma Kennedy
That's so brave of her, to say something that she knows everyone in her ingroup will agree with. Bravo.
Dude most of the retards that actually go out and so shit are redditors.
I'm not a threat to anybody, I'm just some virgin wageslave who keeps to himself. That psycho cunt is more of a threat for wanting to put innocent people on a terror watch list.
there are definitely some massive psychotics on Jow Forums. that fucking board ruined this site, every fucking thread eventually turns into some political race bait bullshit thanks to that boring ass board
We're getting the muslim treatment.
and we'll take it
Well one time a grillfriend broke up with me so I raped her. I've also hit a few of my ex grillfriends. I speed when driving, damaged property, lie about my name, cheat, steal and commit fraud for NEETbux.
But I never hurt animals so I'm harmless.
You're the first person in this thread to even mention Jow Forums. Your cognitive dissonance is astounding. If this thread devolves into any sort of political discussion, it's because fucking certified retards like you are slaves to Godwin's Law and have Jow Forums rent free in your brain.
>tfw not an incel but lived on Jow Forums for 11 years
Looks like I'm safe, lads
your precious board destroyed this entire site, and arguments like the one you are trying to use right now is all the proof anyone needs that you're completely brainwashed. i can't even mention the problems with that board without some fucking simp like you trying to pull argumentative bullshit like that on me, and then the entire thread devolves into bullshit. it pretty much only happens with Jow Forums. if i put /tv/ in there instead of Jow Forums none of this would happen. but you're too fucking brainwashed to see that.
OK to be /tv/ is trash too. I keep having to appeal bans because the fags on /tv/ I share an ip range with won't stop posting porn to piss off the jannies.
Jow Forums, /tv/, and /lgbt/ need to be removed.
No, fuckboy, /b/ is what ruined this site. You're so caught up in mental politics thar any time something happens your first response is to blame Jow Forums. The board exists for containment. If you think it's bad now, wait until you take away their board. Just the fact that you think you can talk shit without someone rebuking you and then calling them brainwashed reinforces the fact that Jow Forums is living rent free in that smooth brain of yours.
how is it contained when it has spread all over this site? you're full of shit, we all know what it did and you're lying about it because you're just a total pussy that is obsessed with politics
You know what? This bitch needs to shut the fuck up. The only reason she has a voice in society is because she has tits. Think about that lads. You're better than her
No, we're the indicators telling people that something is wrong in our society. The real terrorists are the ones who point fingers, flex their ego and deny their own accountability in a problem.
The only boards Jow Forums is prevalent on is /v/ and /b/, and you'd know this if you spent time on any other boards aside from r9k and /tv/. Again, YOU are the one who brought up anything even remotely related to politics then went full autism when confronted about the fact that you're the only one with the problem. You're projecting very poorly.
They're scary in that they kill creativity and agency to homogenise every fucking second thread into low-quality shitposts with some horrible wojak/pepe edit, yes.
nah, its everywhere, you're a retard
>bro pol dindonuffin
now where have i heard this before hmmmmm
/b/, Jow Forums, Jow Forums, those are just boards. They're lifeless, neutral mediums. The problem is the people using the site. Remember that there's a weirdo behind every post.
Great rebuttal. Enjoy your rent free Jow Forums paranoia.
now thats a very cute conditioned response sweetie
>pol is a containment board! normal people arent like this
the real problem with Jow Forums is that it used to be pretty funny, but then the jokes just wore thin, and then newfags started posting on the board and they never got the memo that it was mostly absurd jokes
>we were just joking bro, right?
What even counts as "incel" if not self-proclaimed incels? I've been called incel more times than I can remember, but I have never been part of any woman hating group or anything else that starts with red or ends with pill. Just another blue tick retard with retarded blue tick takes.
>these people feel like they're being persecuted by society
>let's vilify them and persecute them and justify their position
>What even counts as an incel
Official description: A male that has never and will never have sex despite wanting it for whatever reason
Co-opted description: A word that I call anyone I don't like in an attempt to hurt their feelings by implying they either hate women, regardless if their virginity is actually intact
It doesn't mean anything. It's the equivalent of hurling "retard" or "faggot" around. It doesn't necessarily mean you actually, genuinely believe they are what you're calling them (according to their respective definitions), rather it's just a convenient insult that rolls of the tongue. What does surprise me, however, is how it has completely replaced "virgin" as derogatory slang, despite being infinitely more specific and subjective.
That co opted description is so mean. It's already difficult for shy young men to meet women and now they get portrayed as secret psychopaths because of handful of nutjobs doing evil things. Can you even talk about frustration and loneliness anymore in public without getting accused of being incel witch?
>still statistically more likely to get shot by some hood thug nig than by some pissed off incel whiteboy