what are your opinions on reddit?
I always liked it till I found this site. The memes here are lit and its fun to pretend to be an awkward virgin. Wish I found it sooner desu
Wtf I wrote t.b.h. not desu?
Only place can make me laugh there now is r/comedyheaven. Other faggotass "meme subreddits" are horrendous and normie as fuck
agreed. polular meme subreddits are full of shit.
I was on Reddit for a very very short time, I was on a gore sub-reddit but after finding out about bestgore and Jow Forums, I just dropped it entirely.
if you're into that kind of shit make sure to check motherless, gurochan and heavyR.
It's good if you have a niche hobby that it's hard to find a community for. For instance i like to build music equipment from scratch, r/synthdiy has a shit ton of resources in one place so that's cool.
Other than that it's basically just reposts of reposts and the same 4 comments over and over
I hate the annoying attention seeking manner of most posts. Its almost all garbage. The whole 'hey guyz look at me and this entirely boring thing I took a photo of upboat lel' that makes up most of the content there. leddit can be ok sometimes if you are trying to search for specific info about some niche subject on a smaller sub, but that's about it.
If your site has a upvote/downvote system, its automatically shit
*9gag flashbacks intensify*
Well I don't go on Bestgore every day, I only go on it every now and then to remind myself that humanity can do great evil.
r/pewdiepiesubmissions, r/dankmemes, r/memes and r/teenagers are fucking cancer dogshit subreddits and everyone that enjoys the content there are fucking scum retards that i never want to see for the rest of my fucking life. they just circlejerk the same fucking bad jokes and "memes" over and over even though they were never funny in the first place.
Shit site for failed normies.
Pic related is what they look like.
Upvoting/downvoting and heavy moderation make each board an ecochamber, which is dangerous for your mental health.
Almost everyone looks down on them, not just Jow Forums.
Go to bodybuilding.com and mention that you're redditor and people will ridicule you.
Surprised no one else has said this but i literally only use it for porn especially since tumblr committed suicide its an alright place to browse for amateur content.
lmfao bodybuilding.com as a reference point hahaha do you also take life advice from the sped class? reddit can be a retarded circle jerk but boy o boy you are out of fuckin touch
It has its ups and downs.
You can find niche communities you wouldn't otherwise so it's good for that. The way threads are formatted also make it easy to keep track of discussions compared to traditional forums.
But it's also a popular website, so inevitably you're going to witness low IQ stuff. E.g. their current "meme culture" is only enjoyable if you're 14, or if you act like you're 14. And I'm not talking about "basedboys" when I say that.
Popular sites having low IQ shit in them is nothing new of course. e.g. the boomers on At the end of the day every website has good things and bad things about it. If you don't know how to use the website then you're going to have shit opinions about it. You'll visit Jow Forumsall (and the subs featured there) and decide it's a stupid website, like how people visit Jow Forums and think this place is low IQ
Name a more iconic trio than Americans, clothes that don't fit and flip flops.
Reddit's the only real presence online for certain communities, which is very annoying.
The upvote/downvote system is the worst thing about it in my opinion. Something like 80% of the top replies to any post are based on how soon they were posted. Plus the obvious reason people can censor you, oftentimes based on the hivemind.
My guess is most people who hate it browse the 'all' section, which is the saddest indictment of collective stupidity. Otherwise, if you have hobbies its often a fantastic resource.
hahahahaha oh no hahahahaha
yep. r/all and other default subs are dogshit. lesser known ones are the way to go
I gave a try on two seperate occasions and it was horrible, even on the subreddits that were related to my interests, never bothered with it since.
Fuck r/againsthatesubreddits with a shard of glass in every orifice though.
Then what are some good subreddits? Never been to anything but the front page
I haven't checked out motherless in a long time. I thought it got taken down.
nope motherless is still alive. the "witch burning" thread did disappear though. I wander what happened.
Only ever been on there maybe 2 or 3 times when something was linked from Jow Forums to there.
I have no interest in making an account and actually using that website, because it seems like they censor and ban a lot for really stupid things.
the porn content on reddit is okay, but i'm afraid someday it is going to go the full tumblr route as well.
newfag detected
please lurk moar
think of your fav hobby and google: "hobby name reddit". if thats obvious, it is but im not trynna be condescending its just what i did.
Jow Forumsdankmemes and Jow Forumsmemes are just content aggregates, nothing there is fresh, best case stolen directly from Jow Forums or from twitter which stole it from Jow Forums weeks or months earlier
Jow Forumsteenagers and Jow Forumspewdiepesubmissions are pure cancer with a touch of aids and should be nuked
The closest to original content on reddit you get is probably the me_irl stuff which does come up with their own idea sometimes.
I was on reddit for a whipe when i was on the incel subbreddit. It had only 20k users back then so it was pretty much a Jow Forums. You could read every commeny and every post of the day in 15 min.
But trying other subreddit it was disgusting.
Every single post has the top comment being a witty remark with other people doing a variation of it.
Then it's a bunch of circle jerk.
Whenever i tryed posting something or reply i would get downvoted into obscurity.
These people are mentally deranged and living in a hive mind. They crave the upvotes, and if it means they have too say woke stuff to get them they will do it. And thats how they become slaves.
I stopped going there after a while but onky because i was getting too depressed on r. Incels because of the amount of blckpills posted daily.
how can you talk negatively about a hivemind while posting on this site when its the exact same mechanic at work? what distinction is there in your mind? i assume there is one because why else mention it
I've seen this with other sites.
I play TF2, and teamfortress.tv users view redditors like lepers.
>Pic related is what they look like
I doubt it. Reddit is a very popular site. And this is one picture of a group of people in one location.
Here's another one.
You can usually pick out the one or two non-mutants, who also often look visibly uncomfortable and regretful.
this group of people looks relatively mote normal 2bh
Not him but it's just different, difference being exactly what he said, they're mentally deranged. It's torture. There's a lack of meaningful conflict or arguments without getting the unnerving feeling that everybody's all on the same side or something it's weird.
btw r/freefolk is literally aggressive cancer never go there, it served a purpose back when the series wasn't over and there were leaks to be had but now it's just the epitome of a circlejerk
What? hahahha, how fucking weak willed do you have to be to follow anything that could resemble a hive mind on this board?
Are you a literal sheep? God damn, I didn't know the media had it so easy.
the popular reddit boards like funny/random/popular etc are usually cringey as fuck. But reddit is pretty useful for hobbies you're into and obscure porn you might wanna jerk it too. Reddit has provided me with downloads for football matches, books and medical articles for about 3 years now.
I've genuinely never understood hating on a website because the 'sekrit Jow Forums club said it was bad bad!!! >:((("
lad there isn't much wrong with this group tf are you on about?
yeaahh what you're saying is str8 from the hivemind like i dunno how to show you if you cant see the forest for the trees
What? You realize if Jow Forums was like reddit your comment would have been downvoted and ignored?
Everyone reads everything. There is no mechanism to make collective opinions stronger.
Take a fucking break, man. If you're on here enough to not only find patterns but somehow are compelled to emulate them, I can't help you. You're a peg and will always be a peg in someone elses machine. Be an individual on literally the easiest site to be one on.
Maybe people like you are why we're spammed with shit threads all day. "Welp, Tuesday, gotta post a tranny thread for the hivemind".
If I may quote one of my favorite movies, "Bad haircut, no dress sense and a slight, you know, air of scumbag entitlement"
i dunno if i got enough conceit to care about being 'an individual', just seems like it would make my life harder and i quite like tranny tuesdays as it were
You read a post then say the shit that pops in your head before it hits the public PC filter. Really not that hard, faggot.
please go back. i beg of you. this place is already bad enough. please just go.
if i dont subscribe to discrete conception of a conception thats located in a very specific time, place, and demographic, im an individual.
I like a few of the more niche communities there, but all of the bigger subs are absolute cancer. The average redditor is unbelievably retarded and unfunny, and the circlejerks they all have over the same shitty fucking jokes make me want to puke. I always liked the MDE sub and r/watchpeopledie, but with those gone I don't really browse anything besides a few specific video game subs
If you want a decent link for a sporting event it's good. Never got farther than that.
i only go on it for dokkan info
It's kind of weird how people who browse that place act a certain way, makes me wonder if I act a certain way because I browse Jow Forums.
Go back pls faggot
I used to like it until sensitive retards took over the website and now consists of subreddits full of atrocious fanboys that simply downvote you to death and ban you off their forums if you disagree even a little bit. At least in here you have to be literally autistic to get banned.
Godawful humor, simply godawful. And don't forget r/Jow Forums fucks coming here just to dump their garbage to screencap for le ebin internet points. Shit-eating braindeads.
>Reddit's the only real presence online for certain communities
Because they killed the forums that would have been home to them. Another reason to hate reddit, just another site encouraging the homogenization of the internet. And as a content aggregator (or more aptly, a content vulture) it's terrible as well. r/all, as others have said, is straight garbage.
So some key reasons to hate reddit:
Karma is worthless and people treating it like it isn't are insufferable.
>upvote/downvote system
Only good if you're the most neurotypical normalfag you can think of. The system is worthless for you otherwise.
>"Yes, I'm a shit-eating retard who needs others to curate content for him, if others shit-eaters think this this thread should be at the top with 20000000 points, then it must really be the best!"
The defining features of the site are shit.
Also I don't deny that a lot of useful niche information can be found on reddit, but those niche subreddits could be better on regular forums and not a site specifically designed to be a "content-aggregator".