>every time I See white people I'm reminded that I'm a half nigger mutt and will always be below average ugly looking
>feel like anheroing Every day because of this
All because my parents decided to race mix
Every time I See white people I'm reminded that I'm a half nigger mutt and will always be below average ugly looking
Theres always skin bleaching user, would be easier for your skin colour because youre not full on niggy
What's the other half mulattoanon?
Dont be sad user, one of my best friends is a mutt and i'm white as snow. Just be kind and help your friends out.
stop tanning. avoid the sun at all costs. become ambiguously brown, avoid all racism because they won't be able to figure out how to hate you fast enough. its the touchstone of the beginning of a happy life!
Look at it this way, at least you're only half nigger and not 100%
It's obviously white, non whites only racemix with whites.
all geniuses drink tea. i drink tea, therefore i am a genius
Spoken like a true piss drinking retard.
Why does that offend you?
Pretty sure that prison guy who became a model doesn't experience this feel, maybe you're just ugly like other ugly people and not special snowflake ugly
theres no reason to feel bad about being mixed. that's insane.
dont let a bunch of idiot losers on Jow Forums control your mind, your life or your happiness.
>theres no reason to feel bad about being mixed. that's insane.
Hi OP, I'm also mixed, ugly, and brown. I can confirm that what this user says is completely fucking false.
To be honest, in real life nobody gives a shit if you're white, mixed or nigger. Just don't act like a nigger and you're good
>half nigger
sorry pal, you are not half
I hate this shit, when I tell people my troubles as a mixed person and they start trivializing My Problems and blame racism or tell me it's my own fault I feel that way. Fucking auto correct.
Not true, people care a lot that you have ugly african facial features, wide flat nose, far apart bug eyes etc
One drop rule is bullshit, I still have light skin and some white facial features, I'm not black.
Mixed people are generally more attractive tbqh. Sure, if you cherry picked all races Caucasians would always come out on top.
Having Caucasoid facial features outweighs complexion and hair by large margin. Your parents may have been ugly user, sorry. Still not worth killing yourself over.
>implying it's not a white supremacist baiting people into developing insecurities about race mixing
I need to confirm a theory, are your fathers black and mothers white? You guys all seem to come out looking like these freaks: . Meanwhile I'm mixed with a white father and black mother and living life on easy mode.
Colonizing > BLACKED
Ironically race mixing doesn't seem so bad to racists when it's a white guy with a black chick. In the end it all boils down to envy and fear of being biologically replaced by someone with a different skin tone.
I'd bet my ass chicks would react the same if roles were reversed.
>. Your parents may have been ugly
Not true, only My nigger patent. All My white cousines are attractive and constantly have dates/relationships with other hot whites while I'm in My mid 20s and still a virgin with no IRL friends.
I fhcking hate you so much, people like you enabled racemixing in the first place by prpmoting fetishizing foreign cultures and races. i hope you have a painful slow death you piece of shit.
I always thought it was the other way, that you inherit skin color and facial features mostly from the mothers side. The pic you refered to has mostly black mother white father kids in it, I know that the Robert denero kid (top right)has a black mother.
Go ahead - enjoy your anger. But understand one thing: Nobody cares. The only outcome is that you get high blood pressure and at some point possibly shoot yourself.
Meanwhile everyone else tries to find a suitable partner depending on only their own preferences. If you like niggers - go fuck niggers. If you don't like em: Don't.
It's that simple.
Once you understand that nothing matters you can stop caring about things others do and focus on your own life.
Want to save the white race? Go get yourself that aryan gf and have a shit ton of children then. That'll certainly have more of an impact then shitposting on Jow Forums.
>i don't discriminate when it comes to pussy and neither should you
>aryan gf and have a shit ton of children
Can't because My Patents cursed me with nigger genetics and no matter what My future children, granchildren etc will always have nigger in Them
Then you are a biological dead end - again: Nobody cares if you die without offspring.
It's your own duty to figure out if you feel like being a biological dead end or not.
You're looking at a bunch of cherrypicked examples brainlet
It doesn't look like you came out mentally healthy either since you describe your father fucking your mother as Colonizing instead of actual love like same-race couples do, though Blacked is degenerate in that regard as well