What was your favorite vidya growing up as a kid? What's your favorite vidya currently? What's the most fun you've ever had playing a game?
What was your favorite vidya growing up as a kid? What's your favorite vidya currently...
Other urls found in this thread:
>probably minecraft
runescape on all three counts
I've always liked lots of different games so it's hard to name one in particular. One game that stood out to me as a kid was Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for the N64. I rented it once and it blew my mind on multiple fronts, from the strange Japanese asthetics to the giant robot battles. It still holds up to this day as one of the greatest N64 games IMO.
Currently I've been playing Dead Cells on my Switch, I'm a bit late to the party but it's a solid action platformer rougelite metroidvania all around.
The most fun I've had playing a game? I couldn't tell you, there are lots of fun games if you just take the time to explore.
>favourite as a kid
Whatever Pokemon game was the most recent
>favourite currently
I'm kind of in a slump, haven't been playing much thats out currently, just occassionally killing time in Minecraft, waiting for Cube World and Cyberpunk to come out.
>most fun i've ever had
I don't think I could pinpoint a specific moment, but pretty much any time i'd play with my friends it'd be a good time. Either playing stupid meme teams in Xcom 2 VS, dunking each other in Smash or all getting mad at Mario Party.
>tfw spent my teenage years rping in SA:MP
It's literally as if I moved into Los Santos for 3-4 years since rping was all I was doing all day.
Played a lot of single games and when we got Internet i was spending nights in cs1.6
Where are my gamers at?
I only play rs3
>melty blood
I added you because you left your name in the pic and i have no runescape friends
GTA IV online with friends in high school. We played 1000+ hours of free roam just goofing off and exploring the map
we run shit here
gamers unite
Just runescape and pokemon ruby
good thread
Sid Meyer's Alpha Centauri
Populous: A New Beginning
Pokemon Blue?
i got banned last week because apparently binding left click to mouse wheel down and using a mouse with a very easy going mousewheel is considered macroing, i assumed it would be alright seeing that there are so many fags on youtube doing the same thing but with other keys, i just happen to use one that you can spam at max speed for the game
that was my only account too, i might start again in 2 weeks after my exams
Star wars battlefront 2
Nothing. Fuck vidya
Star wars battlefront 2
Very excellent post
>Rome Total War
>Total Extreme Wrestling 2016
>Counter Strike Source
As a kid; Sacred Underworld, Pokemon Saphire, Homm 5 and various Sanic games
Today: Homm 5.5, EU4 and Creeperworld 3 i guess?
Best moments: Probably some boss or level in SA2B, the music was simply great and the detail of the levels and their speed were very stimulating as a kid
>Doom 64
>Team Fortress 2
>Team Fortress 2
Go back to rs3 if you want ezscape.
>original Star Wars Battlefront 1 and 2
>don't really play vidya anymore, but playing as france in eu4 brightens my day
>playing Black Ops on a new xbox 360 that I worked all summer for, good times