Anyone playing Classic? I just got my level 40 mount! How are you guys getting along?
Anyone playing Classic? I just got my level 40 mount! How are you guys getting along?
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stopped playing last week
Oh? Why? I got a bit burnt out and had a little break, but I'm in no means stopping.
My friend started a guild, but it only has about 10 somewhat active players. If it fails, we're just gonna go join some other one.
got to level 21, respecced to fire, now life is hell
what have you doooooonneeeee?
I've already killed Rag twice and I'm bored with the game.
real niggas , play wizard 101
lol. battlegrounds when? also i hear MC is easy and watered down, y/n?
It's not watered down, it's as easy as it was years ago.
i see. did people slay Rag in 1 minute back then? seemed much harder
i recall doing Emerald Dream dragons with a crew of 8 people, we could down the easy ones like Ysondre and I think Taerar. I guess it was that easy.
Bullshit, content is very toned down and there's a shitton of bugs.
i guess it was TBC that was hard, people were struggling to down Gruul, couldnt even clear the trash in other raid areas.
The only hard part about TBC were the heroic dungeons.
i thought so ! i was watching a streamer clear raid bosses in like 25 seconds or less. I didnt remember stuff being this easy.
no, heroic dungeons were doable. the one time dungeon was tough, where the portals spawn in the swamp.
Even going with 1.12 talents, there was no way you would steamroll through early raids in greens and with half of the people not even being 60.
Even 5 man dungeons are nerfed as fuck.
TBC heroics were absolutely brutal unless you overgeared them massively.
they were fun and challenging, completely doable except that one time dungeon.
yea that sucs, raid bosses have like 1/4 of their original hp
silly blizzard, theyre gonna lose subs because they made end game on tutorial mode
the hardest dungeon in the classic relaunch are the deadmines at level 17 lel
as long as you CC'd and pulled carefully, heroics werent bad.
>they were fun and challenging, completely doable except that one time dungeon.
Heroic arcatraz, shattered halls and terrace were brutal. Shadow labyrinth too.
>raid bosses have like 1/4 of their original hp
The hp seems to be correct but people are dealing way too much damage because bosses and 62 trash doesn't seem to avoid hits properly. You're meant to be hit capped and stuff.
Likewise tanks are taking much less damage than they should and generating too much threat, and mana regen is too high for healers.
All dungeons are a joke, people are fucking aoe farming them at the intended level.
That's what made them hard, you couldn't afford a bad pull because shit hit like a truck.
Shadow Lab was a little tough, Shattered Halls were one of the easiest ones. But yeah something is off about classic raiding. They'll patch it soon, right now its free epics.
same. it was a lot more grindy that I remember.
No, it's 1.12 talents and the dungeon nerfs that were live back then. It's not 1.0 classes and 1.0 Molten Core.
Nobody steamrolled those raids in greens at level 58 in 1.12 and you didn't just dick around dungeons while leveling in greens.
1.12 isn't just some magical BFA patch where everything is effortless.
1.12 healer gear was op, only reason why people are clearing so easily
Nobody did because there wasn't 15 years of knowledge and optimisation. People were bad, the game was easy. Now everyone has farmed optimal items and is doing much higher DPS than before.
no, something is fucky with end game. blizzard going to lose subs cause end game is watered down
>muh 15 years of knowledge meme
Most of people playing now are just as terrible as they were back then and ignore basic mechanics. Yet they can just bruteforce through because shit is too easy.
Are you classic cucks already waking up to the reality that your nostalgia is just nostalgia and theres nothing special about this game outside of that and you wont recreate the feelings of playing after school in your teenage years.
I've kinda noticed this. It's pretty boring to me now, but maybe that's just cause I've been playing alone
Classic is very good, but theres something very wrong with end game, its too easy.
The people doing Rag before sons are private server players who have spreadsheeted out fully optimised best-in-slot gear and take 12 warriors and 8 mages. Pugs in greens aren't killing Rag.
>fully optimised best-in-slot gear
The first kill was in fucking greens and a few blues on some members and half of the raid wasn't even 60 yet they only triggered sons once.
Shit is undertuned and hit mechanics are obviously off.
Why are people saying that classic is much easier now than then?
There are more people aoe specced so farming pre-raid bis gear goes a lot faster, but other than that I haven't felt any diff.
MC felt just as easy last week as it was back then after you learned about all the mobs and bosses.
I'd almost say it's harder now to do dungeons when pugging because every fucking single one of you retarded boomers won't listen and "fuck off I'm right all of you are wrong, I'm better than you"
They were still people who were playing on private servers before classic so it was just a walk in the park for them.
You're a retard who thinks shit was harder than it was. I killed Rag years ago, I killed Rag yesterday, it's the same shit as it was back then.
because it is. i gotta find original MC raids on youtube sec
Welcome to how it used to be, shit was always undertuned to compensate for how new the genre still was back then and the sheer pain of logistics in the age of phone internet. Now everyone has seen 3D MMOs and their general stuff, and the whole genre has evolved to be more difficult, classic's easy by comparison and just statchecks.
found it. Skip to 9:30 for Lucifron.
this is a TOP RAID GUILD with 6/7 7/7 epic gear sets. look at how SLOW Lucifron's hp goes down.
classic relaunch is tutorial mode
Isn't widely known that private servers buffed everything with at least +30% armor or w/e
Some did, most didn't. I raided MC in 1.12 with people who were wearing BWL/AQ40 gear and still took time, people died and only a few bosses were a total pushover.
If this is a private server, they had armour values wrong so bosses were harder. The person also clicks abilities and has no consumables.
I play OSRS like a man basedboi.
its not. and thats how classic raiding was
I think you meant most did, some didn't
If they had sub 150 players they probably didn't
That is a private server you absolute mongoloid
level 17 rogue here
it's quite fun!
even so, the private server is more accurate than blizz devs. tragedy
I leveled a few toons to 20 but dropped them because I either didn't like the race or the class wasn't fun. MAGE IS FUCKING BORING. Might try a rogue soon though.
I killed a bunch of hordeniggers last night in Ashenvale on Bigglesworth. Good times.
You only showed how slow they go down. If all it takes for a boss to be difficult is its effective health pool, you should play tennis, not WoW. Realistically you'd have to compare the damage done to the players, abilities, ability intervals and ability configurations to say anything of use. Smacking a health dummy for 10 minutes as opposed to 5 isn't very big of a difficulty increase and these bosses have never been very difficult to begin with, there was simply too much shit out of Blizzard's power that could go wrong during original WoW that isn't likely to go wrong as often now, like lag, disconnects and finding people to raid in the first place. People are seriously underestimating how much top tier raiders have improved over the years.
lol. i cant believe people chalk up this watered down end game to "skill". ""skill"" didnt let you down the raid in 10 seconds, actual skill let you dps effectively and safely, surviving all of the bosses's gimmicks.
I honestly can't tell if you're retarded or just trolling
already got bored of it
played it too much on private servers, i'm completely over the game
Bottom 3 on the list are doing less than 120 dps.
Imagine how many people they beat with LESS THAN ONE HUNDERD AND TWENTY DAMAGE PER SECOND.
And you cant figure why the boss takes time?
Hey, i think this post refers to you
enjoy nu-classic "end game"