I don't understand how people are emotionally ok with casual sex.
I don't understand how people are emotionally ok with casual sex
Most guys just want to cum and leave, so it's easy for them. That's where the "pumped and dumped" meme is from.
what about tinder thots, that ride a new dick every day?
I know this is bait but ill humor it anyway.
Youre wrong and there are plenty of guys, im sure, that care about emotional sex as much as girls do.
what is emotional sex
due to the use of contraception, mostly
sex without love is just masturbating into another person.
I'm not emotionally attached to females, so how can i have emotional sex with them. They're nothing but jiggly fuck meat in my eyes, that are supposed to take dick and extract my semen
Do you have emotional shits with your toilet too...?
Sure. Them too. But I think it's easier for men to separate sex and emotions.
I didn't mean all. But majority for sure. A lot just don't have an easy way to get casual sex since they're not desirable or "Chad" enough. But they would given the opportunity.
Seeing how that avatarfag with a pregnant gf talks about his relationship really opened my eyes. I don't think most men (and women to lesser extent) are all that caring and loving. And love isn't real anyway.
I'm the OP and I'm a guy.
Passionate, with an emotional connection. A true feeling of being intertwined not just physically but perhaps spiritually or metaphorically so. At least, thats how I see it.
Yeah love is mostly a facade and emotional connectivity is dwindling as time passes. Might try making the best of it though. Im certain youll find someone that close if thats what you want.
Shitting in the toilet is in no way comparable to sex, retard
No, but a woman is comparable to a toilet dipshit
>i let a faggot on Jow Forums shape my world view
go out more
>thread looks to pertain to at least semi-interesting topic
>avatarfag ruins it
This board is irredeemable.
Some people just don't require an emotional connection to enjoy that stuff. That's how I see it. They get their thrill from something else, whether it's the feeling of being desired, the ideal of being a conqueror, or whatever. These can play into the feelings of people who need an emotional connection, but by themselves won't work for them.
I always just think to myself that some people are just different.
You need to find someone that loves you and that you love to make that happen
I would just feel so filthy and defiled if I had sex with a random person. I don't understand why other people don't have this mental barrier. Like it's just ok to have sex with anyone
Of course you don't because there's nothing to understand by the definition of casual sex.
>I don't understand how people are emotionally ok with casual sex.
I can't understand it too. That's why I turned every girl down.
I do wonder if a lot of it is due to feelings around violation. It's generally people with either crap lives or great lives who really get around. Those who feel routinely violated have no issue with another potential violation in the hope that they may get a high from it, and people who never fear violation can only see the act as a high. The people stuck in the middle can go either way.
I don't have data, but I wouldn't be surprised if most normies didn't actually have much truly casual sex, but instead rotate around a series of not-quite-casual fuckbuddies. Sex is still treated casually, but the people aren't so casual, not really. They are people who they have some form of relationshp with, even if it's in theory purely sexual. There are expectations and an extent of trust built up in any repeated encounter.
they're not. that's why all these thots are on social media talking about how depressed they are all the time.
>I wouldn't be surprised if most normies didn't actually have much truly casual sex
you'd be right about this part
simple. i can't feel anything.
They aren't. It makes them jaded as all fuck in the end and then they have to pretend they're ok with it or else have to deal with facing their bad decisions, regret, and guilt. You form attachments and feel things whether you choose to or not right up until it's brought so much hurt you can't feel anything anymore and then you keep doing it to keep the loneliness at bay and to to try to feel some degree of self worth.
is it a moral qualm you have or are you biologically am unable to muster any sort of attraction to casual strangers, much less have sex with them?
Is it not possible to have passionate sex, with an emotional connection. And a true feeling of being intertwined, not just physically but perhaps spiritually, and then just fucking leave after you're done?
>you're a dude that wants a close emotional relationship
>girls doubt you, are hesitant to make any connection, or think you're silly because they're used to pump and dumb
>this makes you cynical and either avoid relationships entirely or want to pump and dump
ad infinitum
god whys it gotta be like this
You jack to porn right? You don't love those girls? You close the tab once you're done and move on to shitposting.
Men and women are being meme'd into it by porn, pop media, and "sex workers" who brand themselves as a product on social media. It's a sickness.
That's a million dollar question for me, too, since this is how I envision the way I'm gonna live if I ever make it. I promise to report back my findings. Might take years though...
Leviticus 21:7
They shall not take a wife that is a whore, or profane; neither shall they take a woman put away from her husband: for he is holy unto his God.
Ephesians 5:5-7
5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.
6 Let no man deceive you with vain words: for because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon the children of disobedience.
7 Be not ye therefore partakers with them.
Proverbs 6:32
Whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.