You know the drill.
>don't ask about social anxiety anymore; you can ask about a specific aspect of this issue, however
I should be around for a while tonight.
You know the drill.
>don't ask about social anxiety anymore; you can ask about a specific aspect of this issue, however
I should be around for a while tonight.
I try to make an appointment with a therapist and when I call it says that the user is unavailable/speaking. Is this because the therapist is a woman and therefore hates me?
>a therapist and when I call it says that the user is unavailable/speaking.
That means the therapist is in session, which will be most of the day, typically. Same with haidressers. Don't take it personally, friendo!
How would you react if Elizabeth Debicki asked you out in a date?
How can a woman be the rapist?
>How would you react if Elizabeth Debicki asked you out in a date?
If I were a man, or a lesbian, I'd be overjoyed.
By raping the D.
>If I were a man, or a lesbian, I'd be overjoyed.
No, instead, you're a larp faggot. Well, fuck this noise.
What is therapy for ? Why would i go to the therapist if I don't even know what it's about it how it works ?
I somehow make everyone I interact with hate me. I'm afraid of people. Especially men. I think they might want to hurt me because of how unlikable I am.
Whether I'm "larping" or not doesn't matter. Why would it?
Therapy is to improve your life. To heal wounds, to find new solutions, to get better. There are many types of therapy. The most typical is where you speak with a psychologist, but even that has different types.
What do I do if I have a sister who is clearly unfit to have and raise a child (there's a whole lot of issues and seeing as how I'm on r9k hopefully you will be able to see that despite not being able to give out too much information), yet social services are useless and there is no clear-cut (in the eyes of the law) evidence that she shouldn't be a mother? There can be awful parents who don't explicitly break the law after all, and I feel terrible that her kid is going to grow up under her control. I only have little bits of evidence that she's unstable, such as evidence that she does drugs and a recording of her and my mother yelling at each other, both of which I got a while ago. What do I do? I feel a little powerless.
H-How can I lose my pp insecurity? It's 9 inches smol.
I like you.
>I somehow make everyone I interact with hate me.
Provide details.
Surely there are services you can alert about this. If the child's safety is at stake, they might do something. It depends on your country. But it might be quite radical.
9 inches is a monster. It's virtually too big. And yes, that's a thing.
sorry for the screenshot, typing it again might make me start crying again
I don't know. Whatever. Doesn't matter.
What do you think about Tao Te Ching? The idea to go with the flow and be optimistic about life
I tried going to a counselor a few months ago when I was having some trouble and I don't think it really helped me out much. Would you say trying therapy would be any different? I mostly have problems with anxiety and social anxiety. She said I was a good communicator, but I don't know what that means either
Since you studied psychology I'm assuming, do you know anything about dream analysis? I've been waiting for one of these threads
Go fucking kill yourself you fucking attention whore die fucking die fuck you fuck you fuck you die bitch
What do I do if I'm in a major I'm too stupid for? How do I possibly change course without crushing everyone's expectations and being forever remembered as a failure? How do I forgive myself?
Take heart, brave user, you are fighting a harder battle than you think. You are based, never forget.
When is crying 'too much'? I've cried for nearly three times a week for the past month, it makes me feel more relieved and less burdened but I'm not sure if it's too much
I am sure you know. It matters. Provide the details, user!
>Tao Te Ching?
Not familiar enough to have a worthy opinion about it. From what you say, it sounds good, but I'd need to be more informed to say anything intelligent about it.
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of questions you get asked?
have you heard of xxxtentacion? what do you think of him?
>I tried going to a counselor a few months ago when I was having some trouble and I don't think it really helped me out much. Would you say trying therapy would be any different?
Fuck yes. A counselor doesn't have nearly the same amount of training and education than a psychologist.
It's like comparing a nurse to a surgeon.
>She said I was a good communicator, but I don't know what that means either
It means you speak well and make yourself understood, and are probably interesting to listen to.
How many close friends do your parents have?
The thing is that the child's safety isn't explicitly at stake; however, it's clear that being raised by her will result in him becoming very unhealthy, both physically and mentally. A lot of unhealthy and damaged people were probably never explicitly 'at risk', but bad parenting isn't as explicit as that. It's difficult to get into details, but she does things like yell at him when he won't go to sleep, neglecting him and dumping him on parents to go out with friends, taking him to places like McDonalds way too much instead of making sure he's healthy, and a lot of general irresponsibility. She's also a single mother who's constantly involving herself with men who are basically low-lives. But she never does anything like smack him or starve him, and when social services come round she acts friendly with them, and so does my mother, who's always bailing her out of these situations, complaining about her, but never having the will to stop supporting her or put a stop to what she's doing. So I don't really know what to do, I don't think calling the police is an appropriate action to take considering the evidence at hand, as well as what's regarded as abuse in the eyes of the law. I just don't want the kid to go through hell when he grows up and end up in a terrible state.
Do you feel as though you treat your clients differently if they had a history of drug abuse in their distant past?
Yes. Dream analysis was a lot of masturbation back in the day. Jung made the most sense from it: you can't analyse a dream without the dreamer (as dreams will mean vastly different things depending on who the dreamer is). Sometimes dreams are just a mess.
I wouldn't rely on dreams for much, but it's always interesting to discuss in therapy, especially since it can work as a projective exercise and reveal more.
You're calling me an attention whore by drawing attention to you for no other reason than being given attention, while I open a thread to focus on other people.
You played yourself, fool.
Should I consider going to a therapist if I already know the source of my problems and the solutions to them, but is afraid to take the first step?
I can't seem to make any friends. I know I'm introverted, but it's not like I'm not trying. I smile and greet people when I pass them, I make friendly comments to people in my classes, and I always try to appear approachable and in good spirit. It seems like I'm practically invisible to everyone. Perhaps they'll interact with me for a moment or two, but after it's like we never met and it never goes anywhere. I am extremely self aware, but I don't have problems with anxiety or anything. I just always make sure I'm not doing anything stupid or weird, and I think I pass for a normie upon sight.
>just join a club bro
I literally joined every single club at my school last semester and within 6 weeks they had all disbanded or stopped meeting, cuz no one really cares about them. It doesn't really help that I'm living in a new area that I moved to free high school, and that everyone including myself commutes. It seems like every friendship that exists was made long before I ever showed up.
>What do I do if I'm in a major I'm too stupid for?
Why do you think that and what is the major?
>How do I possibly change course without crushing everyone's expectations and being forever remembered as a failure?
By changing only if you genuinely want to do something else.
>How do I forgive myself?
By valuing yourself on who you are and not what you do or don't do.
I found myself in a relationship with another guy. I can't discern whether or not I'm gay or bisexual because he looks feminine and acts feminine and even has feminine traits (hence me confusing him for a girl). We got together and truly love each other but a part of how I grew up was being straight and now I find myself... confused.
>Am I gay or am I bisexual
>What do I do? I'm confused.
When you think it's too much. Crying is just a symptom. I've cried every day for 2 years. I knew why, and I knew it wasn't normal. Crying is there to help you, always indulge.
If you cry about the same issue, the issue itself is a problem, not the crying.
>Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the amount of questions you get asked?
Yes. Anons get impatient real fast and I can spend hours typing and typing and they think I'm just ignoring them. That's why I ask for questions I can answer shortly, sometimes.
I'm used to it.
I haven't.
Join me in my crusade for a parent's license.
I'm just so scared of screwing up things in performance situations even though I kind of know that I can't be perfect every single time, despite the fact I should be perfectly capable of it. How do I overcome the overwhelming fear?
>It's like comparing a nurse to a surgeon.
Oh okay. I'll look into therapy
>How many close friends do your parents have?
My mother has 3 pretty close friends but she tends to keep to herself. My father has one old friend but he isn't one to make close friends, only acquaintances
>Do you feel as though you treat your clients differently if they had a history of drug abuse in their distant past?
Yes, I treat them as people with a past of substance abuse. All it means to me is that they were dealing with some trauma via drugs. I focus on the trauma, not the coping mechanism. I don't judge, if that's what you're wondering about. Drug abuse is a problem, not a defining trait. I can understand why one would rather get smashed than kill themselves.
>Should I consider going to a therapist if I already know the source of my problems and the solutions to them, but is afraid to take the first step?
Do go. It takes courage to do this, and just doing it will make you feel like a brave person. It's worth trying. And remember, the first therapist you meet may not be the one for you, never give up!
I broke up with gilfriend who lives with me. She has no place to go and very little money. Shes still here and itsawkard. Also I've been depressed over the nature of the breakup and that the relationship didn't go the way i wanted. Friends told me i shouldn't have broke up since she was so happy and nice, and was doing so much for me.
I have a friend who seems to be really angry with me and I'm not even sure why. I don't treat him especially bad. I might make fun of him sometimes but that's about it. I don't take advantage of him in any way, so I really fail to see why I make him so angry. I confronted him about it once when he was complaining about how much I drink, saying it's bad for me etc. I asked him why do i bother him so much and he just lied and said I don't while he was rolling his eyes and very obviously looked annoyed. he always makes me feel like i'm explaining myself to him, and the way he questions me sometimes makes me think that he thinks i'm always lying
I'm more just curious as to why someone might be like this towards me, as we aren't that close anyway. apparently these are all signs of a vulnerable narcissist but i really don't see that. who knows, maybe i need to improve my act
How would I successfully get an adderall prescription from you?
How do I deal with the fact that classes are moving too fast and that if I'm not studying 24/7 I'll be overwhelmed even more than I already am? I'm already startin to catch up but, I just feel like I'm not fast enough and it's giving me anxiety and stress, sorry if it's not clear
>Join me in my crusade for a parent's license.
I honestly really wish this was the case. She clearly was never ready for this; she accidentally got pregnant at 17 in a relationship with a chav who was living with his mother still, decided to keep it while the chav left, became a single mother despite her being very immature in all aspects of life, and despite how much I know she is ruining this child she only gets 'support' from places like social services, despite the fact that this support is very empty and only serves to fuel whatever is making her be this way. I know this because not only do I witness their meetings (she and I both live with our mother), but we had to have social services come in when we were both younger. I'm trying to hang out with the kid but I definitely won't be able to be there all the time, but I just want him to be taken off of her, and the only person who seems to even remotely support my opinion on this is my dad, but he's not proactive at all on this and is as apathetic in his action towards this as my mother. It is just so frustrating that people like this are allowed to be parents; I feel as if very few people in this world have the qualities to be parents, although that might be because of my limited experience with parents.
When you try to sleep, why does your brain reminds you about x cringe situation that happend years ago? Do you know the reason and how to finally forget about those memories? Im a very stoic person myself, but I really don't like that intense cringe feeling when im trying to sleep
How do I force myself to eat? Fear of failure kills my apetitite immediately and I know I'll be hungry once the fear subsides but it'll take hours...
>but it's not like I'm not trying. I smile and greet people when I pass them, I make friendly comments to people in my classes, and I always try to appear approachable and in good spirit.
That might be the problem: you try so hard to please that people pick up on it and it translates as "I have no self-esteem and am desperate for friends, please be my friend. Please." And this is always a red flag to anyone else.
Remember that people like to know who you really are, and they don't like if you're just trying to please by acting differently. Hence "be yourself", and it truly is gold advice.
Give exact examples for more help.
I am wondering what the next step for me is in terms of entering society again. I am less of an anxiety riddled mess now I am a NEET with no commitments and developing hobbies has been good for me but I want to move toward normality now.
I spent all of sixth form and university with no friends or acquaintances and I haven't made a friend in probably a decade (and I am obviously a KHHV) so I don't know how to begin building up social skills.
What things could I do to practice socializing and build up my huge developmental deficit?
I feel like I'm in over my head. I barely managed to get admitted and I haven't started yet. Yes, it's early to be worrying about this but I almost feel like I've subconsciously picked something I'll fail at just because it's easier than setting a more realistic goal that I could actually accomplish.
>what is the major?
I don't want to go into detail. It's related to chemistry and biology. I really respect my "colleagues" but I don't feel like I'm up to par.
>genuinely want to do something else.
Wanting to do something doesn't guarantee that you can do it.
>valuing yourself on who you are
My only way of being a person worth valuing is achieving my goals. Wouldn't it be a tad pretentious to value myself over something like who I am? I'm not someone special.
Sorry if I sound argumentative. It's just how I type.
Seems like you are bisexual, my homo. There are degrees to this. Do Kinsey's test if you want some idea of how gay you are.
Otherwise, follow your heart.
Not OP here, but this. I had this as well, it was horrible. I forced my brain to stop it, and it worked. But ever since then I am not as good at memorizing things anymore and I "lost" many childhood and teen memories that were not cringy. I think my daily cringy compilation before sleeping kept my neural pathways to memories from that time open. But I'd say it was worth the trade-off. Was a sad time anyway.
>How do I overcome the overwhelming fear?
Consider the worst case scenario and how bad it really would be. Realise it wouldn't be that bad. Dismiss bitches and acquire currency.
how do you actually ask someone out?
A worst case scenario would be feeling that the conductor thinks I'm worse than I actually seemed to him, and that I once again fail to demonstrate my ability to everyone. I feel really bad about it though.
Please answer me seriously, I know you will but, if you can, please give me an in depth one on this because I bloody can't get it out of my head.
People say to focus on what stresses you out the most and just push everything that matters less to the side because you should ONLY focus on alleviating/fixing your main problem before tackling those that aren't even on the same level.
What is your opinion on this?
For context, I've been stressing out and being anxious about mathematics for the past three weeks and haven't done anything about it. My other classes are much easier but they have deadlines (well, so does the math class with quizzes which I'm not prepared for).
A part of me wants to do the easy stuff first so that I won't have them bugging me (in the far recesses of my mind), but another part of me wants to do the hard part (math) first because that's what has been keeping me sleeping like trash recently, also it'd only get easier. I'm stuck on this.
Leddit spacing for easier reading.
Please help me on this, therapist user, and thank you.
I've had this problem for about 2 years now that i don't get any happiness from actually achieving anything anymore. First noticed it after i barely cared about finishing highschool with a decent grade but i blamed that one on the alcohol afterwards. So far the same has been happening in other fields too: I got my driving license - nothing, i got a job- nothing, hell i even had i gf for about 6 months but still nothing. Don't get me wrong i can still fell happy and such, its just that i no matter if i work my ass off or if i actually get something done, it's just nothing
Ty for the answer user. I've been having toubles with memorizing things too, when I get those memories, I usually paint them in black, so that I would not be able to visualize them, maybe your theory isn't that wrong
I was in my mother's room. My mom was in her closet. There was a porcelain woman in the corner of the room, looking almost mannequin. She was sitting at a desk staring unmoving straight ahead. I was between the two at the foot of the bed in the center of the room. We had just grown up to know not to look at the woman. Inching my peripheral slowly towards her, because I noticed how strange her face was, covered in white paint and dust. Most of it clumped together on her long rounded nose. Once my gaze fell on her, her neck snapped towards me. While she was looking at me I was filled with intense terror and sadness. I tried to call for my mom but my bottom lip was so curled up that I could only make 'mm-m-mmm' sounds. Eventually I gathered up enough strength to pull away and as soon as I did she returned to the corner. Then I practiced looking at and away from her a couple times. Then I continued staring at her. Slowly the previous emotions started to fade. When I got to around 80% better the dream ended. I walked away from the experience feeling satisfied that I kept looking at that ugly bitch. Felt like a beneficial experience
I'm only an armchair amateur so I'm quick to diagnose it as an encounter with the shadow through the anima but I'd like to hear your opinion. If there's anything you think there can be to take away. Nevertheless I feel like it's a fun discussion point
My two cents.
There's a full podcast of a psychologist who has devoted his life to study procrastination. This specific episode is pretty dense in information.
And the main site. The guy's name is Tim Pychyl.
Sorry, anons, I had emergencies to deal with. I resume responding now.
>Friends told me i shouldn't have broke up since she was so happy and nice, and was doing so much for me.
If you weren't happy, this wouldn't have worked. It could have been a whole lot worse, too. You did the right thing.
It's bound to be awkward, but you'll figure out a way.
OP i still want to see a femdom to be permanently feminized
>I might make fun of him sometimes
Depending on what that is, that might be why.
You two seem to have odd exchanges... It's almost as though he was tired of you not understanding him, in my impression.
How do I start crying easier? I have only cried 2-3 times in the past year and each time had made me so much more 'free,' recently something happened to me and I just want to cry out my heart but I just can't. I'm not used to crying because I've grown up being told my friends teachers and family that men shouldn't cry.
You couldn't. I'm not a psychiatrist.
Break down your tasks into manageable bits and try to have fun studying. See procrastination tips, too.
How do we know you're actually a therapist and not just larping? Without identifying yourself, what kind of proof can you give us?
>I honestly really wish this was the case.
I believe it will happen. The instant the masses understand how influential parents are on a child's mental development, parenting licenses will be real.
Self-esteem issues. Forgive yourself and remind yourself that everybody does this and everyone makes mistakes. You're fine.
Drink whole milk if you can't eat. It's very calorific and easier to do than eat.
>What things could I do to practice socializing and build up my huge developmental deficit?
I always recommend watching smart people converse.
>parenting licenses will be real
doubtful OP, as the birth rate continues to collapse it will wind up being like how it is in certain Scandinavian countries. The government will beg people to have children because it will be something only rich people still do; although wont be a crisis for 30'ish years
>Wouldn't it be a tad pretentious to value myself over something like who I am? I'm not someone special.
It wouldn't. Who knows how special you are?
>I almost feel like I've subconsciously picked something I'll fail at just because it's easier than setting a more realistic goal that I could actually accomplish
Focus on this. It may be a type of procrastination, but if there's any truth to it, you need to act.
How do i figure out what to do? I'm 29 and just as aimless as i was ten years ago. I need to do something, finish a degree, a course, something that matters. I got a job so family won't give me shit, i need to get a career but nothing seems to drive me, not even the things i used to like.
What if I ask my psychiatrist about the potential effects of mixing psilocybin with my mood stabilisers and SSRIs?
>bureaucracies will fix everything
>how do you actually ask someone out?
Be casual. Don't act like it's a big thing, even though it would be to you. If you act like it's a major act of bravery, it'll put pressure on the person and they won't feel comfy. Ask casually, as if it wasn't important and could be rejected easily without causing you harm.
Crying is for faggots. Stop being a pussy and cry zero times a year.
What happens when you cut yourself? Can you feel something? If so, start hurting yourself physically when you should be feeling emotions. Eventually without the physical pain, you should feel things normally like us.
This ain't so bad, and the "again" part is most likely only in your own mind.
>People say to focus on what stresses you out the most and just push everything that matters less to the side because you should ONLY focus on alleviating/fixing your main problem before tackling those that aren't even on the same level.
>What is your opinion on this?
Focusing on what stresses you out if you can't do anything about it isn't a good idea. It's more about doing something useful than focusing or not focusing. Doing always helps.
>but another part of me wants to do the hard part (math) first because that's what has been keeping me sleeping like trash recently, also it'd only get easier.
Do that, even if you only spend an hour doing it first. It will ease your mind.
Paragraphs are for people who can write. No worries.
how do I stop fantasizing about eating out your shit covered ass and fucking your throat
>i don't get any happiness from actually achieving anything anymore
Beyond depression, you need a goal, not just steps towards nothing.
What is your goal, user?
I am in love with a friend of mine for 2 years now. I am certain that she does not love me back. However my therapist said it would be good for my development if I do it. I just came from my martial arts class where we both are in and we are also in the same school and share the same friends and courses. I could have told her just 30 minutes ago how I feel but I did not.
I want to tell her how I feel in person because I am so afraid to do it. I would have been perfect we were alone and in school I seem to never get in a situation where i could tell her how i feel without being awkward or waiting for the bus with our friends.
I feel like shit because of it.
sorry for bad english
what are your thoughts on porn? how many times a day can one jerk off before you would consider it unhealthy?
stop asking this retarded bitch questions, you're actively killing the board, thanks cancer
nigga if you want to make good bait you gotta atleast read the whole thing
>Focusing on what stresses you out if you can't do anything about it isn't a good idea
Yeah I can definitely do it, it's just that I have difficulty with dealing with priorities. It's clear to me now that the secondary worries are nothing if I just deal with the hardest ones first, but I feel like this will happen again in the future for me, do you have any suggestions for setting priorities and actually following them when your mind wants the easy way out?
how did you find this place? (original comment)
Complicated issue. You should seek therapy outside of this thread.
Stop being a faggot and grow up retard
Just do it already you pussy
Fuck you fag, I'm not with the FBI
Stop replying to multiple people like your input means anything hahaha
currently its my bachelor in physics and getting enough money to get to visit norway with my mom
>We had just grown up to know not to look at the woman.
Absolutely terrifying. Some Medusa deal going on here.
>how strange her face was, covered in white paint and dust.
This is getting worse.
>Once my gaze fell on her, her neck snapped towards me.
This is fucking nightmare fuel, goddam! Write a horror story based on this, holy hell.
>Eventually I gathered up enough strength to pull away and as soon as I did she returned to the corner.
Genuine goosebump reading your post.
>I'm only an armchair amateur so I'm quick to diagnose it as an encounter with the shadow through the anima but I'd like to hear your opinion. If there's anything you think there can be to take away. Nevertheless I feel like it's a fun discussion point
I'd love to hear your own interpretation without resorting to psychoanalytic concepts; is there anyone in your life that could be the "ugly bitch"?
It makes me think of someone close to your mother who abused you or mistreated you, whom you had to deal with somehow, successfully, maybe, or not.
i want to be put in a glass case and Studied user-chan
answer my question you retarded bitch
>I'm not used to crying because I've grown up being told my friends teachers and family that men shouldn't cry.
Remember that only pansies are afraid to cry. I recommend finding music that enables you to let go. I could make you a list. I'll do that right afterwards.
I used to be a chill guy, degenerate.
Then i realized that our liberlar governments are genociding their own people and destabilizing other countries to import slaves.
Now i see that this is cause women spend more, and government encourages women liberation so that they have double the workforce, and a bigger economy.
Now all i want is clerical fascism (so that we can htake women rights away with the rigth excuse, since apparently we are too much of a fucking pussies to do what must be done, and the government won't let us), cause i realize that with no stable and proper population growth all will crumble.
What do you think?
Am i nuts?
get over yourself loser
Please do kind user, I'll cry out my fucking heart and then start doing shit
kill yourseIf loser, therapy will never help your pathetic ass hahaha