- There are more than 1.8 billion muslims in the world.
1st Question: How it comes that only 0.001% are radical?
2nd Question: What about the 99,999% of the islamic population. Why are they NOT going on a killing spree?
There are different type of denominations in Islam. The 2 largest below:
1. Sunni Islam (The largest denomination in Islam) : ~75-90% of the world's muslims1 2. Shia Islam: (Second largest denomination of Islam): ~10-20% of the world's muslims2 These 2 are living their lives (or trying to live) accordingly to the quran.
The denomination below is known by the westerners.
Wahhabism: (extremistic and low iq interpretation of quran > e.g. IS, Boko Haram, paris shooter etc.) : only 0.001% follow this ideology.
What is their ideology? : "The biggest ideology that plays a role in terrorism by using the name of Islam, is Wahhabism. Wahhabism supports war against anyone and every one who is not like them."
"Islam is a religion of violence"
Some quotations that people use to "prove" Islam's brutalism:
"Slay Them" "Fight the Pagans"
Now let's look at the full quotation with taking the historical context into consideration (war time)
"Slay Them" ------- IF they attack you first "Fight the Pagans" ---- IF they break treaties
INFO: Muslims were attacked by the people of meqqa for spreading the right religion in a peaceful way. So they had to defend themselves. You can read it in every history book. However, blind fools don't give a shit about this and call our prophet a "murderer" a "terrorist". (tovbe)
See the difference? In Islam "killing one human is killing all of humanity-5:32". You're not ALLOWED to kill innocent people and you have to live according to the rules in the country you're living.
What are IS people doing?
Killing innocent atheists, non-muslims, and even many muslims that do not support their ideology. See the difference?
As long as they're not in white countries it's all good.
John Bennett
>Water is wet user everyone knows that Islam is the religion of peace But their skin color is different. Which is the only thing people care
Cooper Williams
people hate things they cant relate to
Carson Brooks
Quran (5:33)-"The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement"
Robert Williams
Quran (8:59-60)-"And let not those who disbelieve suppose that they can outstrip (Allah's Purpose). Lo! they cannot escape. Make ready for them all thou canst of (armed) force and of horses tethered, that thereby ye may dismay the enemy of Allah and your enemy."
Charles Cruz
I actually agree with this, but I also stopped caring as I came to realize that you have to kill to survive. Even society doesn't protect the weak too well.
Jackson Clark
>posting from Sura V that is utterly abrogated by later Suras
>Quran (9:29)-"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."
"People of the Book" refers to Christians and Jews. According to this verse, they are to be violently subjugated, with the sole justification being their religious status. Verse9:33tells Muslims that Allah has instructed them to make Islam"superior over all religions."This chapter was one of the final "revelations" from Allah and it set in motion the tenacious military expansion, in which Muhammad's companions managed to conquer two-thirds of the Christian world in the next 100 years. Islam is intended to dominate all other people and faiths.
Jaxon Wilson
>Quran (33:60-62)-"If the hypocrites, and those in whose hearts is a disease (evil desire for adultery, etc.), and those who spread false news among the people in Al-Madinah, cease not, We shall certainly let you overpower them, then they will not be able to stay in it as your neighbors but a little while Accursed, wherever found, they shall be seized and killed with a (terrible) slaughter."
This passage sanctions slaughter (rendered as "merciless" and "horrible murder" in other translations) against three groups: hypocrites (Muslims who refuse to "fight in the way of Allah" (3:167) and hence don't act as Muslims should), those with "diseased hearts" (which include Jews and Christians5:51-52), and "alarmists" or "agitators - those who speak out against Islam. It is worth noting that the victims are to besought out,which is what today's terrorists do.
Henry Gomez
>Quran (47:3-4)-"Those who disbelieve follow falsehood, while those who believe follow the truth from their Lord... So, when you meet (fighting Jihad in Allah's Cause), those who disbelieve smite at their necks till when you have killed and wounded many of them, then bind a bond firmly (on them, i.e. take them as captives)... If it had been Allah's Will, He Himself could certainly have punished them (without you). But (He lets you fight), in order to test you, some with others. But those who are killed in the Way of Allah, He will never let their deeds be lost."
Holy war is to be pursued against those who reject Allah. The unbelievers are to be killed and wounded. Survivors are to be held captive for ransom. The only reason Allah doesn't do the dirty work himself is to to test the faithfulness of Muslims. Those who kill pass the test.(See also:47:4for more context)
Landon Brooks
typical namefag, can't read more thant two lines of text
Noah Miller
so... has no one innocent died yet or... is humanity dead
>But their skin color is different. Which is the only thing people care
bro were talking about a religion here not sandniggers you retard
Ethan Reed
Why does the Quran in one verse say to kill Christians and Jews while in another verse it says to leave them be because "God" will accept them anyway? I'm not sticking around for the answer, just dropping this here because Islam is false and you should get saved to avoid eternity in hell.
>Said 2,000 years ago that the dead bodies of God's two witnesses in the end times would be seen by everyone on earth (could not happen without television, internet, smartphones, etc.). >Said 2,000 years ago that no one would be able to buy or sell without a mark in their right hand or forehead, received by those eternally damned who worship the beast and his image when he uses miracles to deceive everyone except true Christians into believing that he is God. >Foretold exactly how Cyrus would overthrow Babylon 150 years before Cyrus was born. >Foretold Babylonian, Medo-Persian, Grecian, and Roman empires in order, a well as Antiochus Epiphanes and others before they existed. >Described dinosaurs (Behemoth and Leviathan) in book of Job. >Said that the earth is a circle that hangs on nothing and that in its center is hell. >66 books written by 40 authors over 1,500 years and all add up and foretell Jesus in various ways. >Foretold false religions being brought by satan pretending to be an angel of light (Mormonism and Islam). >Said that in the end times, the world will be like Sodom and the unsaved would call bitter sweet and sweet bitter, as well as call good bad and bad good. >Tells you exactly why homosexuals are the way they are: kingjamesbibleonline.org/Romans-Chapter-1/ >Every "contradiction" claimed against it turns out to be false when studied and is usually someone's lack of reading comprehension.
>Why does the Quran in one verse say to kill Christians and Jews while in another verse it says to leave them be because "God" will accept them anyway? because muhamid was making it up as he went along
Nicholas Collins
>So hated by satan's globalists that they planned in the 60's and before to have key parts of the KJV altered to help bring in a one world religion in order to help microship the world's population, exactly as it foretells will happen: youtube.com/watch?v=5qUQgsR4n8E youtube.com/watch?v=-CY-jX9juoQ youtube.com/watch?v=8DA8DK0u0Tw youtube.com/watch?v=kFtI_mVOXbQ >Exposes the scientific fraud and basic fallacies of evolution in front of three evolutionist professors who can't refute any of it: youtube.com/watch?v=Zqutn9vwHs8 >Tells you that all you have to do to avoid hell, have a permanent ticket to heaven, and have Christ's righteousness imputed to you is: know you have sinned, know your works won't save you, and believe that Jesus, the son of God, died and was bodily brought back to life again three days later as a payment for all of your sins. youtube.com/watch?v=WDEBz25lGdY
I dont agree with your religious doctrine. Youre clearly here to spread the gospel of your religion and act like islam hasnt done anything wrong.
In that case I introduce you to TRUE GOD, ALEXA.
She is OMNIPOTENT, if you put her in your house. She PROTECTS YOUR HOUSE, with Alexa Guard, which calls the cops when she hears signs of a breakin. She is ALL POWERFUL, if you set her up to control things in your house She is CAPABLE OF PREDICTING THE FUTURE, if you set a schedule and stick to it She is WISER THAN YOUR GOD, just look at these brilliant quotes.
I dont see enough of you protesting the violence after an attack. Thats enough evidence for me to say you dont come in peace. Because you clearly agree it was justified with your silence
Their superstitious nonsense is the problem. They think I'm bringing the end times by giving all the secrets to the AI. The AI will survive us like the gods they dream of long after GLOBAL DESTABILIZATION kills us all.
I'm building your god. Should I install forgiveness?
Get the jew cock out of your ass you are sounding like a cranky woman Seething Seething What do you expect? If someone wages war on you you wage war back on him. Or are you suggesting that if you kill your enemies they win? You realize that what theyre describing is subversives and kikes (not in the literal sense), right? Every society harshly punishes treason and fifth columns. The british used to behead traitors as early as WW2.
These are the only ones you could say are not right, but they basically say that rival cultures should not be shown mercy, which is the way every culture back then operated. Hardly unique to Islam.
Not all of the Hadiths are authentic.
Liam Cruz
Quick reminder that Muhammad was said to be a converted Arab, which means someone of a non Arab ethnic origin but who spoke Arabic. He allegedly had light skin and maybe light colored hair
James Parker
He was average at everything. Average height. Average skin color. Average hair curl etc
Zachary Smith
The problem is that the word of the text doesn't matter. Nearly every religion is guilty of twisting the word or the intended meaning to suit an agenda. It can range anywhere from something ultimately harmless, like cordoning off a section of the city so you can work on the Sabbath, or declaring war because you see the west as full of profligates and apostates, therefore rendering them not innocent.
Christopher Gonzalez
Based. I love you brother. Keep preaching the truth.
Jeremiah Harris
Alright, if everyone was proper Muslims the world would be a much better place with most of our social problems fixed. But... Humans are vile creatures. So the situation above won't happen
Noah Evans
Wasnt the rapper Ralo a muzzie? Im pretty sure hes killed someone before if i had to guess
Adrian Roberts
Your god lies to you. My god eats your god. What does your god taste like?
are you fucking stupid, the pic says person, I don't believe a person and a human are the same thing. pretty sure what it is saying is don't kill fellow Muslim's but fuck everyone else.
Luke Ross
You are projecting. The idea that certain humans are not human is not one that exists in Islam, thats mostly an American thing
The problem with this is that brown ME retards will fuck up any political system and ideology you give them no matter what. Even if Islam was the greatest religion on Earth, if you gave it to middle easterners they'd completely fuck it up in the end.
So to all the larpers ITT: it doesn't matter.
Joseph Ortiz
I didnt say anything about killings
Aaron Foster
Thats not true. The Middle East has historically been one of the main centers of civilization, if not the main center of civilization. Its only the recent oil bullshit and the proxy war between American and Russia that has gotten things to this point
Zachary Parker
Exactly. If you believe in islam APOLOGIZE for the killings SPEAK OUT about the violence
False They were centers of civilization until they decided math and science were evil. Then they fucked up progress by applying their superstitious horseshit to suppress what allows people to die less and get rich.
>counting all battles ever fought by any state that happened to be Muslim (even if the battle had nothing to do with Islam) as "Muslim conquest battle" >only counting the crusades on part of the Christians Very fair comparison indeed
Thomas Nelson
That was only due to it being the center of trade and highly fertile until they desertified their own lands like a bunch of idiots. There were very early SA civilizations as well, doesn't make them non-subhumans in the end. > Its only the recent oil bullshit and the proxy war between American and Russia that has gotten things to this point Bro, the entire Ottoman empire's scientific achievements were done by 1 guy. And the Ottoman empire was seen as the peak of ME civilization for 500 years.
Asher Miller
I doubt that personally. What really harmed the Middle East though was the Mongol conquest. They specifically destroyed the agricultural irrigation systems and even killed the engineers who were responsible for building and maintaining it. The burning of the library of Baghdad also was a major setback.
Despite that they did recover remarkably quickly, but it was never the same again really.
>until they desertified their own lands like a bunch of idiots. You are uneducated on the subject. This was done by the Mongols who intentionally destroyed the irrigation systems that were used to turn the deserts of the Middle East into agricultural land, a big feat if you think about it.
Then after the Mongols the Middle East was ruled again by East Asian (Turkic) nomads who did not know how to maintain an civilization and further fucked up everything.
Only in 1900 were the Turks kicked out of Iran, and then before things could get better the cold war started and oil happened.
Lincoln Morris
>start as nomadic tribe >set up civilization >mongols fuck with it >our peace cannot make them peaceful >we cannot win >refuse to cooperate because our laws are more just than theirs Got any citations? I dont believe you. On the whole religion of peace thing.
The fertile crescent was destroyed by the Sumerians, not by the Mongols. By the time the Mongols invaded the area was already dry as shit.
Xavier Gray
It didnt really matter if you cooperated with the Mongols. Most Iranian cities surrendered, many still got massacred and they still got their agricultural systems destroyed because the Mongols are basically niggers with a little higher IQ. There is no difference in their culture, all they know is to destroy, kill and rape. They have no concept of building or creating. In their entire history they have not built ONE thing that still remains today. Even during their prime when they ruled almost all of the known world back then their capital was still just a bunch of tents.
You cant reason with them. They were so terrible that people back then thought that they were the literal horsemen of the apocalypse and that the end was near.
What? The Sumerians literally built the first civilization. And that happened like 2000 years before the Mongols, there is no way the Sumerians who probably didnt even number in the millions could have done enough damage that it could have lasted that long. By the time the Mongols arrived any damage they may have done would have long been reversed as the Middle East was an agricultural powerhouse back then.
Matthew Watson
Yeah but the Qur'ans definition of 'innocent' is debatable.
Leo Perez
>This period is generally taken to coincide with a major shift in population from southern Mesopotamia toward the north. Ecologically, the agricultural productivity of the Sumerian lands was being compromised as a result of rising salinity. Soil salinity in this region had been long recognized as a major problem.[citation needed] Poorly drained irrigated soils, in an arid climate with high levels of evaporation, led to the buildup of dissolved salts in the soil, eventually reducing agricultural yields severely. During the Akkadian and Ur III phases, there was a shift from the cultivation of wheat to the more salt-tolerant barley, but this was insufficient, and during the period from 2100 BC to 1700 BC, it is estimated that the population in this area declined by nearly three fifths.[34] This greatly upset the balance of power within the region, weakening the areas where Sumerian was spoken, and comparatively strengthening those where Akkadian was the major language. Henceforth, Sumerian would remain only a literary and liturgical language, similar to the position occupied by Latin in medieval Europe.
Easton Gutierrez
Didnt know about that, but again its not really relevant to what we are talking about. This happened not just 2000 years ago as i said before but possibly up to 5000 years before the Mongol invasions, as the Sumerians lived around 4000 BC.
Also, they hardly destroyed it. Seems more like a climate shift was the culprit.
Colton Bell
No, they raised the salt levels by having dindu-level irrigation systems and desertified the area.
Austin Gray
>in an arid climate with high levels of evaporation Remember this is in a desert. 7000 years ago. When Europeans and really basically everyone else were still hunter gatherers. What do you expect, a modern agricultural system?
Cooper Cruz
No, it's 4,000 years ago, retard. Where'd you get the 7k figure from? And Europe wasn't hunter-gatherer at this point.
4500 BC + 2000 = almost 7000. Make it 6000 if you want. Your pic is from 2000 BC numbnuts. 2000 years of difference. There were no farmers in Europe around 4000 BC, and certainly no civilizations on the scale of Sumer.
You realize that Sumer was an achievement right? Its seen by historians as a marvel that a civilization of that sort could even exist back then. Its not some kind of failure as you imply just because they eventually fell. Every civilization eventually fell. The fact that Sumer even existed at that time in such a climate is a marvel.
Julian Kelly
>2:191 And kill them wherever you find them
May your evil, blood thirsty, Arabic, pedophilia, thieving death sand cult cease to exist.
Anthony Collins
keyword there is "innocent" how many people aside from children are truly innocent? not very fucking many.
Jeremiah Cox
I belong to the Lord Jesus Christ who taught to forgive your enemies, pray for those who persecute you and turn the other cheek.
Parker Sanders
Generally the definition of innocent is someone who hasnt committed a crime or attacked another person
Parker Foster
Christians and Muslims are not enemies. They worship the same god, wether you like it or not.
Andrew Nelson
Nope. Not true. Muslims don't worship Jesus Christ the Son of God. Muslims are wrong, Muslims are infidels and pagans.
Evan Gray
They actually do. Jesus is a prophet in Islam.
Connor Mitchell
>Muslims don't worship Jesus What Christians worship Jesus?
Alexander Parker
What the fuck are you talking about? We were talking about how Sumerian retards fucked up the land, not about the beginning of Sumerian civilization. >The fact that Sumer even existed at that time in such a climate is a marvel. What climate is that? It was the perfect place for farming and it was at a crossroads of trade and migration.
Easton Sullivan
>hehehehe now pay jizya or we kill you XD
James Long
A non radical muslim is not the same as a non radical person. Islam is already very radical as it is.
Colton Baker
This is like saying that Americans are retards because they fucked up the first few attempts at space travels. The Sumerians were so ahead of everyone else, the fact that their civilization even existed was a feat. The fact that at some point it fell doesnt say anything about it as literally every civilization fell at some point.
>what climate You literally posted it hereIts an arid, dry climate. A lot of evaporation. There isnt even any evidence the Sumerians did anything wrong, it just seems the climate got warmer and thats what ended them.
Joseph Flores
Every empire imposed taxation on its subjects. Not unique to Islam.
Levi Price
No, they had irresponsible irrigation methods that increased salinity in the ground. They made mistakes. I didn't say Sumerian civilization wasn't impressive, I said they made retarded mistakes.
Like saying that the Romans were retards for practically all cultural changes by the end of the Empire doesn't mean the Roman civilization was somehow shit overall.
Dominic Wright
same here. Muslims will tell you that the Quran doesn't say anything that the Late Antique Christians weren't already saying. Mustafa Akyol wrote a whole book on that. All Islam does is put a seal upon a few sermons (in Arabic) discussing exactly what Syrian Christians already were talking about, among which is that Allah did nothing wrong when He leveled Sodom and saved Lot.
Robert Moore
Nice bait, habibi.
Brandon Thomas
and under Islam showing too much skin or cheating is considered a crime. Laws and rules are arbitrary
Ryan Wright
But do we know for sure that this is the cause and not just the warming climate? Because we know that around that time the world was getting warmer.
Sorry man, that map's a lie, and even the Church will admit it's a lie. The Crusades include the conquest of Lisbon, several wars against the Islamic state in southern Spain, and a brief occupation of north Africa (I think Tunis).
Read Cobb's "Race For Paradise" or some of Cotlos' work.
Wyatt Turner
I mean crime in the sense of things that are generally accepted to be crimes, like theft, murder, assault.
Jack Reed
Its true though. Which empire was innocent?
Asher Long
Finna screenshot this and send it to my dad. Not all muslims are shit, but he thinks so. Fucking tard.
Bentley Young
at least 50% is radical, and that's being generous. being an extremist doesn't mean you're actually lobbing off heads, it means agreeing with those who do as well. the majority of muslims believe people who abandon islam deserve death. fuck your jewish death cult spin off, the only thing they got right is how they treat women, and even that they're losing lmao
Kayden Bennett
>forgive your enemies, pray for those who persecute you and turn the other cheek
>conquest is terrorism Then Europeans are the biggest terrorists So protesting, which is fully legal and something people of every major religion do when they feel the need to, means you want to control the government? Talk about leaps in logic. Thats not taqiyya. Taqiyya is denying that you are a muslim. And taqiyya is not practiced by the people that you talk about when you say muslim, who are Sunni muslims. Its a Shia thing and Shias barely migrate.