>Man is standing at the ledge of a tall building.
>Cop has his gun drawn
>"Don't jump or I'll shoot".
Why are police officers so fucking retarded?
>Man is standing at the ledge of a tall building.
>Cop has his gun drawn
>"Don't jump or I'll shoot".
Why are police officers so fucking retarded?
When or where did this ever happen other than in your retarded imagination
Only the government has a say in when you die, you don't
lol sounds funny link the vid please
This is why you need to become powerful enough to negate the governments ability to hold influence over you. A nuke in every household, is my motto.
i don't think this has happened ever
but you're right police officers are fucking retarded
This. The ultimate defence against any government tyranny is the biggest nuke possible in your basement. They aren't going to try to take you out if that take the whole town with it.
Suicide is illegal in my country
smoothbrain americans think everything can be solved with a glock
do front flip so he misses
Flat-cortex'd yurofags think banning guns and giving the police rubber batons stops murders
Honestly i just dont care about police. Im not some retard leftiefag who thinks every cop is a wife beating child rapist but its clearly stated that they dont have a duty to protect anyone, so id rather protect myself. Lowkey been considering just getting Jow Forums, learning a martial art, and just being some half-assed vigilante/superhero who walks around strapped because police are useless where i live.
This. Suicide is a crime because it's destruction of government property.
that makes alot more sense kek
based superhero
Which one has less murders user?
>nuke in your basement
I want an ICBM so I can project force globally
This literally never happens. Cops are trained in Crisis Intervention Techniques in order to intervene in such situations.
>This literally never happens.
Yes it does.
"some cops" are trained not all of them you need to specifically ask for an officer with CIT training otherwise its a lottery of who you will get
The US is ranked worse than Pakistan, Rwanda, Albania, Syria and Sudan, for instance.
Most european countries dont count acid, knife or grenade attacks as murders, and leave immigrants entirely out of statistics.
all "murders" that you see in america are actually "deaths by gun", in which suicide is included and is over 90% of all "deaths by gun"
Aint that real wacky?
>Most european countries dont count acid, knife or grenade attacks as murders, and leave immigrants entirely out of statistics.
No, because a murder is a crime where you murder someone. If you don't kill the victim you are not a murderer.
If you want to talk about other crimes, fair enough., but murder is murder.
Then isnt it real wacky murders from immigrants arent counted in murder statistics? Sweden for example doesnt count deaths from grenades because they're all done by muslims. Why is that so? And what is your rebuttle to the fact america counts suicide as gun deaths?
>...And thats when he leapt at me from on top of the building. It was self defense your honor.
can you actually back up that claim, because for all I know you're just making shit up.
>Why is that so?
There's probably reasons for that, maybe it's a distinct crime from murder, maybe the statistics list these things separately, I dunno. There's probably a decent reason for it, statistics exist to help people make decisions. Whatever the reason may be, it's probably sound and you don't need to question it.
I'd need to see it, of course. But I'm not gonna go looking for it, because the burden of proof is on the person making the claim.
>And what is your rebuttle to the fact america counts suicide as gun deaths?
I mean, if you shoot yourself in the face with a gun and then you die, it's a gun death, isn't it? What else would you call it? come on mate
Lowkey? What does this mean? Is that a reference to the trickster Loki?
>it's probably sound and you don't need to question it
That's right, don't ask questions, just bow down and keep an open mind (and ass).
>create a fictional situation in my head where a person is dumb
I'm saying that people who make reports know what they are doing, because these reports are tools to make policy decisions. Deceiving policy makers seems like a bad idea. Just think about it rationally, why would you doctor it? How do YOU benefit?
You're either powerleveling or are no match for my aspergers
Thanks fren
i have a family member who is admittedly a retard for letting it go this far but still kinda feel bad for her.
>staying the night at her house in arizona
>she calls one of those local county suicide hotlines just to talk to someone and vent her feelings and hopefully move past them
>mentions she thinks about taking all of her pills (constituting a plan)
>she is dumb enough to give her address
>while on the phone, sheriff shows up about 30 minutes later at 3 in the morning pounding the door
>she hangs up pissed off at the hotline and answrs the door. she tries to tell the sheriff she's fine and just needed someone to talk to
>sheriff says procedure is to take her to the ER to have her evaluated by social services for possible hospitalization
>says she doesn't want that and that she is going back inside
>"ma'am, please don't do that. if you do that, i'm going to have to put you in handcuffs"
>3-4 other emegency vehicles show up to check her vitals, talk to her, and drag her off to the ER
>ends up staying there for 12 hours in the ER, being watched like a hawk by staff in rotating shifts, waiting for the social worker from phoenix area to make his rounds to make his way out there. they won't tell her when he'll come. they won't let her use her phone. they won't let her leave.
>social worker shows up and says she is fine to go
>she is not medically insured during all of this
>someone feeling suicidal and reaches out to vent
>essentially gets arrested and hospitlaized against their will
>gets sent home after a day of being treated like a prisoner
>1 month later receives multiple bills totally thousands of dollars (ambulance ride, ER bills)
don't get me wrong; she is a retard and could have prevented all of this. but this version of 'suicide prevention' seems like a good way to actually make people kill themselves instead.
this society is so fucking retarded. one time my dad ate his whole script of clonazepam in 3 days, got mad about something, wrecked his car and when he got home he just started shooting through walls of his house, and none of my family would say shit, so I called the sheriff to ask if I could have him committed to a mental hospital, and they said that he would have to consent in order to be committed, and that shooting up his own house is legal. tl;dr? average day in america.
This thread is the ultimate test in critical thinking.
Does that matter in any way? It's treated like it's illegal in all countries.