I started listening to some advice half a year ago.
>I regularly go to the gym and now have a normal weight.
>I went to a better hairdresser and got advice there. I now have a haircut that I really like and that looks good
>I wear contact lenses instead of glasses now.
>I threw away most of my old clothes and bought new ones that look better.
>I stopped smoking weed and now I'm feeling barely depressed anymore
>I've started to take my studies more seriously and I'm learning a lot. My performance has improved a lot
>I forced myself to start a hobby. At first I didn't want to, but now I have a lot of fun.
>I'm even invited to parties now and other people call me a friend
>Still no girlfriend though.
I know I don't look like a 10/10 and I never will. But when I look in the mirror, I see a person that I like. In the past, my mirror image and my life disgusted me.
Who else is trying to change his life to the positive? If we try we will make it
Motivation Thread
amazing, i'm happy for you, user!!!
Glad to hear that, user. Keep working hard. Wish you good
Thanks user, you convinced me to go to the gym
cya in a bit :3
Y'know stuff like this is the reason i come back to this board, because people like you can make it
And thats always a good sight :)
Now THIS is the right attitude to have my friend! The process is slow, but you are carving a masterpiece out of yourself. Just having that mindset where you can reflect and improve puts you ahead of most people.
good job, op. I am working on myself too. I've been cardiofagging and calorie cutting, also eating pretty healthy.
sometimes it's hard for me to have motivation though when I try so hard but get nothing out of it, no gf or nothing. but I will keep trying
We're all gonna make it user
I think you can do it
I'm happy for you user, don't stop. I feel particularly pessimistic today, so this post also rubs me off the wrong way
>>I stopped smoking weed and now I'm feeling barely depressed anymore
Weed does not make a person depressed
Nice job user. In other ironies I spent the summer revamping myself too to look more gay and more attractive (im lesbian)
>I finally cut my hair
>overhauled my wardrobe for the first time
>bought new shoes to match wardrobe
>Got new, cuter glasses
>taking better care of teeth
>started styling hair and wearing makeup
I now look like a 10/10, still a bit too feminine to look gay but closer. People try to get my attention now & chad was visibly spilling spaghetti talking to me (I was working, chad was a customer).
I also just realized recently that even though I'm 1% lesbian I'm also 99% asexual. AAAAAAAAA
>I'm regulary working out
>I drink more water
>I eat quality food and less junk
>again I'm into football so I have another hobby
>I have better and more aesthetic glasses than a year ago
>I'm happy again
Yeah, I'm on the right track but still no gf and friends.
forget gfs, water gains food gains and happiness gains are what matter
What hobby did you pick up? What's your new hairstyle?
Last year I`ve decided to get my shit together since I moved to uni with my friends. For a while I was eating healthy, working out and even started drawing for fun. But uni killed my will to live. Its so fucking pointless. I had 3 month vacation and spent it depressed in bed cause I will have to learn useless shit. Like 90% of it is bullshit and I fucking hate it. Cant do it for 2,5 years more.
What are you studying? If it is perhaps the wrong study for you, you could study something else.
Production engineering and menagment (weird combo). I really wanted to finish engineering because im intersted in it and its easy good paying job in my country. But they teach me useless crap. Only 10% of material is something related to actuall engineer work. Rest is mindless learning by heart of some formulas and other bullshit.
If you've that motive to live, keep it up. I'm not sure what to do myself, I feel it coming to a close, I'm scared, but also curious.
don't worry so much.
I lived with an active will to die for 4 years and spent another two drifting aimlessly with no will to live. your life is not dependent on your will to live. there's nothing scary that sets in sleeping beauty style on your sixteenth birthday when you decide you no longer enjoy things.
just the same old. which, to be fair, is scary but I don't think that's what scares you.
alot of stuff scares me, there's not much i can do about my worrying, i can't seem to help it, but i've been doing this for years now too, just having an appeal to suicide right now, doesn't really make a difference whether i live or die.
i just hope there's more beyond death, like reincarnation, but if not oblivion sounds good enough.
ive never exposed myself like this before though which is a new experience
It does make you lazy which doesnt exactly help. Some people it might help though, but for most its hurts.
Weed doesn't make you depressed DIRECTLY but it sure as fuck can make you depressed indirectly.
You waste all your time. Spend all your money. If you smoke it's pretty filthy. You can just end up self-sabotaging your life and waking up one day and realising all the oppertunities you threw away and can never have back fantasing about somehow being able to relive your life. Then you get fucking depressed.
This does not apply if you don't use weed like a degenerate.
Is it degenerate for you to break into other people' gardens or basements to smoke weed?
That's pretty based tbqhfam especially if you're willing to share with the nervous homeowners who need to just chill out and relax.
Hey user, what made you take the first step? I'm in my bed, afraid to start, overwhelmed by everything while crying
When I was still in high school we always broke into gardens with 4 people during the winter to smoke weed. We knew there wouldn't be any people there. I miss these times
You should start with small steps. First ask yourself the question, what are you not happy with about yourself?
no, i decided a few months ago to make some changes
i started doing work experience 3 days a week, getting regular haircuts, going to the gym, eating healthier, bought new clothes, it was a slow but gradual process
in general i feel better but lately ive been getting more demotivated and even though i made some decent progress except for the occasional "im doing alright" moment i still feel unsatisfied, perhaps more so than when i was a neet because i feel like im stagnating if im not always moving forward and im never doing enough to meet my ideals, my gym membership expired and i stopped going
just last week i completed a task at work and i was feeling very good about it and competent, fast forward to today and i feel like absolute garbage because ultimately im doomed to be a fulltime wageslave when i really just want to be a neet
I just got a raise at work, lost 20 pounds, cleaned up my house, and caught up on neglected chores. I've also slowed down on drugs and try to maintain a normal sleep schedule. We're all gonna make it.
>forget gfs
Yeah dude but I'm so lonely.
I've been shitting blood almost continuously for the past two days and I hope it's cancer and I hope I die from it.
:l i know, fren. Just put your best self out there everyday and keep hoping. I don't have much hope for a love life either and it's not for lack of trying, I'm just not cut out for it, literally (I'm , it's kinda confusing if you really want I'll explain but otherwise just take my word for it that i wanna gf in theory but in reality am attracted to no one).
It's highly probable that I'll be alone forever but I guess all either of us can do is wait and hope. Nothing has been decided yet.
except my dogshit sexuality, thanks god for choosing that one for me
christ, well I wish you a non painful journey forward whether you live or die.
All you need is persistence and a good attitude, stop giving a fuck and live life
start with the easy things.
>get outta bed
>wash your face.
>then take a shower.
>cook your next meal.
>change into clean clothes.
>open the windows.
>go outside.
these little things will make you feel better and more able to take on the bigger things. And doesn't matter if you can't do em all, just do your best. and take pride in every little thing.
it gets easier over time, the beginning is the hardest.
I try to have this mindset, I really want to, but I can't help feeling like it's pointless to try. Trying so hard to make something of myself, and then probably still ending up depressed, sounds so fucking exhausting
i doubt anyone will read this, but i started working out with an unused multigym my dad had, got in shape and after that started calisthenics which is more fun, then i got way stronger and then started skating as a hobby
(which i realized later it's a perfect counter to most depression types) along with trying nofap, it's a great way to meet people, i still have bursts of extreme sadness though but i'm evolving i guess.
>also started worrying about other people, not just irl but here
>when i find someone going through a hard time, i always try to make them get a new hobby, it's a fantastic way to occupy yourself and start feeling again
I used to be like this until I realized it still doesn't bring me any satisfaction and people who are a billion times what you or I will ever be still ended up killing themselves. Now I just work out by myself (just out of habit) and spend the rest of my time playing video games. I hope I die soon.