brobots /ourguy/ is homeless...
Brobots /ourguy/ is homeless
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Im seriously sad and worried for him, his YT history is horribly depressing.
>whores can show their butts and get tens of thousands of dollars
>meanwhile poorman is facing the risk of homelessness and hoping from one fast food job to another
Why doesnt he just move back in with his parents?
I remember in one video he talked about his family and his dad has dementia or some illness that makes him really mean and nasty, so it's hard to be around him. I think that was what he said, can't remember since it was a few months ago.
>chronic health problems
>balding at 27
>can barely keep a fast food job down
>dogs died after being poisoned
poorman knows suffering like no other.
One could say he is a...
Poor man
That dog vid is horrible
Jesus christ why the fuck did i watch this
Why haven't you donated some of your neetbux to /ourguy/ user?
I rather be yelled at and inherit the house instead of being a bum.
It's too sad already I don't wanna watch the rest. Why'd his dogs get poisoned?
talk about taking out two dogs with one stone. whoda thunk it
they ate some rotten meat he threw in the trash
This one is even worse
I feel for american robots. at least here in australia I will always have welfare no mjatter how fucked up I get
:( this is a just a bump so the thread doesn't die, I just don't want to disrespect the poor guy
This thread has made me so depressed.
Yeah well at least we have our guns. Sure the only real use is to shoot ourselves to escape this hellish dystopia but at least we got them. *wal-mart theme begins to play in back ground*
>and inherit the house
You're assuming they own the house. A lot of people rent.
>be roastie have miniscule problem
>entire society drops everything to help in any way they can
>be ugly male facing fucking homelessness and death
>fuck off and die in an alley so we don't even have to see the corpse incel
>OMG why do we have so many mass shooters
Its really quite amazing watching this shit show of a society.
too bad r9k only cares about trannies nowadays