Don't you just want to protect this qt forever and ever?
Don't you just want to protect this qt forever and ever?
>viciously attacked
>only has a light shiner
i've come to the realization that this world was only built for the neurotypical
I have no strong feelings either way.
No, she dresses like a whore.
no one would've gave a fuck if it was an autistic guy
I think Jow Forums would .
Oh how long did it take you figure that one out you big retard
looks hairy
This is why nobody loves you. Consider suicide please.
>This is why nobody loves you. Consider suicide please.
Look at this moron, talking about retards.
>dressed like a whore
Calling bullshit on that "autism"
I mean they were teenage girls so they weren't going to do much damage to begin with.
the question is how many teenage girls could you beat up?
so this kind of stuff makes it on news nowadays?
Nah, she looks like an attention whore nigger
yes, autist people need to look out for each other
Apparently she was beaten up by girls 5-7 years younger than her, in front of her mom
i do want to protect her forever, and i would given the chance
this is horrible and whoever did this deserves punishment
fuck neurotypical normalfaggots
we must find her and protect her
Autistic girls often become whores because they find out it's easy to get attention from males like that. The male vs female autism experience is completely different.
about 18 years. also plz be nice, i'm a slow thinker
Is the life of an autistic girl worth living?
>Tfw no qt autismo gf
She's literally in a sling
it was built by the neurotypical. If you actually go out there and try to do things like everyone else and be nice to everyone you are doomed. You have to exploit them. They can either be predators to you or cattle.
news article here
>mother was walking with her also autistic daughter (girl in op pic) and the baby she was babysitting
>bunch of 13yearold nog girls walk up to them and start harrassing them for no reason
>mom says to leave them alone or she's gonna call the cops
>the nogs all jump on the daughter
>the mother tries to protect the daughter and gets hit as well
>files charges against them
>police say they wont do anything since the aggressors were minors and theres no evidence to prove that they even hit first
the only way they could beat me is by me getting tired and dying of exhaustion from beating so many up.
Nooooooooo!!!! Dont hurt autistic qts
only after outcasts built everything for them
In high school I was hospitalized 3 different times by bullies and no one wanted to protect me. I'm not even autistic.
how do you think she comes?
if i got called autistic in national media i'd descend into insanity
Doctors will put you in a sling for a bruised elbow or anything else to not make you move it. It doesn't mean it's serious. Also the photographer could have thought it made her more sympathetic.
I'm not captain save a hoe op.
what did you do to anger them?
Existed. They hated me from grade school no idea why.
Can you remember how the encounter which led you to the hospital for the first time went?
life as any girl is more worth living than being male
you seem to not understand how easy they have it and how privileged they are
a couple of days ago a woman got no punishment after killing her baby, imagine what would've happened if that was a guy instead
this happens to autistic robots all the time
>w/c they're males
happens once to a fembot
The first time was in freshman year. I was getting a snack out of the vending machine and a girl who bullied me was walking through the door behind me and I heard her say something but ignored her.
Her boyfriend flipped his shit and grabbed me by the hair and told me to answer her when she asked me a question and I said I didn't hear what she said and he was like "BULLLLLLLSHIT" and slammed my head against the corner of the vending machine.
It knocked me out and I woke up wedged in between the vending machines with a bunch of trash on top of me and I managed to get to the office and they called an ambulance thinking I had passed out.
crazy shit. You didn't bother telling anyone?
At the time I couldn't really. I was very confused after waking up and by the time I came back to school I didn't want to bring it up.
It was today. It was a daily mail article. Your bias is clouding your reasoning
Yes I would shoot anybody with a 10mm if they tried to harm my spectrum queen
>ywn be bullied by a gang of teenage girls again
it wasn't today, unless you live in a 3rd world timezone
that also has nothing to do with bias or reasoning, you know i'm right
normies worship autistic foids like her
I want a qt niqabi wife too, but that girl is a turbo qt
no one who actually matters cares about us
if it were legal I could easily beat up any number of them
I hate women so fucking much
>women slightly inconvenienced
>national news
I life of a qt girl is always worth living. Autism is a good thing for women. Only non-chad men have a laundry list of de facto death sentences (eg autism, being poor, having non-social hobbies, having mental issues, etc)
>boomer meme caliber
not gonna make it