would you rather be fucked by chad in secret, or watch chad fuck your crush/gf?
Would you rather be fucked by chad in secret, or watch chad fuck your crush/gf?
Can I get Chad to fuck me not in private?
Guess im getting fucked by Mr Thundercock
anyone able to decipher her moon runes? i can read her korean
>if you ((protect?)) me
>i will ((take care?) of you
also ugly ass tits
watch chad and my crush. cus im frens with both
There's always another option.
you can have all the humiliation you desire
id order pizza for us. chad will grab a cold beer after fucking my crush, and we'll play Soul Calibur in the living. then Stacey comes out wearing chads shirt and she grabs a beer too
>Choose to be temporarily gay
>Develop a crush on Chad
>Choose the latter option
>Chad proceeds to go fuck himself
Checkmate, OP
fuck i wasnt expecting this
god tier response
That's all I've ever wanted. Thanks user.
then chad and stacey go back to their rooms for round 2.
the comfiest cuck
I'm barely able to decipher the goddamn post. It's like she ran it through a machine translator from the early 90s.
but chad gets whooped by my Nightmare
then Stacey puts on some music, some kind of hip hop. and she starts dancing
upon a second look i honeslty think its all korean but in really shitty lettering lol
>nehgah nahl jikyuhjotdah (you protected me)
>nahn nuhleul galmang hetdah (i craved you)
what a mess
>these r body ugly as shit and honestly just nudes
What the fuck does this even mean?
shes a swedish alcoholic, so english isnt the forte i imagine
PLS POST MOAR rehrhrtenetr