>tfw a webm cures your gayness
Tfw a webm cures your gayness
I don't like it, only niggers would see the appeal in this.
Yeah sorry it didnt work
roots too dark /10
split ends
>niggers would see the appeal in this.
nah this shit is gross to me too. Her ass is too flabby
get your test levels checked asap "Tman"
>he thinks by denying the appeal of the webm , he all of a sudden becomes whiter
nice try , macaco faggot. you'll always be a brazilian nigger
she's so bad at it lmao
jap women are top tier , white roasties cannot compete
true but bad example. looks like a downie desu
I find twerking to be more silly looking than attractive or arousing.
>>tfw a webm cures your gayness
only if you're of african descent
Beautiful butt
but twerking is honestly disgusting
>On r9k
>One upping people on your T levels
bodybuilding.com is that way
I don't hate women, but shit like this makes me think "I fucking hate women".
Assmen are so fucking weird
I don't get the obsession over asses
Why is it that big asses really gets blacks going? Is it because our women are built like that and our dicks are bigger to actually reach their pleasure spot?
When whites talk about nice asses, all I see are surfboards.
itt: insanely low test faggots
bi femanon, don't see the appeal of twerking. Came to see if men ITT did, apparently not
Is their higher testosterone.
My test levels are high. I can fap up to 6 hours or more sometimes. But twerking is degenerate and brainless behaviour. Kill them all
Not quite sure but it seems to be an inborn biological phenomenon. I guess racial differences exist after all.
Most men prefer something a bit more like this.
Africans evolved in very hot climates where food and water could sometimes be more scarce. African women evolved to have extra fat stored inside of their asses and thighs, so if they ever begin to starve, they'll lose fat there first. Also, the more fat you have in your body, the more estrogen you have. Fat in the body also accentuates the female form. Bigger and more feminine bodies also makes childbirth easier.
Unsurprisingly, women with a lot of fat in the ass and thighs became a symbol of being well fed, femininity and more than likely a symbol of wealth or social status, so African men sexualized their asses.
>only Black men appreciate the asses of White women
Your faggotry knows no bounds.
When it gets to a certain point, I feel only they can appreciate it properly. Women who look like this, for example, always have black boyfriends.
hmmmmm ?
hmm huhhhh
this is
original yes?
gtive me the source
A girl tried to twerk me on prom I just went back 1 meter and said her you're drunk, you're right a lot of Men don't like twerking
Damn she's got jiggle physics
>half the webm off screen
Thought a cute girl was going to twerk, then I scrolled down. Give me the source anyway, f-faggot
This makes me angry. Why couldn't I have that dick? He ostensibly doesn't even want it.
alright buddy, why did you have to do this to me
>it's so big I can't appreciate it as a white man
What happened to you? Your ancestors once ruled the world undesputed. Now an ass that's too plump defeats you.
sose is corysteph18
>ywn fuck a fag in the ass then bully him for being gay when he cums
dude is a fag, don't bother lol
I really wish I was this cute
No I'm not a tranny
but what if i wanna be the fag who gets bullied
Literally me in elementary school.
Basically all guys with a feminine body got sexually harassed during gym.
I kinda enjoyed it though, altough it made me wanna dress like a pretty girl and take cock.
i wish my bullying was more like that... i just got decked in the face and got my things stolen
Damn Im sorry about that user :(
Big hug for you fren oWo.
No you're just ghetto trash.
Big asses are nice, women dancing like baboons is gross.
This actually just makes me wanna dress up as a girl more and fuck guys lol.
t. Closet homosexuals
mayb hehe : )
love how this went from high test thread to trap thread just like that
jesus christ this board is fucked
being a fag in the south sucks... they find out even if you dont say anything
shit. I wonder if the guys I bullied in middle school gym are gay now.
I remember one time I grabbed this guys ass and he got this look of deep contemplation on his face for a second.
Hey but isn't the webm supposed to cure that why didn't it work you fucking tard
Wanting to fuck femboys and traps isnt gay
That's cute. 10/10 would marry. Is she indian?
Yeah cause that's a man. Look at those triceps and shoulder width
based and orgigonoli
This, I think they enjoyed it as much as I did, since alot of them are openly (and closeted) gay.
Was finally getting over my depression and feeling okay with myself and I see this.
Wanted to be a cutie with a big dick, was on hormones for about 3 years, they made my pp smaller so I stopped taking them. Been off them for a bit over a year and pp size seems the same but I lost cuteness and feminine changes. I still wasn't as cute and I think my dick maybe was only as big as theirs is before I took hormones, though it depends on how tall they are I guess. It could be an optical illusion. Regardless I'm sad and I wish I hadn't seen this.
Maybe I only thought I was getting over my depression, it just seemed like I was getting better or becoming more okay with things as they are.
That's really cute. Big smile material.
Sorry OP, I'm still not going to ever masturbate. Not like I could even if I wanted to, something like that doesn't even give me a boner anyways.
another thread swarmed with faggots, day of the rope when
I feel this. I got out of the physical bullying because I'm a solid head and shoulders taller than anyone else in my city, but it did lead to a lot of painful social isolation and shit.
cum as we are
Zzzzz boring
just imagine the parents of this thot. I bet they are really proud of her. I hate this generation
she has nothing to worry about, doubt there is a father figure in her life, and the mom probably just doesn't give a fuck.