>I prefer non-white women
said no non-desperate male ever
I prefer non-white women
Other urls found in this thread:
White girls are really the best. I want to breed them with my brown cock.
I like Indian and Latina girls more and I'm black. Bite me
ITT: non-whites.
I don't dig pale skin and also every white girl I see at my university has negative ass. Most brown/black girls do have superior butts and usually bigger tits too. White women only beat asians out as far as bodies go.
we literally said so, beta incel mayo deadheass
go back to ur chink little girls or scrawny 4/10 gook now
Nothing sexier than a breeder slampiggy with pink nips and pussy.
Eastern Euro
Native American (South)
Native American (North)
African Black (North)
African Black (South)
That is the order of hotness
left girl looks -tight-
im a mexican and i like latinas does this make me correct
White girls with dark brown/black hair can be top tier but miss me with that blonde shit
Blonde white girls with blue eyes are much better than brunettes.
my fetish is girls who love America
I had that, but I was too scared to have sex with her. I'm so stupid, a chance like that for a poc will probably never come again for me
Her pussy hold on the left just stays open?!
You could've chose any white girl for the thumbnail yet you chose generic stacy #43759
The "beauty" of the white aryan woman died out a century ago
Or someone who's non-white. White women are generally attractive but it's mostly in the face. They usually lack the slimthick body type I'm into. When they get a little meat it tends to distribute WAY different than say a latino/black girl. Probably a genetic thing but brown girls tend to get that venus body type vs white girls who usually just end up rotund.
That aside for me the general scale puts normal looking ethnic girls just below white girls, white girls making up the middle/near-top, with 10/10 black girls beating out 10/10 white girls.
ok *bites* tastes like chocolate O.o
Non-whites are easy to kill trannies with weak skeletal frames that shatter real easily
>shill trying to defraud my impetus
Tranny go die prior to me killing your family
literally every white girl you've posted in this thread looks disgusting.
blondes are 0/10 taste
I'm non white. I'm not desperate. I fuck latinas because they're genuinely more interesting than white women. OP is a fag
I prefer no women. No males either. The only human beings that appeal to any emotion tangentially related to any romantic or non-platonic feelings are cute little 2D girls from video games. I don't even want to fuck them, they just don't make me mad. As mad.
Looks like im killing you and your family as well
nuh huh you cant do that, ya big nerd
I've never found the blonde, Germanic white girls that everyone seems to love attractive. Brunettes and goth chicks beat them out easily. That said Latin and Asian girls are objectively better.
>l've never found the blonde, Germanic white girls that everyone seems to love attractive. Brunettes and goth chicks beat them out easily. That said Latin and Asian girls are objectively better.
You're all guilty of trying to defraud the country and I want you all out
>>l've never found the blonde, Germanic white women that everyone seems to love attractive. Brunettes and goth chicks beat them out easily. That said Latin and Asian girls are objectively better.
Shit taste. Or you might just be white.
>I need a blonde, blue eyed, aryan SLAMPIG to breed my superior genes with!
She's like maybe the top 0.01% of blonde girls and she still looks generic as shit. Plebe taste.
Tell me how you prefer Asians.
simple my friend, asian women are:
>extremely traditional
>shy and demure
>10/10 facial features
>11/10 bodies (they resemble a underage boy's)
>high IQ
and most importantly:
>they like skinny nerdy white guys, unlike other women
Half of those you described can be attributed to white girls. Pretty sure you just lust for surgically fucked kpop girls.
>11/10 bodies (they resemble a underage boy's)
Jesus. Of course white guys would go for this.
>they like skinny nerdy white guys, unlike other women
SEAniggers maybe, not the jap waifus you actually want.
I'm a brown man, actually.
B-b-b-based and chocopilled. You can have as much as you want.
>explain physical attraction
i just find them attractive lol
The woman on the right isnt even that ugly. This is a bad picture to use
Wouldn't a desperate male not remove millions of women from his chance of having sex?
As a man who isn't desperate, while I won't count them out as there are some cutie White girls, they're the most privledged subset of women and God do they act like it.
Non-white women won't come out and say it, but many will fuck you like you're giving them a generous charity.
Have some standards
pretty sure tons of chads are bored with fucking white girls. Hot brown and black girls can easily use white chads for sex
brown women are way sexier tho.
patrician nigger
Yes, only if they are morenas
Im a white male who loves anime, but I would rather preserve my genes and have a white kid that looks like me.
u should get out of ur basement and Jow Forums incel, "chads" don't spend all day fetishizing races, of all things
>"chads" don't spend all day fetishizing races
yeah they do
no, you're just a mentally ill schizo recluse
a lot have preferences. Brown girls are really sexy and Chads love being used by them for sex
chads are womanizers silly roastie
womanizers not incels obsessing and shitposting all day about "race" on a malay textile fabric aficionado website like you
fucking pathetic
I'm not desperate, I just genuinely think black and Latina women look better.
you can like girls of certain races without being a stormnigger
Brown girls are really sexy
can you at least post a girl doesnt look like a fucking ape?
I post what makes my dick hard
at least post brown qts
She's Afro Latina, her skin just happens to be yellow.
>not liking pale Mexican girls
Just shit taste all around my dude.
Brown spics are sexier than castizas. They they are both pretty ofc
The only acceptable white girl is one with a Spanish/Portuguese surname.
I agree castizas are cute while brown skin latinas are sexy. Id have a castiza as a wife but a brown fuck toy as a mistress.
>brown women are way sexier tho.
Nah, I don't like sandnigger women. Same goes for latinas.
I'm a black man.
Therefore, I could have any white woman i'd want in the world.
No matter if married, billionaire, noble or queen.
Still, something's off.
Wherever I am with one i feel unease.
It feels like bestiality more than sex.
White people are literally animals, no amount of parfume or clothes can hide that.
It feels like fucking my dog (smell is the same).
So nowdays, I stick to brown women aka human women.
You're welcome incels.
>10/10 face
omg i think youve literally never seen an asian without makeup
Yeah they do and your anecdote won't change that roastie
ok asian women may be slightly more attractive facially then white women but calling them 10/10s is just ridicolous. as a brown man i think white women are slightly better looking just imo
asian women are goddesses to be worshiped unlike you pigfaced farm animals
dude no woman wants her man to call her a "goddess" especially whens shes but average. treat all women like the shit they are, white women included lol
>dude no woman wants her man to call her a "goddess"
can escortcels be incels? whatever i dont call any woman goddess bc i recognize the female inferiority.
No, Australian Aboriginal women are at the bottom.
Wtf, you put chinks above meds? Fuck you.
asian women are goddesses to worship
Can white guys post anything else other than kpop girls?
Like what you want dude but you aren't hurting huwhite womin feelings like you think.
hey is that fucking jojivlogs?
whats wrong with kpop girls
I like cute/hot women from all races because I'm not an autist like you
Very cute white girl butt.
Why do white boys lose their shit when you don't want their pasty flat women?
You do realize we hate our own women the most? It is whiny white women who get buttmad.
those are both cute couples though...
>tfw white and have a super hot white gf
I know it's very vanilla no pun intended but feels great. If I lose her I'll probably get stuck with an Asian or Latina since they are more attracted to me it seems.
there are hot brown girls who are even hotter than her on virtue of having sexy brown skin
mostly butthurt stormniggers
Wouldn't you rather have a super hot brown gf instead?
/10 facial features
have you ever seen one without makeup? they are absolutely hideous
you could unironically get an ethnic gf 10x better looking
Nah, I'm a sandnigger myself and I just can't find brown girls as attractive as white girls. They're perfect.
I'm brown and live in a scandinavian country. I've taken the virginity of two nordic girls. Life is good.
Lucky user. Europe in general does seem like a nice place if you want white girls.
Yeah they went "au au au" as I fucked them. I haven't gotten one's asshole yet.
I'm personally a fan of smaller, darker nipples but I love my moonglow, so pale ethnics with white features are my forte
>white woman enters chat
>nonstop bitching and complaining enters chat
As a swede, I don't believe you.
I want brown gf so badly tho
He's got the sound right. Bastard should have been gentle at least.
White women are beautiful but I've had a preference for Indian, middle eastern and Asian women my whole life.
You're making me so jelly right now
No I'm not going to bite you
I might catch niggeritus
most unbelievable part of this is finding a virgin white girl in scandinavia
Its not unbelievable that Arab immigrants are pedos?
Shame they age so poorly.