157 days? How do people do this? wtf
157 days? How do people do this? wtf
This got to be a fake.
NO ONE could do fucking 157 days without omg
>157 days
Day 7,779 here.
Tman I wanna go one round with you
Day 7,010 here
Day 20 here, I cant take it anymore
A round of what? You want to reset the counter?
Nah man. One long tour around the city. When it's dark and music is dope
jk I wanna have a proper fight with you
>Day 9,950
I haven't had sex in 620 days.
I don't feel the need to tell anyone about it, apart from right now.
Come over and i'll fuck you up.
>day 11680+
Big words coming from someone at my height
I'm at approximately 2932 days
>157 days
That's exactly my longest nofap streak
>tfw day 9,125
i am somewhere around 15,000 days.
oh this is about fapping, never more than a week
8015 here.
It's not that bad.
We tend to exagerate how bad it is and it's not good for us.
Get punked I'm on day 7191
Exactly 1711 days since I last had sex.
I have never had sex
Can you cast a spell or something?
Day 6632
7,046 reporting in. original.
>you have been muted
Damn so some other cunt is also 19 yo virgin at exactly 7,046. Guess you know my birthday now. Heh
>day 17
I don't think I'm gonna make it guys
10,966 here
I can cast cirrhosis on the liver
If you ain't past 10,000 you ain't shit
t. 8000 fag
2,008 days.
I don't mind waiting.
Either underage or a non virgin
Fuck off
I'm at around 830 something. Sometimes I put a blonde wig on my hand
im on day 123. i dont care tho. im 28 and thats the longest ive ever not had sex before
The latter, tard. No 5 year-old is going to care about sex shit.
Day 8024.
Nah I'm just kidding five years is pretty long anyway as long as you weren't like some chad in college who just got lazy.
6883 days
And judging by the numbers i'm seeing i've still got a couple thousand to go.
Godspeed bros.
>tfw 8786 days
>4 days
holy fuck i feel like im gonna explode
Stop posting your age in days retards you didn't have sex the day you were born unless you count giving birth as sex
>when you are born you have your penis in a vagina
the logic is sound
>10+ years
>do nothing but lift
>going to ER right now after being referred for potential strangulated life threatening hernia
11190 here but more importantly its 2019 and cunts are still using trips, please go the way of zyzz
Day 5 for me.
fuck off
R. I. P.
Poor bastard. Its over.
>almost 13000
end my life now please
Is it ok to do nofap if you are an incel?
user, I'm sorry. You deserved better than the life you were given.
>more likely testicular torsion
Do women actually enjoy sex? I thought it was just a meme.
Fellow 12k+ brother. Just coasting on lifes simple pleasures until I die
man, that actually sounds kinda sad...
wishing you happiness in your future endeavors fren
I'm over 13.5k I'm on my way to near cosmic wizarding powers. See you on the 9th dimension of the astral plane.
thanks bro. I probably was a rapist or something in a past life
>canned mate
dios mio..........
48 days here
I want more tho
been nearly 5 years now
32 days for me.
126 days since a real woman.
Last Time Engaged in Sexual Activity
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
4:25am to 6:17am
i was 6
My Mother's Boyfriend
They were Fighting Over Drug Money
i was Her Payment for Methamphetamine
my Screaming Caused a Neighbor to Call the Police
He Crushed One of my Testicles with His Teeth
i am Impotent
i have 2 Friends
1 is Imaginary
1 is a Dog
11 Years, 2 Months, 6 Days
134 Months, 6 Days
583 Weeks and 4 Days
4085 Days
8,040 Hours
5,882,400 Minutes
352,944,000 Seconds
Not that i am Keeping Track
He Spent 7 Months in County Jail
She was Given 12 Months Probation
I went into Foster Care
A Minister and His Wife
i am Supposedly Going to Hell for Enticing the Man Who Raped me
i Hope to Never be Touched Sexuality Ever
Day 66 I think
Holy fuck, what are these normies doing on our board? If you're not at least over 1000 days, gtfo. I'm at around 12000 and counting.
You are underage. Reported.
Around 9000 days and going up hahahah
God it feels good
I got called a normie
Thank you buddy
Why not kill him
I feel for you but that seems like an awful trauma to live with
Kill him and your mom
Then kill your local corupt politican
Soar high
I belive you
7000 is minimum.
>mfw 9125 days here
You're welcome. Now go use those satanic powers and get some sex.
the worst part about this is that as he said, he's impotent and his testicles were crushed. maybe he can't muster up the rage.
1000 days is nothing normalfag
I think trt or steroids might be the answer
But now that I read it again it seems like a shitpost
Hey, I was just trying to be a bit more inclusive. I'm at 12k.
17,000+ days for me kiddos. You all are like little babbies.
Ever try to have sex, or did you just give up decades ago?
Nice job man I'm only at 10,666
>tfw 25 yo
>officially over 9000 days without sex
What is my power level like at this point?
I don't know user
I've had sex 3 times so far and they've been hookups each time
I don't really think I want more of that
but I don't know if a girl I can have a relationship with even exists
it doesn't count when you are mentally retarded. even 100 days is painful for most of us
day 0 for me. feels good man
>8,422 days
I have plenty more porn to go through, so at least I can look forward to that.
Only after 10950 that you'll get your saiyan powers, stay strong.
you are not funny, nor interesting, nor anything
stupid retarded quintessential comment some cringy incel would make on a facebook post
i hate those whores as much as you, but their point is "days since the last time you had sex" really, not "days without sex", if you really want to brag about it just say you're a 24yo khv or whatever
>t. frustrated failed norman virgin
Last time was April the 8th, 1:00AM approx
And it probably will be the last time, unless I go to a hooker but that scares me
Getting lucky once is the worst thing. Because you dont have the resources to do it again, but you know what you're missing out on.
I'd prefer having remained a virgin, fuck, 3 more years and I would have got magic powers. Also lost all of my friends because of that decision.
you are not funny, nor interesting, nor anything. I'm not gonna read more because I don't care about you.
Pfft is that it!? Try 10,950 days
If this isn't projection, I don't know what is.
>their point is "days since the last time you had sex" really, not "days without sex"
Right. And the point of all the posts you linked is that's a stupid distinction, and one only a roastie whore would make. That's the whole joke, Sherlock.
I know thats the joke. But it's so lazy and overused everywhere. It's the equivalent of the "no one: --- no one at all: --- whoever: whatever" meme. I hate that ""meme"" a lot more though. But I see both as the same kind of humor
Could you do it R9K? I wouldnt, thats crazy!
No one:
You: stop liking what I dont dislike!
Lol faggot. Its been 2 days since the last time I had sex. Maybe you should try it
Have sex with a negress? No.
tfw day 88
Day 9,343 virgin here.
Is 10,000 the point of no return?
why you thinking about space dicks
Of course a roastie would see a penis.
>Day 13,782
What would you attribute it to? Are you aware of any mental illness you might have?
Haha ol space dick thinkin ass
A guy told me once he had to go for 6 months without sex.