I noticed Misaki has been absent today. How was your week, robots?
Misaki Friday
my oneitis got the same haircut as her and now misaki always reminds me of her. same hair color and personality too
ooh I was about to make a thread.
this board has forgotten the joys of /misaki fridays/
truly a sad sight to behold
just checkin em user
OP here. Yes I was surprised someone hadn't yet. Was worried.
It is time to fix this, if not us, then who else?
The thread I made last week died instantly. The good days of misaki friday are fleeting.
for good reason:
only people left on the board are either normiens that don't need a misaki or completely /blackpilled/ by now
>Dropped out of Uni after 4 years
>No job or prospects
So when does Misaki start knocking on my door?
I was worried this one might have the same fate
Umm sweetie, never.
people that use 'sweeite' deserve to be stabbed in the throat. shut the fuck up you condescending prick. stop ruining misaki friday
I miss full-chan. It's sad to see what some of the boards have become, it's nice that r9k still has misaki Friday though.
>imagine thinking that sentence was unironically
okay then sweetie.
sorry for not being able to understand sarcasm through the internet
>I miss full-chan.
once 2^3chin comes back i will migrate anony
Right back atcha user.
Day 1047. Still waiting.
>leave r9k for a year
>come back
>misaki friday is still around
there's still some good things left on r9k
>that time the misaki friday stayed up for 5 days
>once 2^3chin comes back i will migrate anony
me too, I had quit Jow Forums before 4*root(4)chan went down. Things just don't feel comfy here
I'd be curious to know how many of us are refugees from /hikki/.
I never posted or lurked much on /hikki/. But if I recall correctly the BO was a degenerate discord user, no?
I wasnt particularly involved either, mostly just lurked and commiserated with fellow anons. bo seemed like an alright guy in his posts but thats about all I know.
Is this katy poster?
How have you been doing?
uneventful, still struggling on with my miserable life
>>that time the misaki friday stayed up for 5 days
Lets do it again lads.
just a reminder that misaki is a myth. the women here with savior complexes are serial cheaters and emotionally manipulative. they don't like you, they just want to use you.
Reminder that Misaki in the manga is actually bpd manipulative girl. My dik still wants her though.
I don't think that's possible anymore. without mcf and everyone else that used to post here there's not too much keeping these threads alive for too long
yeah but she wasn't a cheating sadist. that's the reality of bpd girls. their lack of self control isn't cute or possessive, it's used to cheat and gaslight you.
same. Why can't I have a gf like Misaki!
>without mcf
>implying he's not in the thread rn
I've been better
I broke up with my Misaki 4 months ago. Well, I wanted her to be my Misaki but she was far from it. We were best friends for 5 years, but this last year was not a good one. We both hurt the other one a lot and tried to manipulate one another. In the beginning I blamed myself and thought I was the only guilty one.
But she got over me instantly and had very similar issues with other people in her life so now I see she wasnt the angelical savior I thought she was. It's sad that it ended up like this. But now I dont feel the need to have a gf or anything anymore, I'm too disappointed and I want to be able to make me happy myself
Sorry to disappoint, user, I'm just a Misaki follower who noticed the lack of Misaki today. Hope you can find Katy.
bumping to make it happen.
Thank you user. Bumping with more ascii.
how do NEETs not get a Xmas temp jobs?
sure you'll just get fired jan5 but its a bit of money
You don't listen do you? You just ask the same questions every week
They wouldn't even hire me during the holidays. I have no work exp or connections.
>You just ask the same questions every week
well every week is different week user
volunteer then
normally they treat you well because you arnt getting paid and they appreciate the help
if you live rural it will be hard though
The only luck Ive ever had with seasonal work is family connections. Best of luck to you friends.
I wonder if things will ever get better for me and if I'll find someone to love.
I always assume he's in the thread, it's just without him namefaging there's little holding these threads together. his presence week after week is what brought everyone together.
Slept all day woke up around 4pm and then played vidya
well that sucks, sorry to hear that
thanks user
be aware of hoes
Livin the life huh?
Busy. Lots of issues at work that I need to deal with. Still beats my last job though.
I love you Misaki
it's been almost 3 years.....
Have a bampu Misaki Thread
yep, truly living the dream
Is there more. I want more
>user lives such a part hardy life he can't even be arsed to reply to the right post.
nostalgic misaki threads. bring back /hikiki/
Been a long time since I've been in these threads.
>after many a years being a shit-in NEET finally land a job
>now have my own money to buy stupid shit with and am now capable of managing my anxiety and talking to people
>still feel miserable
C-can Misaki still save me bros?
Also someone please talk to me, I'm lonely
I'm in a similar position user, though I lost my job a few months back and went right back to /hikki/. I feel better after learning I can hide my autism long enough to have a conversation. I hope things go well for you user.
Same, except I can't fully hide my autism. At work I'm seen as quirky at best and a straight up weirdo at worst.
I miss my old life. The money is nice but I don't want to deal with people anymore.
good morning misaki friday
Still here. Still NEET. I'm such a terrible disgusting wretched specimen that I am not even worthy of Misaki saviour complex.
Misaki Friday All Week Long.
Good morning user
Wait for her user. We're all going to make it.
Last bump. She is an angel, kind to the weak.
Goodbye Misaki, close your eyes and gently slide out of the catalog..
Bumping for Misaki Saturday
Have some more!
And one more for her delicious body
don't let it die anons
That's exactly how I feel, and It's been 2 years. I have no Idea where to go at this point.
Oh no not yet buddy
tfw she'll never be my gf
Bumping to keep it going
no page 8 faggots guy?
Bumping for god to get me a Misaki gf.
why are there so few lewds of her guys?
I want more lewds
bhsbasbdasj ljashuibdas