when would be the best time to end it all?
I would think that the best times would be
a)New Years Eve
c)End of the exam season (mid to late june)
What are your thoughts, r9k?
When would be the best time to end it all?
I'd do it in the middle of winter. I'd down a bunch of alcohol and meds and go and lie down in the snow.
Want to talk about whats troubling you user?.
I hope you don't kill yourself, but seriously don't do it at the end of the exam season if you are a student. Whats the point of spending your last few weeks/months studying and taking exams just to die when you could do other stuff?
what sort of meds?
Haven't researched yet. I'm not in a hurry honestly. I think I can spend a few more years here. Over the counter stuff I guess.
so that i wouldn't stand out. I don't want to raise any suspicions
Oh I see. I'm here for a while if you wanna talk about your troubles.
No point. I have no control over them. A hard reset is the only option. Eternal oblivion is acceptable too
Take a bunch of muscle relaxers. But also don't kill yourself. Are there not therapy services at your school? I'm sure all students and faculty can use it for free.
i've tried therapy and i hated it. To me it seems like a bunch of lies you keep telling yourself.
How many different therapists have you been to?
Sometimes it can help to talk all the same, also you don't know there is no way out until you try everything.
Fucking based thats what I wanna do too user
Therapy is shit, I tried it 4 times and went to an institution only to feel the same
The best day to end it was yesterday, second best is today.
I've tried the school therapist, a private one and I also tried group therapy sessions. All same shit.
>also you don't know there is no way out until you try everything.
there literally is no other way. I have no redeeming qualities. Like at all. It's like i was meant to be a fucking failure. And no one can change fate.
Have you tried taking any meds?
I'm no shrink and no therapist though, just a guy who has been there is the past too who is willing to chat.
About 3 types to no avail, is what it is user. I have accepted my place and fate here.
I might take you up on that offer, ive just got some extreme anxiety that I might have a panic attack just trying to talk to you. Even by just text. Ill think about it though user.
What the fuck are you waiting for? Just do it as soon as possible. If you need a gun or other supplies, just kys as soon as you are able to.
Sure I completely understand. Like I said I'll be lurking for a while unless I feel like posting more or you respond to me again. Please do if you would like to chat, if you would be more comfortable taking it to DM's on something that's fine too.
>c)End of the exam season (mid to late june)
Why the fuck are you taking exams if you're just going to kill yourself? Just become a NEET so you can actually enjoy the short time you have left.
i'm still not sure how to do it. I live in europe, so i can't get a gun. The best way would be either hanging, or train.
Thanks user, ill let you know fren. You dont have to be that nice though.
Birthday would be pretty epic. Especially if you invite people
You will be dead, who cares.
i don't want to be rudely interrupted when i actually do it
I know this is ironic.
But still, any NEET that says that he is using his free time to workout is lying.