i faked my suicide
they stopped looking for me yesterday
im in a different part of the country
i faked my suicide
they stopped looking for me yesterday
im in a different part of the country
epic nice
howd you do it? ori
left a notes in my room & social media saying something stupid like "by the time you read this i'll be dead"
left my phone home everything, only thing i took with me was my hoodies and cash
they searched for a while but they've given up
im doing ok now i got a job that pays under the table, i have to figure out how to get new ID so government sees me as a separate person
i'm much happier in this new life than i was before, it turns out all my problems were from the family and "friends"
its going to be so much more better now that i can be myself
instead of faking your death and needing new id why not just run away and not tell anyone? basically the same thing but easier
run away + silence = search
run away + suicide note = no more searching, he's probably dead like he said
got to kill off the hope for the few people that actually cared about me
>suicide note + no body = sketchy as fuck
they gonna look harder
fuck i wish i was smart enough to manage to pull this off
nobodys gonna find me either way, im as good as dead
they'll probably assume that if he's still alive, he's in a diff country
where are you actually from OP, I'm getting eastern euro vibes for some reason
. .in my country .it is easy to do so in america, in these times of Cameras and internet and everything is daring least to say for
. you count on technology to be very bad when you do this . at least i do .
ahaaa not different country. but its big country. nobody will find me.
trust me i will be fine. im fine
Try darknet fake id dealers(It is super huge risk but if you find legit source/person you can start truely a new.
Otherwise you could try ask Christian Priest for help one of them if you tell true story and add darmatic characters of it like they all were turning me away from god and wanted me to gone on wrong path, etc.
Priest would be bound by his Christian morality to help you or search for help (there is of course risk but lesser than Darknet)
also some priests are really dope and could give you info of sinner who was in that bussines (to confince him tell him same story but with less dramatical effects and only true storry[in both cases if you want keep some info hidden you just don't tell and do skip]
Of course it may cost you so save idk how many thousands but it could literally save your life.
lmao you're not getting papers in any Western country. Enjoy working illegal immigrant tier jobs for the rest of your life. When you run out of money you'll actually kys.
Pretend to be an immigrant who lost the papers while getting into the country. Also tell that you're gay, that will give you minority points.
If this is not a larp leave a throwaway. I mean it bro, I did something similar.
Except now there's the whole felony issue always hanging over his head. If he'd have just left a note saying I'm cutting ties and joining a cult or something they would search for a bit and give up. Plus he'd have been able to take his shit with him.
See here's the thing. You're not as smart as you think you are. Case in point, your literal existence is now tax evasion. You're now no better than an illegal immigrant.
im larping and you retards took the bait
Youre not smart either you dumb tripfag chink. I know its not apart of the topic but some of your posts are fucking retarded.
First off, you got the wrong Lucifer. Second, sshhh bby it be OK.
Now that I bytfo, I guess it's time you killed yourself for realsies.
If you assume he did this in the US or EU it seems like bullshit, but it sounds like he is in some shithole country where it's actually plausible to pull this off.
How he types seems very American, right down to slight avoidance of proper English and idioms.
Regardless youre a midwit.
That's right. You have nothing of worth to say. Now run along little bitch, I'll see you in the next thread you're larping in.
This is what I like to call a pro gamer move well done user
Actually, congratulations. I need to stop believing that toxic relationships have purpose.
How did you come across the 'job'?