Here's a fun thing we can do. Go ahead and make one as close to yourself as you can, then do how you would rather look. Next step, start trying to make that picture reality. :)
Here's a fun thing we can do. Go ahead and make one as close to yourself as you can, then do how you would rather look...
Other urls found in this thread:
Hopefully my dream of not being an ugly manlet will come true in the next life
looks the same but without the eyebags
Fuck your format I'm fine with how I look
but user i'm already my ideal self
Why choose a shitty one? there are many better ones on that site
Forgot picture proof
God did not take me in my sleep.
I shall go back to participating.
me and my ideal self
so very much based
have no ideal self, i don't really care externally
I wish to secure a successful method of suicide soon
he makes like 3/10 music but you look like him
Link? Send the link!!
here you go
I need an original haircut.
Forgot to label the images, left is now, right is ideal.
Found a cool one if you want to be a detective or something
dis me oregogogogo
Forgot image example again
And again, time to go to sleep i think
you're pretty... c-cute.... user...
Hope I can fix my sleep schedule this week so the mood swings stop and I'll finally have enough energy to study and finish the books I'm reading.
I just want to be happier...
Hope everyone can get to be their ideal selves or be content with where they are right now. Either way, everyone at their now are already qts in my eyes
that's a smooth and idealised anime image of me silly
top left is ideal, bottom right is actual
still bet you're pretty cute tho, user
old men seem to tell me the same thing
it's creepy but i like it
Well, I'm not an old man, I'm only 24 unless 24 is considered old for you
oh pish posh of course that isn't old
you're just a big old sweetie pie aren't you
hehe, yeah I've been told I'm pretty sweet, and you're very kind :3
I'm very stressed. :)
That said, I also have an idea in mind for my hair, but it's naturally very curly and wavy. Having it very long is a nightmare, so we'll see if I can get it where I'd like it.
I'm glad you can be happy with who you are then anons!
That's respectable. I hope you get there user. Best luck.
find yourself a cute boy irl to be sweet to friend
there are no cute boys around here sadly, so I'm stuck flirting with them online
consider it a plus, the human form is disgusting
i've never even had sex because the hjooman body is gross
I can understand why you'd think that, tho it is a pretty sad and lonely way to live
>sad and lonely
it doesn't stop me from showing my affection >:)
Oh yes, you seem very friendly and affectionate. I'm sure you could get yourself a nice bf if you really wanted
no.. some people are meant to be alone it seems
I don't believe that, if anything you should have friends! No one deserves to be alone
gays stop derailing this thread
Thanks! I hope so too. Hope you can relax more and be less stressed, user.
this is the closest i could get it to how i actually look, and this is how I wish I could actually look
to get an idea of how I *actualy* look like, imagine this avi but the hair badly sunbleached in the bangs, lots of acne scars, sleepy eyes, and a crooked fuckin nose
cute. whats your ethnicity/race
I'm Filipino, but I'm also not cute
I hate girls so fucking much orgi
I just want to be happy user, I don't know what I want to look like, I just wanna be happy and confident. I wouldn't be here if I was
yeah, g*rls are fucking gross
Im having an aneurysm trying to figure out how to get 2 pictures together in gimp so im gonna post current and ideal seperately for the sake of my dwindling braim cell count
Here is current
I've never used gimp, but in most art programs I've had experience with, you just open them both, select/copy one, and paste it into the other. Then you can edit the canvas size and move them around. Hope this helps
And here is ideal
No im not some wannabe trannie or anything its just that these all make you look like a fucking f*male. Im a 6'3" moderately fit dude whos in college and hella depressed. Also i have super long hair and refuse to cut that shit because its actually great
Also my glasses are more like the bottoms of glasses because my visual acuity is 20/280 (for those who dont know that means something thats 20 feet away appears 280 feet away, so itd be like trying to see it from across a football field with normal vision)
Suit in ideal is because i wanna get good at fashion and suits are pretty based.
Judge me anons, in all my depressed glory
yea but your cartoon you made is
straights stop giving females attention
pretty much this but less cute. don't really care enough to have an ideal look
Thanks user. I'm sure that your cartoon is a qt too.
What's the name of the avatar creator you used?
both my now and ideal im fine with how i look
You look very angwey. At least youre happy with yourself UwU
I hate the way I loook and want 2 die
Add a little stubble and you'll have brown boy me.
you seem pretty adorable user, even with the stubble
Aw, thanks user! I really appreciate that.
of course! brown boys are literally perfect uwu
t. transgirl who wants to be a nerdy hipster girl
i wish my chin was rounder so i could even consider HRT
i bet you're cute enough as is, user
y-you too user, but im really not
oh yeah? prove it then cutie
[email protected]
elf original
sent a pic, again sorry in advanced
Based and besthairpilled
I think you look good tho, you gotta have more confidence user :3
here's mine, it's not much. just longer hair and a better coat.
personally, I think left looks better
post discord origigi
It's like a bunch of scene girls and emo pussies raised from the dead
Growing up in this board made me hate being a woman so much I tried to flee my destiny and become the opposite sex, I got sold by tranny propaganda and believed I could change something inherent to me. The best I could be is a freak with a frankenstein dick and disgusting body ruined by testosterone shots, I accept the body it was given to me even if I become suicidal in the process, it's more honorable then becoming a disgusting filthy tranny.
Am very floofer, ideal self is dead which is me in 10 years give or take.
aaaaaaa, I love floofey!!!!! Got a discord? :3
>when the trans people are mentally unstable and definitely not you
big lmao at wh*te "people"
Do you not know what spam is, you little bitch? You faggot? You undesirable speck of vermin? You bacterial cell in a world full of antibodies? Are you braindead? Oh, you are. Sorry for trying to attempt to talk to your sperg mind.
im like 70% of the way there
On HRT? If so, turn back now or forever hold your place as an enemy of me and every single person of good standing.
user thats like threatening the ocean with water
im this user, not too sure why you'd wanna talk to me but here
May be an Arab mutt but I got dem blues
i juST WANNA BE A DOGBOY so bad you guys you dont understand how much i want to have ears that twitch and move around
I wish I was more joyful.
Is that web comic artist Owlturd?
i'm bored and trying to fall asleep
sent you a req
>tfw I will never be blond and blue eyed
you're perfect just the way you are, user!
Not really but thanks anyways, I guess.
nah, bet you're adorable as heck
I haven't showered in a week so I reek of dried cum and sweat
this is me be nice