another comfy friday night in with the lads. it was a good un eh?, edition
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he it be
corr love to lick you nipple user
Let's go fucking mental
Let's go fucking mental
Is the black bit your boxers where you keep your penis
*jumps up and down spilling his pint everywhere*
Ever wanted to just jump down from the top of the stairs right down to the bottom
>a small island suffers an outbreak of a sci-fi parasite thingy
from the opening l was hoping this would be like a mix between Slither and The Bay. Was just trash though, never seemed to get going and the story didnt make a lot of sense
no it's my sheet where l keep my matress
I'm sorry m8, but you got bit by an adder
used to do it and see how far i could get down when i was at my mums. got 3rd from the top but would hit my head on the low roof bit. but if i held on to the banisters and swung my legs forward i could get down from the top
Any long lasting effects?
somebody in the last thread said i was away with the fairies.
That's pretty standard. How's your soul?
Is this thread a fairy thread now?
Yes. Fairies rise up
mark is dead
I'm so annoyed that he didn't finish that last pot noodle
He'll finish it when he wakes up, definitely won't let it go to waste
Hell probably just chuck it in the blender for his morning smoothie
That early morning cold pot noodle, can't beat it
Corr sauce on this lad?
have you ever seen this?
*does walking the dog with a yoyo*
Not sure, I think I just googled dead bird. it was an appropriate image for a conversation I was having with my m8. Good shit, look at that dominant wing pose
You have reached enlightenment
watching dainty one get shagged and she's fit as fuck phwoarrrr
old ass wilfred brimley
i only try to emulate you senpai
I think you're all gay as fuck
Can I fuck you bro??? Pleeeaaassseeeeeee
do wank to guys sometimes yeah
Youre missing a great film on talking pictures lads: white cargo (1974): David Jason, yes del boy from only fools and horses, in the starring role as some lad who saves strippers from becoming slaves. Classic 70s softcore comedy porn. plenty of tits to go round. Even has that weird psychedelic funky music you get in those films. bowchikawowow.
*falls off computer chair*
I do believe I'm drunk enough to attempt sleep
Hopefully this time tomorrow night I will have licked my own mum's brown ring. If she wants to do it right away, that is. She might want to wait until she is really stressed and needs deep relaxation.
I can't fucking wait. Going to sleep now and dream of her anus.
What does your mum look like? Why do you want to eat her bum?
Are you not worried the stress will make her clench up and injure your mouth or she accidentally squeezes one out into your mouth?
Same here lad. G'nite
I had a mate who told me as a kid that a fetish involving dead birds and breaking their necks whilst masturbating was one of the most common ones for men
As I have grown older I have infrequently pondered this weird, weird fucking claim and I have to say he was wrong
Was he? He also once told me that he heard voices. He thinks I'm some kind of idiot and believes I don't remember small, offhand comments made years ago (over 10 years ago) , but I do.
Was he wrong guys?
>a fetish involving dead birds and breaking their necks whilst masturbating was one of the most common ones for men
l've never heard this and he sounds like a serial killer
She is a bit fat and short, you might describe her as dumpy. I want the thrill of it. I have always been attracted to the most extreme acts.
No because the licking will relieve the stress.
But what if it makes everything go loose and slack and you get a face full of mummy logs?
>impulsive rimming
you're gonna taste shit
He was like 14 when he said this to me. Numerous times. He's a charismatic guy with thousands of friends on Facebook now and has had multiple girlfriends. We hadn't spoken for like 9 years, I last had dealings with him when I was about 19, now we're both 28 and he wants to be in touch again, but I've been thinking about past conversations with this guy and I don't know, weird dude
Depends on the kind of bird your lad was talking about, because if it was in the figurative you might want to check it in with the dibble.
He meant like sparrows and stuff
Straight up prepubescent Jeffrey Dahmer activities right there bud
Wanna buy a house but I need to get a job and to get a job I need to do major self-improvement and essentially become a different person.
Wanna get married to a lovely girl but I need to get a girlfriend and to get a girlfriend I need to do major self-improvement and essentially become a different person.
Too lazy for any of it.
Night user.
Oh region alley
So be it. Some times bad things happen to good people.
No she will prepare first. It will be our private ritual
>she will prepare first.
so you're gonna be like 'oi mum hoop in the shower im finna eat dat bumhole'
I know this feel its why I play the lottery even though I know its a twat tax
Googled this shite and apparently it's called avisodomy and the Marquis de Sade (the origin of the word "sadism") was fond of it
Weird bloke think I'm gonna avoid him
His dad was a wrong un and all
>another comfy friday night in
It's Saturday morning you dope.
I just had a nice wank now off to sleep. I hope I never wake up
Probably for the best, save yourself user. You could be exotic bird meat in his mind. G'nite lad, take care
movie blog user, why do you seem to only watch b-list horror movies that seem shit from the getgo
Turn on bbc2 lads what the fuck is this
For me, it's grinding wumpa coins to unlock to the Spyro grand prix characters on CTR.
>MFW I've actually fallen for her
May big Bazza have mercy on my soul
l watch other genres too. Just find horror easy to watch because the concept/kills can be interesting at least. A lot of the time l'm not up for anything serious and just want something dumb while l'm browsing.
>"Too lazy for any of it."
~ Anonymous post, Jow Forums's "Jow Forums" imageboard, 14th September, 03:04:21 AM GMT.
l've watched 148 movies since 10th July
What are the comfy nightguard lids up to tonight then?
The other night I was up til 4 sorting out my Skyrim install and it's fucked my sleeping pattern.
My headphones are getting a bit smelly and I want to clean them but it's too late at night, I'm going to wait until tomorrow.
grinding path of exile like usual
need to go shop when it opens at 8am
thinking l might try wanking to a jap
Your threads, and other general thread circlejerks like this one, are ruining this board.
Nah don't think so lol
uwu post boipucci user
r9k is already a ruined board lmao
They're the only thing that keeps Jow Forums alive seethy seether
*glaces at the catalogue*
that's our fault is it?
wanna share how you concluded that
Bit of For Honor interspercing downloading a bit of music for mummy, before moving onto my own playlist.
(He mad bro)
Of all the leddit that's infested this place; ours has stood the test of time, repellant of most of the menace innit. Outside of a few hiccups with some obnoixous tripfags and trannies (which, lets face it, isn't unique to us), years now and we've plodded on, while the board around us has regressed into a foetid rot.
I'm guessin you're just a bit ticked what since literally every other countryfeel has failed.
Just came back from night out lids. Went some bar/club, met a girl then she took me back to hers and I smashed her in like a good lad. Kebab and a few tins on the way back home and here I am. Proper buzzin like.
>ruining this board
This board has been shite for years newfag. I really feel sorry for outsiders that aren't one of the /britfeel/ lads. Now off ye fuck back to your discord servers
You dont belong here normie cunt.
Nice one lad, hope you had a good one. I'm about to play some Stalker init
>What are the comfy nightguard lids up to tonight then?
Playing CTR. Got bored of the Modern Warfare beta. Just unlocked Gnasty Gnorc, just need to grind it out for Hunter now. Will probbably have a rustlers burger wurger soon before bed.
Sounds fun lid. I haven't had any alcohol tonight as I'm saving myself for tomorrow. Been pretty comfy though.
>smashed her in like a good lad
>>Jow Forums
Fuck off back, we don't like foriners round here
What's a female l can fap to to break my gayfap streak?
Besides the blatant projections characteristic of those cannot help but broadcast how attacked they personally feel, this was just a PSA.
A little bit sad every time I see this same old trope carted out again and again. The board is what we make of it.
I have some few reasons to be proud of my country outside of circlejerk threads on anonymous imageboards, so frankly I do not mind that my country does not have a dedicated general, the only general threads I ever frequented were on /vg/ and contactfag threads on /v/, years ago. Your projection is unwarranted and in my opinion belies an attempt to grasp at some perceived superiority of your circlejerk. I am just very saddened by the promulgation of these general threads.
There's no discussion of anything even remotely "British" here besides posts involving bizarre slang. There is no relevant ongoing topic, no ongoing conversation to be returned to, just the same posters constantly posting. No new ground is broken, nothing ever changes. One of most heavily-trafficked threads where literally nothing is discussed and only an exchange of memes you first chuckled at years ago. General threads encourage other general threads.
Ignore the yank boys, he just had his bird nicked by one of our countrymen
He's right lads. Let's go, it's over.
Watching Carnival Row episode 5
Any you want to do a little cuddle up before we go sleep?
>There's no discussion of anything even remotely "British" here
not the point but okay
>There is no relevant ongoing topic
we have plenty but they aren't exclusively british related, again that isn't the point of this thread
>just the same posters constantly posting
a forum yes, well done
>No new ground is broken
we're working on world hunger but it's slow going
>nothing ever changes
the seasons do in case you haven't noticed
>literally nothing is discussed
Does this count?
>General threads encourage other general threads.
that a fact is it? What does bitching encourage, change?
That's a weak list of grievances. You have a personal vendetta and no real reason to hate this thread, you just do. That's fine but it ain't going anywhere so learn to cope.
Welp, had to happen one day boyos.
Last one left turn the light off.
Actually l talk about bennies and Greggs all the time
talking about greggs and bennies creates tranny threads
trust me
Ever been in a hurricane?
if this is real I'm proud of you lad
You're so pretentious it actually makes me cringe
Yes please papi
this is some next level tism lad
Ok no gay things, just a couple of lads having a little snuggle before bed
wow........ if only......... there was a way to............. filter and get rid of posts.................. huh
Asian girls do it for me but I hear wean yourself off faggotry with transexuals then straight stuff.
not him but if its not sexual whats the bloody point?
fuck off bruv