Why do girls like Bonbibonkers have such a hard in for Asian guys?
Why do girls like Bonbibonkers have such a hard in for Asian guys?
.t RAD trying to believe Boni will love him but its okay because we all love you rad anyways
Because she's a beaner and beaners are ultimately from Asia.
Shut the fuck up, you shit cunt.
RAD, the chances of bonbi knowing about Jow Forums is slim. The chances of her knowing about YOU is less than that.
Check out the gif, lad, and then tell me what you think.
Why is your gif so slow?
I don't know.
I don't know, lad. I guess I suck at making gifs or something.
Bonbi was made aware of Jow Forums at 15 years of age because of /wsg/ who is still very obsessed with her.
I wonder if you beta orbiting faggots are even aware of the paradox your idolization produces.
The kind of guy that ends up with those girls is never thinking "wow, I sure am glad she choose me out of those tens of thousands of guys" because he was never a beta orbiter in the first place. Those dudes are so normalfag chad that the thought they had sex with a girl literally hordes of dudes dream about never even crosses their mind.
By beta orbiting e-thots, you're literally placing yourself in the category of men who never standing a chance with her. It doesn't make sense.
Oh, I didn't know that. Crazy.
Too bad she can't post on Jow Forums because she's not 18+.
She even did a boxxy cosplay. Who do you think groomed her into doing that?
This is waht r/asianmasculinity ricecels actually believe lmao
I don't know. Who?
Oh no, my dick is on fire.
Probably a STD. You are unfit to worship at the altar of bonbi.
They want someone to go to Asia with they don't even care if they're not Japanese
>another bored scroll through the Jow Forums catalog
>another convergence of ethots and their cultists
It's never going to end.
>beaners are ultimately from Asia.
No, it's actually in flames. I was... trying something.
Yes. You should have learned that Latin Americans are from Asia along with Native Americans in school.
Oh, so Bonbi is Asian? Cool.
She's some sort of mutt. We don't really know. People who want her to be white say she is white. People who want her to be Asian see her as Asian. People who hate her call her a spic.
kek look at this bitch plucking 80% of her brows because it looks "okay" with filters and makeup, one day they arent going to grow back (happens to girls who overpluck, esp those over 25)
Guys, in my game, The Hand Bearer, there's this giant crazy witch throwing boulders at you, Lacey Everhart. And your job is to catch the boulders before they roll down onto the village below and throw them back at the crazy witch.
>bitch plucking 80% of her brows
that's make-up bro
She has plucked much of her eyebrows away in that pic. The thots then use makeup to fill in and shape their eyebrows.
This is what I mean.
Funny right?
I love bonbi so much guys
I just realized the witch looks like Lena Dunham.
She looks kinda gross and soulless. Like those latex fetish masks that men wear to look like women.
People say she's Mexican, so I guess she's Asian.
It's a random snapshot of her from her tiktok video, so yeah, it's gonna look like she's in the midst of doing something, which she is.
What if the witch had shitty tattoos?
That's funny, right?
She uses a lot of makeup and filters so it is not surprising someone would think her face looks like a mask. It doesn't look much better in motion.
Doing something? ...The fuck did you deduce that from my post? No, she looks like she is immobile and stiff. Like a latex mask.
I don't know, I guess I don't notice that kind of stuff because I'm a heterosexual male who loves sex with heterosexual females.
Anyways, here's a pic of her w/out makeup on. Still objectively very pretty.
She looks like a rat person with cancer.
Maybe you're a doctor who sees rat people hybrids all the time. Idk...
Me, on the other hand, have never seen a rat person with cancer before so I can't comment on what you said.
hetero? sound kinda gay defending e-whores lol
Still looks like a latex mask.
No, being a modern day eunuch for an e-thot is literally the most heterosexual thing imaginable.
But one of those fancy ones you get for Halloween to the tune of $899 USD
Well, at least she doesn't have the smell of a latex mask. Or at least I don't think she does.
Probably smells like latex condoms
They don't put condoms on the animals down on the farm in Louisiana.
No, she likes to go raw, so...
You shut the fuck up, you shit cunt.
Why do people say she's from Louisiana?
Why am I here????
This place serves me no purpose.
She has that creole mutt look.
THAT'S what people are basing their assumptions on?
Go ask /wsg/ where the Louisiana meme came from if you are so curious. I don't watch her streams and I barely look at the webms they post.
why the fuck are you on tiktok?
It is this generation's stickam and stickam was last generations yahoo chat.
I don't even know what stickam is.
I'm not on Tiktok. I think it's dumb and cringey. But, Bonbizo, though...
nonce probs convinced her
Is nonce that loli fucker seth?
fucking sick bastard
It was a joke. I didn't mean it.
no idea I just know they call him nonce and hes a pedo sick fucker
oh okay fine then you should make yer jokes more clear
How bout I end each joke with a disclaimer?
Like this:
Joke: Bonbizo doesn't smell like latex because she likes to go raw.
Disclaimer: I've never meet Bonbibonkers nor do I have any information that suggests she engages in any form of sexual activity. If Bonbibonkers does in fact engage in sexual activity, that private act should only stay between her and her sexual partner. What Bonbibonkers does behind closed doors is none of my or anyone else's business.
Also, everything that I say in regards to Bonbibonkers is pure fiction; they are lies, made up bs that holds no value in truth whatsoever. I'm gay.
I did the Sailormoon challenge over at /ic/.
It's so shit compared to the professionals.
Probably because you draw ugly tumblr faces.
Dafuk? There's an actual term for it?
>Google tumblr faces
Dafuk? There IS an actual term for it!
She looks like a character from DS2. I mean just purely from how the graphics looked. Her face is wacky.
being this mad just because teen white girls all want asian boys now
why is she so scared user?
what the fuck is wrong with her eyes. They look like a frogs holy shit.