What's your excuse to be here this time of the week?
Alone in a Friday Night
Why do I need an excuse? This is how it has always been and this is how it will continue to be.
What else should I be doing?
I don't have friends. I also I'm too afraid to go have a night walk for myself
What's yours?
I don't have friends to go out with.
>no friends
Of course this comment is not original
where do you live?
night walks are one of the few things i momentarily enjoy, i guess im lucky i live in a relatively safe first world boring town, but sometimes i get spooked when people are close by or behind me
you want me to go to wendys or something
I am a loner
I almost always shut down contact before it can become friendships or romantic relationships. I have 3 online friends and I don't know if I should get IRL friends.
Can you explain the appeal of nightwalks to me? It just seems like a needless trip out of my cozy room.
The DPDR is hitting kinda hard tonight. It's like this because I'm so close to beating it so I can feel the weight of these last layers extra hard. That's why I'm not going out, I'm not going out until reality feels real and I can be myself again.
What for, I wrecked my car two months ago and injured my arm permanently. I don't have any friends to go with anyways.
I can't cry my heart out if I'm not alone
I worked all week and I'm tired. Also my washing machine is fucking up and there's a fucking mouse in my apartment eating my candy. I just want to rest.
loner, no car, no family, no future
i enjoy nightwalks because unlike daywalks theres usually nobody about, less noise, no incessant cars zooming past ruining an attempt at peace and quiet, no sun beaming down on my pasty white visage and making me irritable.
i also just enjoy how everything looks and feels during nighttime both inside and out, the crisp air is nice and i like how everything looks in the dark with the lights on in peoples houses, its peaceful and cozy, but also bittersweet thinking about all the different people existing in their own little rooms so disconnected from one another, myself included. but its my favourite time of day, bonus points if its raining.
i can understand if you think its pointless though, definitely depends where you live and i wouldnt condone it if you dont feel comfortable or safe being out in the dark. also im being a bit of a sentimental fag, it can get boring walking around the same block, but its a nice little brief change of scenery for me before i get back to my room. then i go to bed and wake up to the sun being an obnoxious faggot and i patiently wait till night so i can feel comfy again.
yes, give into the wendy's PR
was it your environment user? did you grow up alone? or was it just the unluckiness of it. I've been alone for quite awhile, it's nice for the most part but I still get those pangs of loneliness, how do you fight it?
why user? do you not like people, why do you push them away?
I'm sorry about your arm :c I wish you the best of luck in finding friends
mouse eating your candy? user hide your candy it's just a mouse.
this user, just try to stay positive its all we can do
I don't think I've done anything on a Friday night other than sit at home alone for at least the last 5 years. I don't even know what else I could be doing at this point.
No one to hang out with
No girl to talk to
Too tired to do anymore work
I'm probably just going to get high and watch a longplay of Gears of War 5
Good explanation, user. I live in a really safe city (Leaf). I attend a university really close to me so I could try walking around campus at night when its cool out. Thanks for the idea.
I think I have some sort of superiority/anxiety complex. I've always felt that I was different from everyone around me so I can't really explain it. Every time I leave my house I feel like I'm watching myself so I guess maybe I'm just super self aware? Every individual move I do I feel like someone is watching me. For example, I'll think the clothes I'm wearing are suddenly very uncomfortable, or I'll think the way I'm walking is weird. Something about me is fucked up but I don't know how to fix it. When it comes to other people, sometimes someone might do something that I perceive to be retarded normie bullshit and I'll just look down on them forever. I mainly just look forward to coming home and drinking alone in my room. Even friends that I've had for a long time have started to annoy me really easily. Sorry for venting.
I dunno. Not really any friends since starting uni but it's okay. I have myself to make dinner and drink some tea. i don't need validation and love from others to feel complete.