>ywn suck someone's dick
why im live
Ywn suck someone's dick
Other urls found in this thread:
You keep posting this. Might as well just be direct and say that you want to meet with someone here for oral sex, that seems to be your intention anyway.
No one will do it though
Thats it, im reporting you feggyt
>you will suck Nordic dick eventually
Just have to stop being an autistic neet and learn proper Norwegian.
kms out of jealous
Didn't you post the same thing last night?
No you cant post duplicate threads or posts due to the r9k script
What's preventing you from reaching your dreams?
I'm ugly and fat and a 6' tall masculine bear that no dom wants ever
Post pics of yourself on soc op.
I get rated a 4/10 on average if that's what you're getting at?
This is as good as it will get for you:
You pay $200 and for your plane ticket and for an STD test on touchdown. If you're clean and do a good job I pay for your ticket next time. If you're clean and you do better I pay for everything. Then gifts. Etc.
If you make excuses it means you care more about having a le Jow Forums super epic tripfag ego instead of actually sucking up some dick
I don't have $200 right now, I'm neet so it will have to be after I get a job
you need banned
Because i want to see what you look like, 4 is not that bad.
Ive had my dick sucked and it's so good
>This thread yet again.
You don't actually want to suck one, you just want to get attention even if it's negative. If you wanted to you could just go on whatever the new craigslist is.
I'm fairly certain you posted almost the exact same thing, just changed a word this time
When I was hooked on opiates I'd find a way to get 200 in a day if I had to, much less a week or month. Doesn't sound like you want dick that badly.
Here is the most recent picture I've taken. It's particularly not a good pic but everything else is outdated
Wow you found me out
That means it's different
But like how
The essence of the post is the exact same
But it's still different
You look like a tranny, just fix your hair and lose weight and you'll be no different than any other tranny.
My hair is usually nice thats just my bedhead hair
But I look worse than other trannies. Other trannies get called women and stuff in public.
just take your (you) and fuck off
holy shit
how much attention do you tripfags actually need until you stop spamming this shit
i love (you) my user fren