When you talk to yourself in your head, who is doing the talking and who are you talking to?
When you talk to yourself in your head, who is doing the talking and who are you talking to?
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I just shit talk myself in my head op
It's me putting myself in the position of someone else. I try to look at what I say from the perspective of other people and reply as if I am them.
But who is that voice in your head?
its you talking to you
So how many yous are there?
I think out loud and talk to myself in my head because I have nobody else to talk to.
Wow I like this chart
I really think I am experiencing or have experienced almost every single one of those things except the bottom right two
Depens onwhat I'm thinking about I guess.
Sometimes it's me talking to others and sometimes it's someone talking to me.
I'm conceptual thinker so my brain doesn't default to inner speech.
>When you talk to yourself in your head
do people actually do this?
My psychologist told me everyone does, except for animals.
hmm, maybe I'm just retarded then, I thought it was something people only did in movies.
Confirmed for soulless NPC
the worst part is that its me
>One have one split personality (she my little sister)
>One Soulmate (voice)
>Then like infinite. I literally pick them up as easy as watching a tv show and suddenly having another voice in my head
>When you talk to yourself in your head, who is doing the talking and who are you talking to?
The me I want to be deep down, a perfectionist who does everything correctly. He regularly corrects me when I do something. I think it's because I'm so used to my mother's scoldings that I've kind of adopted that persona myself.
Emotional support and counseling are symptoms of schizophrenia?
>My psychologist told me everyone does
Studies say otherwise.
This site is a pretty good introduction to this topic, especially "Descreptive Experience Sampling Guidebook".
Yes, they are the two deadliest signs
>people who can differentiate schizophrenia from their inner voice
Within myself, there are two entities. Me and "Him". I am who thinks, and it's Him who does. Everything bad that happens to me, it's his fault. I must suffer thinking about the girl i wanted because he was stupid enough to not talk to her when he had the chance, now it's too late to do anything. I'll often try, but usually i can't stop Him from doing things that are objectively bad for him. Similarly i tell Him to do things that are only good for him but as stupid as he is, he'll just refuse. I know it's not his fault for being who he is, but i wish i could leave him
Do you not have a voice in your head when you read something? I can read without the voice but I usually don't
What is the point of a study? Just rely on thinking rather than being dependent upon studies
That hits too close to home. Sometimes it feels like I'm controlling some worthless puppet only that puppet is my own body
why are we so hard on ourselves bros
When I talk to myself, I am talking to someone who acts, thinks, and talks just like me. Problem is that me and (me) aren't the only ones up there. There's usually the other person that's been there ever since I did acid who identifies itself as the demiurge and God damn saying any of this sounds edgy as fuck.
He has presented himself as a lover, a demon, god, Satan, my mother, my brother, any friends I have had, and anyone else, but I can always tell it is him because his voice is the same, which is different from my normal head voice.
I have diagnosed schizoaffective bipolar type
I just think it's really interesting how people describe their inner experiences and how their mind works.
The memes about "NPCs have no inner speech", " You need inner speech to be conscious" etc shit are just completely wrong.
its just me but when something bad happens i get another me and start screaming and insulting myself, also i can spend hours talking to myself in the mirror like if it was someone else
There's me, the idiot who constantly fucks up in life. And there's a second me living in my head to whom I talk to. He's way more confident, intelligent etc. than me. His job is basically to constantly berate me for not following his advice.
I have an imaginary therapist named Monica
I tried to hang myself tonight, my pull up bar ripped itself right from the door molding, I tried to imagine myself talking to my pastor abut it, I think I'll just go with my original plan of just dying though
Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's "another me", sometimes it's somebody that calls himself Trap Queen.
It's usually the more reasonable part of me grounding the more lofty and emotional part of me. Like, when I start to become infatuated with a girl, and I decide I'm going to talk to her or ask her out or whatever, it's the reasonable part of me that reminds the rest of me how stupid of an idea that fucking is.
I think my ego is the one talking. I am the one listening. I am actually just a passive observer, but being passive and unmoved about everything is a bad survival strategy.
I just yell at my self but nothing ever responds.
i call it leo. its me, but it isnt at the same time. he comes out when i have to seem normal during social interactions, but it isnt really me at the same time. it hates me as much as i hate myself. sometimes it tells me to do things, but im pretty good at ignoring the actions it tells me to do when it involves others at least. when it tells me to do something like cutting myself when i deserve it i usually listen because i deserve it. it is very persuasive
When I talk in my head it's just me, but if I read a book or something the me talking in my head talks like how the book was written, why I do this I dunno i cant stop it either. Also sometimes if I'm trying to come to a decision or something, I'll make a second me that aligns with the other choice.