everybody draw a self portrait without consulting a mirror
Attached: file.png (340x335, 18K)
best i can do, my dude
Attached: paint.png (480x411, 32K)
I go through college debt and i feel my own reality spiraling out of control
Attached: 61936u1192711.png (826x1034, 177K)
sorry that this looks so autistic, I drew it with my trackpad
Attached: Untitled2.png (640x480, 19K)
I draw it with a phone LoL
Attached: IMG_20190914_111307.jpg (478x428, 14K)
drawn with a mouse
Attached: AAA.png (900x900, 115K)
Date me you beautiful cunt
I did this in December 2018. So it is outdated. But it is what I have at the moment.
I fucked up the chin but it looks ok. My hair has gotten longer now.
Attached: C1A6CE45-26D2-4125-883D-788C81330223.jpg (3024x4032, 1.06M)
WHY The FUCK This NIGGA Looks LIKE Tenya Iida LMAO This SHIT Got ME Dead BRUH
Its hard to draw with your fingers
Attached: Screenshot_2019-09-13-22-21-29(1).png (1440x2366, 210K)
i made this one
it's my piece de la shitstance
Attached: ur mum.png (720x472, 20K)
fairly odd parents Mr. Crocker lookin head ass nigga
this is a good one, compared to mine. oregano
Heres me, definitely not perfect but id say definitely decently close given my sub par drawing abilities
Attached: 94AFB899-8ADD-4503-AAD8-B9C63E0757C1.jpg (2150x2940, 284K)
shitty mobile app originally
Attached: B478160E-8A24-4178-AA90-16B8F135E993.jpg (1078x1479, 125K)
what app originally gbvvbznm
I look the same with longer hair. I look fuckig retarded. Why is it hard to draw Asian eyes
>inb4 slits
fuck you
Attached: A427C63D-44D2-4F42-881F-1C1D4143DD35.jpg (566x602, 85K)
>be me, hambeast
Attached: me.png (362x534, 32K)
erm, I swear I don't look like tranny michael jackson irl, it's just the drawing...
Attached: sketch-1568437971944.png (1440x1440, 294K)
wow someone called me beautiful 0////0
this but more uglier.
Attached: me.png (496x1166, 67K)
I look retarded with long hair but I'm too complacent to cut it.
Attached: me.png (408x459, 28K)
You look retarded with short hair too.