I really wish this could be me but my parents are christian and I still live with them what do
I really wish this could be me but my parents are christian and I still live with them what do
Cut open your jugular
Seek salvation. There is still time for you - Jesus will always accept you.
How? I'm already a pretty big faggot how do I stop being one
Neck yourself.
To be honest, gay people are cool. If you want to be a crossdressing tranny freak that's where I draw the line.
What happened to you to turn out like this? Seriously, no judgement I just want to know.
I was going to guess that you had absolutely no luck with girls growing up, depended on porn and isolation to deal with the throes of puberty, developed increasingly depraved fetishes which at some point incorporated you subduing the desperation to have a woman participant by assuming that role yourself--providing feminine presence the only way you felt able--by Cross dressing, not merely in normal women's clothes though... In the slutty, depraved getups that satisfy the fetishistic fantasies you'd developed for the female role, as since you had assumed full control over the female role, you might as well play it to your utmost desires.
This probably led to you acting out increasingly filthy scenarios, embracing all those things which, somewhere inside you, you wanted to do to a woman, but constructed a psyche where you get off by doing it to yourself. Probably putting sex toys in your ass, and mouth, jerking off into your own face, experiencing the humiliation and feminized submission of your fantasies, which in your isolation became more extreme and fueled by pornography, chasing that increasingly fleeting dopamine rush.
You probably subconsciously, or maybe with full awareness who knows, began dealing with the intense shame by determining yourself a homosexual, or trans maybe, and "kinky" or BDSM enthusiastic. But really, you're just a self hating man who never grew up emotionally or had the chance to grow and mature in a sexual and companionship sense with a woman. You were denied the experience of love, and you tried to fill that hole however you could.
You're not gay. If you were, why would you assume such a feminized ideal and aesthetic? Wouldn't you be attracted to men/masculinity?
Your obsession with female form suggests heterosexual base function that was just tragically perverted beyond any recognition.
How close am I?
Read the Bible, pray and go to church. I would recommend a Catholic, but if you prefer Protestant I guess it also works. You do not need to start everything at once, you should start by praying then reading the Bible and of you like you can go to church later. At first tou might not know what to say, but that is alright - God understands. With time, it will come naturally.
>pray the gay away
you know what neck yourself too, you christfags will be second in line for the rope
Why are people on this site so mean?
Do not worry user, I will also pray that you may find salvation.
Because this isn't /lgbt/ and isn't the place to talk about your gay fantasies
move out and become a hitchhiking faggot. truckers need love too
Keep praying then
not opie but this hits close to home. whats next?
post legs user.
I dont know, but here's what I'd do:
Quit porn, burn your stockings, shed your entire sexual identity and abandon everything you used to be, become someone new... Completely ignore sex and all related things and focus on doing things that make you feel fulfilled... Whatever youre good at, or professionally competent, or enjioy a lot. Develop those things. Cook, read, work out.. Music, whatever.
Then as you identify with things and parts of life that have nothing to do with sex, orgasms, fetishes, whatever the fuck ever, work on learning to love yourself. Become someone you respect first, then give yourself the love and forgiveness you would extend to a friend. You deserve it as much as anyone else, but its harder to forgive ourselves than others.
I'd say see a therapist, but these days they'd probably just tell you that the way you were was beautiful and authentic, and you should keep sucking dicks and bring a perverted degenerate. Maybe cut your dick off, why not?? Thats brave and admirable! To say otherwise is hate speech!
No. Learn to love yourself as a man, as you were born. If you believe in god, work with that, maybe go to church.
Ultimately you wanna talk to women, have sex with a woman or women, find a great one who loves you and be with her. Having fun and kinks is fine but you shoildnt be having to get pegged in the asss to keep the bedroom alive.
I would try to avoid sex until youre truly no longer addicted to depravity. Bc it could probably turn out bad and cycle back into the same old problems.
Or, maybe I'm wrong and youre just
>\born this way\
And you have to love yourself no matter what you do or even if the primary way you spend time and love your life is so degenerate that you would never let anyone know about it and your life is one long withdrawn and isolated gay fuck that you only maintain due to a crippling addiction to the intoxication of the perverse, hijacked dopamine reward pathways of your cumbrain.
I disagree
Hey do you have a discord, and will you be my mentor?
Sometimes I wish I could fuck a feminine gayboi but then I remember I cant fuck guys cuz thats gross but maybe getting a blowjob would work. Wanna suck my dick op?
I think this post just cured my AGP. Thank you user.
Sorry but I don't, never had dischord.
I'm no mentor that's just what I feel is important for a an caught up in this stuff
Unfortunately, too, it is probably necessary to keep far away from Jow Forums, because look at the way we get treated here, the things that are advertised and promoted.
Because you faggots have been bombarding this board for years and we are fuckong tired of it.