how does this happen. guy is a loser never went to college
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she is a loser as well who never went to college.
similar people with similar life styles click ffs.
wt fucking f
What is your point op?
Who cares?
Unlike most of the people on this board he probably has a good personality and is fun to be around.
look at this disgusting fat slob loser with this tight ass blonde
Nice smile, dresses well
Good, fit, body that he can be confident in during sex.
Not that hard.
Both these women are hot to me
no he was just a richfag but not even that rich his dad owned like a car dealership
pretty easy one here faggot.
>thick warrior skull
>thick neck
>wide jaw
>clearly knows how to "signal" on social media platforms (draw attention to himself)
>upper middle class mannerisms
>probably some kind of personality that is attractive that we can't glean from the pics
theres no surprises here faggot. i can't believe you think going to college somehow makes some roastie unattainable
OP is guy in this video:
>rich faggot
case fucking closed you retard. he's rich. fucking dumb robo faggot. he has money. doesn't matter where it came from fuck you
He's a solid 5, she's post-wall betabuxxing. You need help if you'd marry a busted hog like that.
god save us from the post-wall betabuxxing thots
Girls don't really give a fuck if you went to college or not user
>good body
hes a skinny fat fag?
definitely i was talking about the guy
warrior skull this guy is 5'8 dude hes a small guy he weighs like 120 lbs. not to mention he doesnt have social media
seems if shes looking for money shed look for a guy who has it not some guy whos parents are just upper middle class lmfao
>dresses well
fucking kek
post wall my ass shes a 22 year old fit blonde
>guy is a loser never went to college
Guy is a winner who didn't fall for the meme.
motherfucker he obviously has some kind of pull which translates to
>by associating with me, this roastie gets a lot of attention and status that can be broadcast to NPCs without social repercussions
get the fuck over it
dude his jaw is massive he probably has a fat cock this is a closed case.
>girls don't give a fuck about status
ya loser girls do.
lol dude i went to high school with him i promise nobody thought he was cool he just took suboxone and smoked pot.
hes just fat lmfao he is a fucking manlet that girl is 5'1
yeah being a hyundai salesman really says winner
Is that Fred Savage?
College education doesn't equate to status retard lol
its called having a personality dumbass
sure makes achieving it easier.
it shows you are better educated than 60% of the united states. status symbol
>mUh pErSonaLity
this guy is a loser and lives with his parents still
College is a worthless debt trap for 50% of all students and I hope you go broke trying to prove how smart you are.
too bad my parents paid for my school and i already have a job dork
Do you also carry around your the print out of your 90 iq you got on the mensa internet iq test?
more like fred fatass
>h-he just has a good personality. if you guys were nice you would get women too.
keep coping brainlet.
>Stalks some guy who stole his oneitis
Please live stream your suicide faggot.
Only if you're a surgeon, a chemist or something similar. College just proves that you are more compliant, slightly more motivated, more organized and devoted to the pursuit of an entry-level work permit called a diploma.
Slinging dick and fucking hot blondes says he is a winner. And car salesmen have a lot of opportunities to become investors later or work corporate.
Honestly its all confidence. Looks rarely matter to women
ok well then he has a fat dick and it makes him irrationally confident. get the FUCK OVER IT
You haven't proven your prowess or excellence then, have you? Why did your parents pay for your shit if you're so great?
That is actually a truthpill though. OP puts women on a pedestal and thinks there is some magic spell you need to cast on women if you are not a millionaire. But its honestly just treating the girl like a human which will get guys like robots girlfriends.
not oneitis i've just never seen a guy so far off of his looksmatch before
no, literally only 40% of the us has a bachelors degree or higher
he was friendzoned hard and then chad broke up with her and he swooped in. she also had a rough home life and he let her move in with him in high school. im just surprised its lasted this long
nah we played baseball together he has a normal weewee
my parents paid for my school because they arent poorfags and wanted their children to be in a position to succeed in life
Seriously, you're a fucking brainlet. Imagine bragging about having parents who paid your way instead of earning scholarships. Maybe think your shitty larp through next time.
>he knows these kids life stories
Lmao stalker creep hope you stay away from women
imagine saying college is a debt trap, and then being this mad when i pointed out that i didnt have to take debt because my parents arent poor
>implying you arent still a poorfag in debt to your rents
we went to the same high school dummy. i know this kid. we played baseball together.
>implying my parents loaned me the money
lmfaooooo my parents invested in their children im sorry yours didnt do the same
Are you truly bragging about having parents that paid for your pissant bachelor's degree from a public university? You should have been aborted.
too bad i went to nyu
I want those thighs around my face
>he thinks it was an investment
Lmao you are in for a rude awakening
Now you are stalking him and blogging about him. You want to suck his dick? Are you still a pathetic virgin?
no not a virgin. banged 12 girls and 3 hookers. dont think so. im an ib analyst at a big bank. my parents are proud of me
Let me get this straight:
you're an asshole
you have a mediocre education
you brag that your parents paid for it
you are still jealous of the romantic success enjoyed by uneducated men.
i guess i'm an asshole
nyu is a top school, most first years were in the top 10% of their class in high school
i'm not bragging i just told you they paid after you said "i hope you go broke" because of college
not really jealous though i would fuck her. def wouldnt trade places with the guy
here you go anonymous boi
If she's from a rich white suburb then she probably doesn't get much attention. Girls from those parts are some of the best in the world. Probably just never made a tinder or had desperate brown guys hitting on her
shes not shes from apartments.
You don't have to trade places, you're already a loser.
objectively not
>not a virgin
>college grad
>ib analyst
>manhattan condo
>drive bmw
>herp derp she has pointy knees, 2/10 at best, I would not allow her to even touch my prestigious 250 pound body
You forgot to include your failure to understand the romantic success of an uneducated man.
You need decent looks to get women, that is true.
But no matter what you look like, a shit personality can run women off.
Oh wow man, 6 foot tall and a BMW?!?Women should be flocking to you!
If you come off like this much of a conceited asshole in real life as you are on here, it's no wonder you have romantic difficulties.
perhaps. maybe i will take a page out of your book
He is better looking than she is
get fucking real clown
I appreciate your candor and I didn't really mean to shit on you. You have every right to take pride in yourself. Please understand that there is no list of 'objective' qualities that denote individuals as either winners or losers. You may find that you are less confused by uneducated men who succeed with desirable women
i was being sarcastic you fuckin loser
He's not, but he's still not bad looking. She's slightly better looking. They're within reasonable ranges of one another.
Please don't try to pivot, you've already exposed yourself. Good luck out there.
way out his league, but again, she has fun with him, and that's all that matters.
>it's everyone else who is wrong
you can make money without going to college retard. Its called business and trades. Learn trade, make money, start a business have others work for you
Girls like a 5 so I say theyre looksmatched. Fucking bet you shes a boring casual so why even obsess over her
you dont have a business or a trade robot
yeah okay dude
Guarantee shes like every other girl who loves Netflix, post Malone, going to music festivals naked, and getting abortions. She looks like the type where you can only have shallow conversations with. No philosophy or intellectual discourse. Why would you want an average boring girl like that?
College is a meme. Its all about who you know, and starting a business is easy. Plus she looks like a good fit for him, he is probably really interesting
>says some standard boring copy pasted shit about some girl he doesnt know
The irony kills me every time
read the thread morons
Nobody is reading your blog. Just admit that he is a good match for her and move on
She is a 6/10 at best nothing wild
Can be betabuxx without buxx