Hey Moon,
I love you and I hope you sleep well, friend.
Hey Moon
moon girls report from the shadows
> (OP) (You)
>moon girls report from the shadows
Why do you talk here. Go DM.
>Why do you talk here. Go DM.
I would I could
I love you tally. I'm sorry
>I love you tally. I'm sorry
I'm sorry but I'm not tally. You should still let them know that you love them though.
hi, are you still awake? sorry I haven't posted in awhile, I've been really busy and really tired recently. are you okay?
Hey there, I'm awake. Don't worry if you've been busy, it's alright. I can't sleep because it feels like my eardrum is going to burst :(
did something happen to your ear or has this happened before? I had lots of earaches when I was young so I always had to use ear drops. the pain was terrible but I hated using the drops too
I somehow got ear infections in both of my ears and it has hurt for the past week. I used some of the drops earlier - it's unpleasant.
I'm sorry, it's been a week now so it should go away pretty soon right? also I don't know if you've ever used eye drops but those are pretty bad too
I thought it would have gotten better by now but it's just gotten worse. I might go to the doctor tomorrow and get antibiotics. Eye drops suck too.
Have you been doing alright?
if you're still in pain when you wake up then you should definitely go, you should try to go to a doctor any time you aren't feeling well for an extended period of time desu.
I have not been great, I've been doing a lot and I've been an emotional wreck but I'm about to finish school so that's good I guess. other than the ear infection how have been?
This is the cringiest faggies shit even seen on this board.
I don't even know who both these faggots are but it makes me want to torture them mercilessly.
I bet OP is a faggot orbiter and that Moon is a cock sucking whore larping as a fembot or some shit. Take your bullshit to discord and stop spamming the board with this faggotry.
this is the funniest shit Ive seen all day
>I have not been great, I've been doing a lot and I've been an emotional wreck but I'm about to finish school so that's good I guess. other than the ear infection how have been?
I'm sorry to hear that things still aren't going well for you. If you ever need to talk about it and don't want to dm, then look for me on here and we can talk.
What do you mean by finish school?
As for how things have been, school and work have been going well, so I'm grateful for that.
I still miss my friend every day, though. A month has passed now, but I still feel the same loss as when he left. I worry for him though I don't know how he's doing.
>I'm sorry to hear that things still aren't going well for you.
it's okay, it'll get better eventually. I'm sad now but I'll be happy after a while.
>If you ever need to talk about it and don't want to dm, then look for me on here and we can talk.
I appreciate that, I'm not sure what I'd say though. my friends are all busy or sad right now and none of them are talking to me, I'm also having family issues but I can't talk about those here.
>What do you mean by finish school?
sorry, I thought I told you this already. I'm behind on high school and I'm finally going to graduate this month.
>As for how things have been, school and work have been going well, so I'm grateful for that.
are you tired or anything? I hope you haven't been overworking yourself too much.
>I still miss my friend every day, though. A month has passed now, but I still feel the same loss as when he left. I worry for him though I don't know how he's doing.
I know how you feel, I think eventually things will get better and you'll be able to talk to him again. if I talk to him privately I'll definitely tell him to add you again.
>I appreciate that, I'm not sure what I'd say though. my friends are all busy or sad right now and none of them are talking to me, I'm also having family issues but I can't talk about those here.
It sucks when your friends aren't available. I hope they can help you through things.
>sorry, I thought I told you this already. I'm behind on high school and I'm finally going to graduate this month.
I didn't know that, I feel like I would have remembered, but forgive me if I didn't. It must feel good to finally finish school. It's a weird time of year to graduate though - are you going to a graduation ceremony?
>are you tired or anything? I hope you haven't been overworking yourself too much.
I'll be okay, my course load isnt as heavy as it could be right now.
>I know how you feel, I think eventually things will get better and you'll be able to talk to him again. if I talk to him privately I'll definitely tell him to add you again.
I hope I'll be able to talk to him again one day. I didn't realize you got in touch with him.
>It sucks when your friends aren't available. I hope they can help you through things.
more than anything I just hope they're okay, I have no idea what's going on with any of them and it scares me so much. I keep thinking that if something happened I wouldn't even know and it just gives me this horrible feeling in my chest.
>I didn't know that, I feel like I would have remembered, but forgive me if I didn't. It must feel good to finally finish school. It's a weird time of year to graduate though - are you going to a graduation ceremony?
I probably didn't mention it then, I usually try not to talk about my school. I'm graduating late due to my own laziness. it's not a normal school, I can go at my own pace but I only found out recently I had a deadline for this month. if I don't finish now I'll have to pay some fees
>I'll be okay, my course load isnt as heavy as it could be right now.
I'm thankful, I always worry that you'll try to do too much or you'll be forced to do too much and you'll get super stressed or something.
>I hope I'll be able to talk to him again one day. I didn't realize you got in touch with him.
sorry, I wasn't very clear. I meant if I do contact him I'll ask him to contact you again, I haven't spoken to him since the last thread he made.
>more than anything I just hope they're okay, I have no idea what's going on with any of them and it scares me so much. I keep thinking that if something happened I wouldn't even know and it just gives me this horrible feeling in my chest.
Oh, I didn't realize it was like that... I've been in your position many times and I know how hard it is. I hope they're alright.
>I probably didn't mention it then, I usually try not to talk about my school. I'm graduating late due to my own laziness. it's not a normal school, I can go at my own pace but I only found out recently I had a deadline for this month. if I don't finish now I'll have to pay some fees
Good luck! Any idea of what you want to do when you graduate?
>I'm thankful, I always worry that you'll try to do too much or you'll be forced to do too much and you'll get super stressed or something.
Now that you mention it, they want me to start writing a new program for work next week, and I have two programs to write for school next week as well....
It'll be okay though.
>I'll ask him to contact you again, I haven't spoken to him since the last thread he made.
Thanks friend.
>Oh, I didn't realize it was like that... I've been in your position many times and I know how hard it is. I hope they're alright.
:( I wish these things wouldn't happen, it's so scary when online friends disappear because I don't know if they're hurt or busy or just bored of me. is that how you feel right now?
>Good luck! Any idea of what you want to do when you graduate?
I don't know, my dad says I can wait a few months before I decide. I'd like to work on my confidence first and then get a job so I can afford to go see my friends but I might just go to college or trade school instead. sorry I don't know if I said this, no ceremony but I might have a party. I don't really want one but my family is making a big deal out of this
>Now that you mention it, they want me to start writing a new program for work next week, and I have two programs to write for school next week as well....It'll be okay though.
don't worry, you'll be able to do it I think, I believe in you. you can't get much help can you?
>Thanks friend.
you don't have to say thanks, I believe you're both important to each other and you can help each other. I think he believes that too but he's going through some things right now.
>:( I wish these things wouldn't happen, it's so scary when online friends disappear because I don't know if they're hurt or busy or just bored of me. is that how you feel right now?
That's pretty much how I feel.
>I don't know, my dad says I can wait a few months before I decide. I'd like to work on my confidence first and then get a job so I can afford to go see my friends but I might just go to college or trade school instead. sorry I don't know if I said this, no ceremony but I might have a party. I don't really want one but my family is making a big deal out of this
You can always work during the summer in order to see your friends. I worked last summer and the summer before that as a dishwasher so that I could afford to visit and spend time irl with our mutual friend.
It's good to have a party - you'll look back on it fondly.
>don't worry, you'll be able to do it I think, I believe in you. you can't get much help can you?
I definitely can't get help for the work program since I'm the only programmer in the department.
>you don't have to say thanks, I believe you're both important to each other and you can help each other. I think he believes that too but he's going through some things right now.
:) I still have faith in him. It's late and the painkillers are kicking in. Thanks for talking to be buddy. Goodnight, ttyl.
>That's pretty much how I feel.
we'll both feel better soon, I promise.
>You can always work during the summer in order to see your friends. I worked last summer and the summer before that as a dishwasher so that I could afford to visit and spend time irl with our mutual friend.
It's good to have a party - you'll look back on it fondly.
I think maybe that's a good idea, if I did that I think I would be a lot closer with them. I'm afraid to have a party but yeah I think it will give me a nice memory.
>I definitely can't get help for the work program since I'm the only programmer in the department.
that's alright, you can do it!!
>:) I still have faith in him. It's late and the painkillers are kicking in. Thanks for talking to be buddy. Goodnight, ttyl.
I do too, he'll be better eventually. sorry if I seemed off today, thanks for talking to me. goodnight sleep well and have good dreams, see you soon friend.