Does anyone else here have stretchmarks? I'm a 21 year old guy (not even that obese, like 6'3, 250) and I have these stretch marks all over my abdomen. It doesn't really bother me that much but I wonder if I'm the only one. They look a bit like pic, but there's more of them and they're under my nipples too. I don't think the issues are hormonal because I have no other issues like gynecomastia, weak bones, lack of hair, high voice, small cock and balls, etc. I've read that "sudden or extreme weight loss" can cause them, but I don't think I've experienced what I would consider "extreme" gains or losses. Anyone else experience something similar?
Male stretchmarks
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Bro you're fucking fat, you get them from being fat, holy shit
I did when I was much heavier, lose wight and it'll improve.
I'm was a bit worried that the'll get worse if I lose 20 or 30 pounds. I'm not that motivated to lose weight because I'm okay with being a bigger guy but if it'll make the marks go away then I might try it.
They don't go away. You got them from being an obese fuck, and even if you lose weight, you'll just have flappy loose skin and stretch marks in a skinnier body. This is your punishment for the sin of gluttony
I mean its not much of a punishment. I'm not too bothered by them.
I have huge stretch marks down my back from growing as a teen and I'm a lanklet.
>not even that obese, like 6'3, 250
goddamn, lose some fucking weight fatty
If the picture is you then obviously then you're MORBIDLY obese. I'm a fat ass 6'0/190lb, very little stretch marks.
you can get stretchmarks when you're a teenager easily, if you grow suddenly or gain even some tiny amount of weight you will get them. I went from being a very skinny kid and gained a tiny bit of weight, nowhere near obese, and got some, not a lot but some.
but in your case op you're quite overweight, and your skin just may not be very elastic.
I might consider it. It hasn't presented any issues thus far. Girlfriends haven't cared. I kinda like being a big, tall guy.
That's interesting. How huge are they?
Picture is not me. My BMI is around 30 which is clinically Obese class 1. I don't think Morbid obesity kicks in until 40. Regardless, I'm fat and I should probably lose some weight if I want to live past 65.
I meant to ask you how huge your lanklet stretchmarks were.
The people in the thread suggesting that the stretch marks are a result of obesity have some merit. Obesity often leads to stretch marks due to the required expansion of skin to accommodate extra fat. Though, other things will affect it like if you stretch frequently and if you're exercising/weightlifting, building a lot of muscular mass, etc.
god i hate fat people. Cut the fucking mcdonalds out of your diet an get ur ass on a treadmill you lazy fucks. You can change your weight dumbfucks. You are all disgusting and i hate you
I got some marks from when I spent some time in the ward, all the medication they gave me made me put on weight. Eventually I got slimmer(chubby not fat) and the marks still remained, I don't know how to get rid of them. It doesn't bother me much and it's a constant reminder to never take weight gaining meds again, hopefully someone can share a solution to get rid of them
>Cut the fucking mcdonalds out of your diet
Maybe. McChickens are really tasty though.
>get ur ass on a treadmill
Hell no, treadmills are boring. I play tennis already, I'll just play more.
>You can change your weight dumbfucks
Didn't say that I couldn't. Just said that I'm not too upset about being a thick boy.
>You are all disgusting and i hate you
You don't even know me though.
So much anger young man
>Struggled getting the last 15lb or so of my goal weight cleared off my body for years since dropping 100+lb.
>Studied more and more about how to minimize insulin spikes and ghrelin secretion, as well as improve satiety, reducing your desire to eat frequently, thus leading to reduced caloric intake.
>Tfw you recently went from 165lb to 156.8lb earlier today, and you eat really well every day.
Feels good, anons. Not sure if I want to sit around 155lb or 150lb, but excess skin aside, I'm looking noticeably better. It's at these lower weight drops where all your finer features come into play. It's lovely to see I have such fine features that only become obscured when fat, such as hollow cheeks and a modest yet defined jawline.
I confess, my excess skin and remaining adipose fat is quite a negative presence in my enthusiasm, though. I know there are natural options such as dry fasted autophagy, but it's so minimally effective over such a long period of time that it may not make much sense in the long run. Rather rough thing for me to deal with sometimes. I try not to look at my body too much.
Thats a lot of weight loss, good for you man. How tall are you? Dropping over 100 pounds is pretty wild.
Yup, I used to be obese 6'1 260, cut to 185 and currently 205. My stretch marks are all white but I can tell where I had them
you are filth and a product of Americas gluttonous fast food Pantheon. You are like a piece of cattle to them. Get Jow Forums
shave fatcel
I believe I am about 5'9". Learning about various aspects of health and fitness has been a multi-year endeavor, which I have largely had to go through alone. I suffer from multiple chronic illnesses, but I am still trying to improve my health however I can. I've recently started fermenting foods (with plans to ferment more), and am also getting into taking CBD products to support myself in other ways, too. I am of the disposition that anyone can lose weight, but most people do not understand the basic hormonal mechanisms in their body affect them and their habits. So, most people fail because they try to run on pure willpower; an outdated and ineffective method for the majority of the populace. Anyone in this thread can lose weight if they learn how their hormones (and resulting dispositions/desires) affect and are affected by what they eat.
I am hoping to reach around 110-115lb down from my historic maximum and maintain. Perhaps increase muscle mass from there, and have a fasted lifestyle which discourages too much subcutaneous fat accumulation.
>My stretch marks are all white but I can tell where I had them
This is the same for me. I only have a few recent stretch marks due to trying out contortionist training at home for a few weeks. I can see one, maybe two which are very faintly red (and fading away quickly somehow), whereas all of the stretch marks everywhere else just look like big light thunderbolts all over my body. Low-key could sponsor Monster Energy multiple times all over myself if they were painted green.
So u are admitting I have Chad potential?
I'm not even fat and I have them on my stomach, ass, back, back of my arms, armpits, knees, chest, inner thighs, calves. My body is a giant stretchmark and it's gross. I even want to join planet fitness to use their red light therapy chamber at this point
kek, I have a six pack now and my friend thought the stretch marks on my side were scratches from an animal or something. Stretch marks only annoyed me when I was fat, once I got fit they were negligible.
>you are filth and a product of Americas gluttonous fast food Pantheon.
But I'm not American.
You seem very angry. Its not like I'm pic related, I'm just kinda fat. I can still run and play sports, I still date successfully, I can still wear the clothes I want. I drink often and I eat almost whatever i want. I haven't really encountered any negative consequences of being fat yet. I understand that I may begin to experience consequences when I'm older, but right now I'm doing pretty well.
Not to use Ad Hominem, but I get the feeling that you're a really small guy that doesn't like being smaller and shorter than the other boys. Am I correct or no?
Damn I guess thats just bad luck.
>red light therapy chamber
Is this real??
Yeah that user is probably a fellow self hating fatbot
we arent talking about me here were talking about the obesity epidemic. I am tall but yeah i am skinny with no muscle. Still better than being fat
Yea on my thighs. I am not fat(5'5 106lbs) but my thighs are where all my fat is. And they have a few stretch marks on them.
I'm not even fat but i I still have light strechmarks on my ass. Fuck, It's not fair
Yea like I'm not about fat acceptance or whatever, and I certainly don't think huge obese women look very good. Just because I don't hate myself doesn't mean that I don't recognize that I'm probably not as healthy as I could be. I'm just pretty content with how I am right now.
>I am tall but yeah I am skinny with no muscle
>You can change your weight dumbfucks
Why haven't you gotten Jow Forums yet, thinanon?
If you're a Femanon then thats pretty normal afaik. My last gf was less than 100 lbs and she had stretch lots marks on her thighs. If you're a male however, I'm sorry about your weight distribution.
Nice, what were your starting and present bf% values? I wish I could rock the "mauled by a puma and lived" look too, but I don't know how possible it is with all the excess skin I retained.
>But I'm not American.
>If you're a male however, I'm sorry about your weight distribution.
Its pretty unlucky I guess even when I worked out a lot It was never noticeable. I dunno how to fix this even if I can but its weird I have the build or a girl or so it looks like.
Damn you're a guy.
there are some pills you can take if you wanted to lean into this problem of yours
I have alot aswell, I got them when I went from underweight to high normal rate(Was still in the normal BMI range back then).
It is just an unlucky combination of gaining weight and bad skin genetics.
They will fade over time and if you ever decide to lose weight and lift weight you can either claim they come from lifting(arm and legs) or make them part of some success story about losing weight.
I've had stretch marks since I was 11
I have on my knees and hip because I went under surgery some years ago and even if I'm skinny I still have them
my entire back looks like i was whip lashed a fuckton, i'm 193 cm and i have a lot of strech marks on other body parts aswell, knees, thighs, etc.
I've been a skelly my whole life and I still got them
Shut the fuck up trendy fitfag normie. Go post another meal prep photo on Instag and talk about your gains some more
Lol soiboy
stretchmarks on my biceps from when i first started lifting weights and got some crazy noob gains. left bicep is kind of fucked up looking
I got some, maybe from a growth spurt around puberty?
I have big stretch marks on my belly from when I was 6'3 250 lbs as well
I'm 180 lbs now and lost the weight four years ago at age 19 but they haven't improved much but they didn't get worse
The purple goes away, but they become clear scars when you lose weight. They're still way less noticeable when you lose weight though unless you were extremely overweight
gain like 100 pounds user and you will be 10/10
also put on a nice mask
Same, I grew a fuckton in 6th grade and as time passed the ones on my knee got better the ones on my back got a bit worse from more growing(194cm atm), I feel kinda cool about it ngl
Yeah. I am not fat anymore but that shit is still there. Scarred for life I guess
imagine having stretch marks from being fat JAJAJAJJ
fats die god laughs
yeah i have stretch marks on my ass and thighs. im 20 and was never fat. i noticed them when i was 15, i was like 120lbs. it killed what last bit of self confidence i had before i could post pics on Jow Forums for anons to like but after seeing my marks i hate myself even more and dont want anyone to see.
killed my want to be a femboy, or at least what was left at that point.
This is me at my absolute fatests. I dropped school 2011. Dropped all contacts from friends. Started to gain rapidly. I gained probably 40kgs in a year, then some more. 2012-2015 was the absolute worst years of my life. When I took this foto, it was an ultimatum to myself. Either I lose weight or I end myself. I ended up losing 40kgs but I have since then gained 12kgs again
and yes, I have stretchmarks all over my body. Ass, under my armpits, along my arms, my thighs. It looks really bad. Don't get fat guys, You will only get miserable.
Yea I have them but I'm well aware its because I'm fat. How the fuck would hormones cause stretch marks dude.
t. Skeletor
Late response, but losing weight WILL cause more but they will eventually fade and be worth it in the long run
Idk man, they didn't fate at all for me
.t self-righteoius skelly
i got them during my puberty, i wasnt even fat. fucking sucks
P-post more pics op..
too much female hormons.
you are gay